Chapter Thirteen I thought you were my friend!

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I flash into the living room of our apartment. Angela and the rest of the gang let out a surprised gasp. I look at them with a 'what' look.

"Care to explain why you're wearing a pair of boxers and an oversized long sleeve shirt?" Caroline asks with a smirk.

"Shut it Blondie. Where I have and haven't been, is none of your concern."

She looks appalled for my nickname for her.

"You and Damon are exactly the same. You both call me Blondie."

I giggle a little before answering, "Well Care, I used that because it was the first thing that popped into my head. As for being like my father, I would like to object to that statement."

She looks like she's about to argue but Bonnie interrupts.

"Guys, we have much more important things than this."

"Why? What happened? Who died?" I ask with all seriousness.

I look at Angela and she gives me the, we are talking after they leave look. I only shrug in response. The last time she gave me that look was after she found out about what the Cullen's really were and James' attack. She forced me to tell her what really happened. I tried my best to keep her from finding out, but couldn't due to her using her own witchy magic on me.

"Well, nothing really happened other than that we have to worry about keeping the word of the Doppelganger as quiet as possible. And then we have the whole Klaus thing. Let's go to the boarding house and talk about this with Damon," Stefan says walking towards the door.

"We'll meet you there. I would like to have a word with Isa."

He nods and walks out the door with Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline. The door closes and Angela drags me to the couch. sitting down I let out a sigh.

"Why the hell did you not tell me that the "friend" you were staying with happened to be one of your kidnappers and an Original?"

"I didn't want you to freak out and you don't know the full story about how I ended up with him in the first place!" I yell annoyed by why she has to question me on this.

I can't believe that my best friend in the whole world would use magic to figure out who and where I was staying. I trusted her to not do it and yet she still did.

"Then explain because we are not leaving this house till you tell me."

"I will tell you when I'm ready. A lot has happened over the past few weeks and I was stressed so pardon me if I wanted to hang out with Elijah."

I get up and walk to the door. I look over and yell "I thought you were my friend Angela," I slam the door and run to the Salvatore house.

Tears stream down my face by the time I get there. I Knock on the door and my father answers it.

"Isabel, what's wrong?"

My only response is to launch myself into his arms. He pulls me into his embrace and just lets me cry it out. I think about all the fun Angela and I have had over the years and how we have never had a fight like we did today. Granted I was overreacting but still. I didn't mean to blow up on her, I've just been stressed and I finally just let out all my pent-up anger and frustration.

"Angela and I just had our first real fight. She was just questioning me on where I was last night and said we weren't leaving the house till I told her everything and I just kinda blew up."

He lets out a sigh and leads me into the foyer where he sits me down on the couch with him.

"This isn't my area of expertise but I'm sure you guys will make-up and all will go back to the way it was before. Just give her some time to calm down."

"Thanks, Dad, that made me feel better. I think I'm just going to let her have the rest of the day for herself and then we can talk it out tomorrow." 

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