Chapter Thirty: Lets Run

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A week after Anna showed up, we left to gather witnesses. The boarding house is filled to the max as is the Mikaelson mansion.

Nik and I walk through the woods. I need to be away from all the Supernaturals that are around.

"Love are you okay?" Nik asks lovingly.

"I just needed to get away from everyone. My magic was being overstimulated from all the energy coming from them."

He pulls me into his side and we stroll over to a fallen tree. Nik sits down and pulls me onto his lap. He nuzzles my neck affectionately.

"Love, I can feel your wolf. I haven't been able to before. Why do you think that is?"

I look at him in confusion. My wolf side is still dormant. I may be over one hundred years old, but I have never taken a life.

"I haven't triggered the curse. Maybe it's because I've been around a lot of supernaturals lately and it's causing my wolf to move forward to protect the ones I love. Maybe I don't need to trigger the curse, maybe I can just change at will. I've never tried."

I was born to a Vampire mother and a human father, yet fate wanted me to be all three supernatural creatures. Who's to say I can't shift at will?

He nuzzles his face into my neck. I hear a soft growl come from him. I calm down instantly. I feel something change within me. My inner wolf whimpers.

"Love, let your wolf free. We'll go on a run. It will be painful at first since you haven't turned before, but once it's over you will feel amazing. There is nothing like it."

I get up off of his lap and walk a little away from him. He watches as I let my instincts take over. My wolf moves forward. My bones snap and crack. I fall to the ground yelling out in pain. Nik comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder. He whispers sweet nothings as my bones break and reform. Each one as painful as the last.

Fur starts to form on my hands. I look around after my transformation is complete. I whine and walk towards Nik. He bends down and scratches behind my pointy ears which flatten against my head.

"Your wolf is beautiful love," he says with a smile.

I lick his hand when it's close to my snout. He retracts his hand and looks at me with confusion.

"Why did you lick me?"

I only give him a wolfy grin. He shakes his head and transforms into his own wolf. He broke his curse using a potion I made to save Elena. He has been much happier since breaking it."

We take off farther into the woods. I run past Nik and turn my head slightly to look at him.

He catches up to me and bumps into my side lightly. We both tumble down a hill and land in a meadow. I look at him with a look of hunger. He comes towards me and nuzzles his snout into my neck. He lightly bites into it causing me to let out a whine. Always has to show his dominance doesn't he. His eyes darken from their amber color into an almost brown.

A sudden heat runs through my body. Nik smells the air. I whine again and move my body uncomfortably. Nik shifts back into his human form. He rushes over to me and runs his fingers down my back.

"Love shift back for me. You shifting has caused you to go into heat. I'll take us someplace private until it's over." He whispers in my ear.

I let myself shift back into my human form.

"Nik help me," I cry out.

"I will Little wolf, I will." He whispers and picks me up taking me god knows where.

Isabel PetrovaWhere stories live. Discover now