chapter 20

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Derek's (P.O.V.)

Penelope and I are headed to her apartment to pack her things, we pull up to her apartment and we got out with boxes. We walked up to her apartment and went inside, we started packing up the bedroom first, I took the duty of packing her clothes. It took us a hour to pack up the bedroom and now we were packing the bathroom, she started packing her makeup and I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water out of the fridge, I went back into the bathroom and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey baby girl remember what happened in that tub our first time","of course I do I also remember the part of me getting attacked by Lynch","sweetie he is in jail he can't get you and if he breaks out he can't get you I will always protect you always","thank you boo","for what", "for being my sworn protector","of course". We finished the bathroom in about a hour and a half, then we were tackling the living room, "baby what do you want to do with your furniture","I don't know", "ok we'll decide later","okay". Then Penny's phone started going off.

Penelope's (P.O.V.)

I grabbed my phone and answered, "Penelope here who is this","Hi you probably don't remember me but this is Chelsea from the old hacking years" ,"oh God hey Chelsea how long has it been about 10 years","yeah about so I wanted to know if I coul..", then I heard her scream, "Chelsea, Chelsea". I ran to my computer and tracked her cell, it was tracked to Quantico, Virginia . "Baby girl what is it","I don't know but you are coming with me", I ran to my car and Derek got into the passenger side, I drove to the location. I pulled up to the location and quickly told Derek what happened and he got his gun, We jumped out and I saw Chelsea laying on the ground all beaten up and bruised, I ran to her and check her pulse, "Derek look around", "sure", I stayed and looked after Chelsea. Derek came back and picked her up, sat her in the car, I got in beside her. Derek hopped into the front seat and drive us home, we pulled up to my apartment, he picked up Chelsea and I ran ahead and opened the door. Derek layed her on the couch, I ran to one of the boxes and grabbed a wash clothed, I soaked it with warm water and started cleaning Chelsea's cuts and bruises. I finished cleaning her and grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up.

Chelsea 's (P.O.V.)

I woke up to see a super sexy dude in front of me, "please don't hurt me"," I'm not going to hurt you, hey baby girl she's awake", then I heard Penelope, "really", she ran in, "hey Penny nice to see you","you too but are you okay?","oh I'm fine","what happened","uh can we talk in private I don't trust eyebrows over there", she laughed and told him to leave, "Derek can you give us a minute","yeah", he kissed her and left. "Ooh Penelope got herself a hunk","oh him he's a big softy"," sure he is, does he have abs","of course now tell me what happened","I hardly remember but I'll tell you what I do so I was talking to you on the phone and this dude came up behind me and yanked me into an alley and he... He","you don't have to tell me","I can do it he got a knife and started cutting my arms and he grabbed a pole and started to beat me","so he didn't sexually assault you","no I guess he didn't like the way I looked","sweetie I know this we are going to find this son of a bitch", "how","I'm in the FBI I can do anything I want",then I heard Derek yell,"yes she can, shit", Penny and I busted out laughing he came back in. "so eyebrows when did you two start going out","we started going out about a week","really","how long have y'all know each other","eight years","really dude","what","nothing". "Well I should be going", I got up and started walking to the door when my legs went numb and I nearly fell, but Derek grabbed me before I did. I looked into his chocolate Brown eyes, I looked away and said "thanks Derek", he helped me onto the couch, "wait so I'm no longer eyebrows","no cause you and Penny are going out not me I don't want to be a intrusion", Penelope said," Chelsea what brings you up anyways","oh yeah I just needed to get away from my boyfriend he is abusive and a dick", "do you have somewhere to stay for the night","no I was going to stay the night in a hotel or something". "No you are staying with us come on", "okay" I got up and nearly fell again but Derek caught me again, "thanks again Derek","again no prob I'm here to catch the damsel in distress",then Penelope said "Derek I think you might have to carry Chelsea","ok", then he lifted me up and carried me to his car, then we drove to their house.

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