Memories and Happy Endings pt2

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I promised a happy ending didn't I? Y'all should have more faith. I actually had this part already planned out but I thought it'd be fun to see your reactions! Enjoy xo


The next few hours were a blur to Lauren. She picked up her girlfriend bridal style and got Dinah to drive them herself to the hospital. In the car, Lauren couldn't stop thinking about their life. What if something happened to her or the baby? She couldn't think about that right now. She couldn't. Lauren kept crying silently and holding her pregnant girlfriend.

"Lauren can you come here please?" Camila yelled. Lauren paused her game and walked upstairs. "Yeah babe?" Camila simply handed her a gift bag and smiled. "What's this?" Lauren asked curiously. She wasn't a big fan of presents but opened it anyway. She rolled her eyes at the amount of ripped paper there was. She was starting to think there was nothing in there and Camila was just messing with her. Lauren was about to give up when she felt fabric. She pulled it out and it was a onesie. A very small and tiny onesie. She turned it over and read the front - 'I love my mommies' Lauren was frowning her eyebrows but quickly put the pieces together. "Are you...?" Camila nodded with a huge smile on her face. "But the doctor said..-" she stuttered, "the doctor was wrong, I'm pregnant!" Lauren dropped the item and picked up her girlfriend, spinning her around and kissing her passionately. "We're having a baby..." she whispered.

"We're having a baby.." Lauren whispered to her unconscious girlfriend. "Please don't go anywhere," she cried.

They arrived at the hospital and Lauren carried Camila inside. She called out for help and the receptionist quickly called two doctors. They placed the girl on a stretcher and took her to an operating room, telling Lauren that they would speak to her soon. Lauren nodded and stayed put.

A few minutes later the rest of their friends arrived, hugging Lauren and telling her that Camila would be ok. She wanted to believe them, she really did. She was so glad she had friends like hers to be here for her when needed.

"Wait so, how did this happen exactly?" the blonde girl asked the couple in front of her. "Ally, I know you're as straight as they come and all, but lesbians can have babies you know.." Dinah replied with a laugh, causing everybody else to laugh along. "I know that! But like...neither of you have a penis did it come about?" she blushed. The couple decided to put her out of her misery. "Shawn helped us out. He and Camila were family friends for years and when she told him that we were looking for sperm donors he offered." Lauren explained. "Yeah, I didn't exactly want to have a stranger's spunk inside me so I thought it'd be better if it was someone we already knew. We knew what he looked like and he was a good guy - never smoked or drank and his family's all really nice, so we thought why not!" Camila finished. "And that kids, is how babies are made," Normani mocked, laughing with Dinah. They all hugged the two girls and kept congratulating them on the baby.

"Thank you for being here." The girls nodded, "of course, Lo, we always will be, you know that." Normani replied.

Another few hours had passed and Lauren was alone in the waiting room. She was sat on the floor, playing with the black velvet box. Her hands were covered in dry blood from holding Camila. "Is that what I think it is?" Dinah asked. "I've been carrying this in my pocket for months, waiting for the right time to ask her but I never found it." Lauren whispered. She couldn't talk in her normal voice, afraid she would crumble in tears all over again. Dinah hugged the girl, letting her cry on her shoulder. "I can't lose her," Lauren whispered. Dinah nodded.

The doctor came out and told the girls they could wait in the operating theater waiting room. They nodded and all made their way there. The room was small and had about five chairs and one large clear window overlooking the operation suite. Lauren almost lost it at the sight of her girlfriend lying on the big bed with tubes inside her mouth and a yellowish liquid covering the skin on her stomach. She turned at the sound of a door opening.

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