chapter 27

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Penelope's (P.O.V.)
~~~One week later~~~

Derek, me and the babies are headed home, we pull up to the house, I hopped out and grabbed one of the baby car seats that had Steven in it, I took him inside, I sat him down in the living room. Then Derek walked in with the other two babies, he sat them next to Steven, I took Jamie out,I took my shirt off and I began to breastfeed him, he fell asleep and I sat him back into his car seat. I grabbed Steven, I began to breastfeed him, he fell asleep too, I sat him back into his car seat. "Derek can you put these two in their cribs","yeah honey I'll take them", he picked them both up carefully and headed towards their room next to ours, Derek came back down, I picked up Mariam.

I tried to breastfeed her, but she wouldn't take it, "Derek why won't she breastfeed","I don't know, I'll call Hotch and you call JJ and continue trying","ok". I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, I punched in JJ's number, *ring**ring* "hey it's JJ", "JJ do you know why Mariam isn't breastfeeding","what do you mean", "I tried to breastfeed her and she wouldn't take it","ok just wait a little bit and try again","thanks Jayge", "you're welcome call me if anything else happens","okay JJ" I hung up, then Mariam began to breastfeed. "Derek we're fine, she's breastfeeding now","really","yeah I guess she wasn't hungry then but is now","okay mama bear", "daddy bear be quiet" Mariam fell asleep like her brothers, I put my shirt on and i took her upstairs, Derek followed me into the nursery, darn you Derek can't you do anything right, they are in the wrong cribs, I handed Derek Mariam and arranged them in the right order. I took Mariam from Derek and placed her in the correct crib,I turned the baby monitor in their room on, Derek and I walked back downstairs and i turned on the other baby monitor. I sat down on the couch, "Derek thank you","for what baby","for blessing me with 3 beautiful babies", "same here" I yawned, "Penelope if you are tired you can go to sleep","no I have to stay awake".

Derek's (P.O.V.)

I kissed her on the forehead. I picked her up and took her upstairs to our bedroom, I laid her down on the bed, "stay and get some sleep", I went back downstairs. I grabbed the baby monitor and took it into the kitchen with me, I sat it down on the counter, I went to the fridge and began to rummage for some thing to cook, I grabbed some hamburger meat and sat it out to defrost, I went to the cabinets and began my search for spaghetti noodles and tomato sauce. I found some, I grabbed a pot and filled it with some water, I sat it down on the stove and put the noodles into the water. I grabbed the defrosted meat, I grabbed a pan and put some olive oil in it. I finished cooking and had everything sat down cooling off, I heard a baby cry, I ran up the stairs to the babies' room, Jamie was crying, I picked him up and cradled him in my arms, within minutes he fell back asleep, I sat him back down. I walked out of their room to see Penelope, I shut the door, "hey baby girl", "hey Derbear", "I made you dinner", "oh really what did you make", "i made you your favorite, spaghetti"," oh gosh really, this is why I love you", "come on let's eat", we walked downstairs to the kitchen. I made Penelope a plate and handed it to her, then I made myself a plate and we both sat down at the kitchen table. We both hurried up and ate our food, we both finished eating and sat our dishes in the sink, not bothering to wash them. Penny and I went to our bedroom, taking the baby monitor with us, we both fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

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