chapter 11

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Derek's (P.O.V.)

Penelope,my mom, Desiree, Sarah and I are headed to my house for some quality time together. We have the whole week off and we are all going to meet up at 9:00 at the bar 2 blocks over. We just pulled up to my house I got Penelope out of the car first, my sisters were so jealous then I got my mom out and left with the two I got out, my sisters came running towards me but I didn't care, I put my arm around Penelope's waist and pulled her real close to me. I opened the door and everyone went into the living room while I went to the kitchen to get drinks "hey baby girl what do you want to drink","oh wait give me a second I'll help you","ok". I got coke for Sarah, diet Dr.pepper for mom and Desiree a water. Penelope walks in she walks up to me and grabs the drinks out of my hand and set them down, she put her hands around my neck and I kissed her for so long it felt like a forever until I hear Desiree giggling and I broke the kiss. I gave Des her drink and told her to run along, I grabbed Sarah's and moms drinks and I gave it to them, I walked back into the kitchen to see Penelope holding me a beer and herself a water.I take my beer from her and she walks into the living room, I grab a hand towel just in case of a spill, I walk into the living room to see there is no where to sit. I am about to sit on the floor when Penelope jumps up and drags me to her seat "sit","fine" she sits on my lap and I get a look from sarah. "So mom how's everything going at home","getting better but let's not talk about us we want to hear you two","uh Penelope help","we are doing perfectly fine", Sarah jumps into the conversation "have you had sex yet","SARAH" I yell. "Sorry I want to know, was it good","oh my God Sarah fine I give in yes we have had sex and yes I enjoyed it", with that Penelope ran out of the room her face seriously pink,"baby girl did you seriously have to say that","no I didn't have to I just wanted to tell them",she says bouncing her eyebrows. I grab Penelope and kiss her she brakes the kiss I put her on the counter, she puts her legs around me I grab her back and pull her into me then mom says "making me some grandbabies already huh?","uh sorry we have 8 years to make up for", "Derek she is your mother", Penelope hits my arm, mom giggles. We all head back to the living room and just talk.

8:25 in the pm

We have 35 minutes to get ready, mom is ready and i am too, but Des, Sarah, and penny are still getting ready. I walk into the bathroom to see penny and Sarah applying lip stick I snuck behind Penelope and wrapped my arms around her and muzzled my face into her perfectly soft neck, Sarah and her giggled "Derek I'll be done in a minute get off","but you look so good", I gave Sarah 'the get your ass out of here' face, Sarah scampered out "alone at last","not really I can hear your sisters outside the door, I can hear you GUYS", then I hear rumbling outside and crashing. I chuckled, she turned around and put her hand on my chest. "Derek can you wait until the night is over","fine I just can't help it You kill me inside you always look so hot I could devour you","well if you wait until the night is over with I'll let you" I hear Desiree giggle I leave Penelope and open the door. "Babe I'll be right back I have to deal with a rat","ok baby boy", I run after Des yelling "you conniving little rat get back here",I caught her "ooh you are so nasty ","I know but you are too you were listening in on my adult conversation","hey don't make me get mom","what are you 12", I let go of her and said "don't listen in on my conversations". I leave and head out the door to my car.

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