Chapter Three: Meeting the "Gang"

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Once in the car, I take out my jewelry box that I keep in my car at all time to assure that I always have extra spelled Lapis Lazuli items. I take off my Mother's necklace and put on my heart one with a Lapis Lazuli in the center. I also change my ring and put on my oval one. I finally put on my Lapis bracelet.

I hand Ang my jewelry box for her to find some jewelry to put on. She takes off her other jewelry and puts in blue teardrop earrings and a silver band ring with a blue stone in the middle. The last item she adds is a silver heart necklace with vervain in it.

I let Angela use her magic to do something with our hair. My hair is in a messy curly updo. Angela's is like mine only in a neater style.

I don't use my magic because it drains my energy; even though I am as strong as the original witch.

I turn on the car and we drive to The Mystic Grill. I park the car and we get out and go inside. The Grill is packed with people. We walk over to the bar where I see a sandy blonde haired bartender.

"What can I get you, pretty ladies?" Blondie asks.

"Two Martinis, and your name," I say using my charm.

"I'm going to need to see some ID's and the names, Matt."

"Well Matt, you see you're going to get our drinks," I compel him. He nods and goes to make our drinks.

I look over at Angela who has a more than displeased look on her face. "Did you really have to compel him? I mean would have been fine with a soda," she whispers yells.

"Oh calm down. At least I didn't ask him to bleed into mine, which reminds me I do need to feed," I say before swiftly leaving the bar to find myself easy prey.

I find my prey, a tall businessman and compel him. I feed till he almost passes out. Once done, I go back over to Angela. She gives me her look of disapproval. As I sit down, I look at the raven-haired man with icy blue eyes who sits down beside me.

"Don't you think you're a little young to be drinking?" Raven haired man asks.

"I'm older than you think so no, I don't think I'm too young to drink," I say after noticing his ring.

"Damon Salvatore, hottest guy in Mystic Falls," Damon says while holding out his hand for me to shake. "Isabel Ova, new to town and on a mission. This is Angela my... sister," I lie for our safety after seeing the Lapis Lazuli ring on his finger. Of course, he just has to be a vampire.

"I would say it was a pleasure meeting you, but that would be a lie. You seem familiar though..." Angela says while looking in between Damon and myself.

Before Damon can say anything, I throw a twenty on the and grab Angela's wrist.

"Anyway, as fun as this was I believe that we have to head to the school. With us being new and all," I say while practically dragging Ang out of the building.

I pull Angela to the grill entrance and out the door. I walk till I'm sure we're far enough away to where Damon won't be able to hear us.

"Angela, what the actual hell was that? Did you not see that he was a Vampire? I mean seriously, I was lying to him to protect your ass. If he finds out who I really am, we will both be toast," I scream.

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