Chapter Twenty-Nine: Training

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Angela's POV

Anna flashes us to an open field somewhere. I look at my surroundings. To my left is a table with different types of weapons on it. To my right, there is a group of people I don't know.

"Anna, where are we?"

The angel looks at me with a smirk.

"Welcome to Heaven. Humans can't usually enter unless they are dead but I've been granted special permission to bring you here."

The other angels move closer to us. They almost seem to be floating. I still can't see their wings.

"Okay, but why am I here?"

"You must be trained to be a protector. It will require a lot of work because you have the most powerful Triad as your charges."

Anna goes to the table and picks up two small swords of some sort. She walks back over to me her red hair blowing behind her. She hands me the sword and I take it gingerly.

I'm not the type of person who likes violence. I've always been the girl that tries to talk down a situation.

"This is Angel Blade. It kills us. You will be learning to use this on these rogue angels." She says pointing towards the other angels with us.

I look at the silver blade in my hand with wonder. This can kill angels but what's the point in learning to use it if I'm going to be protecting Vampires and the Pureblood.

I voice my confusion. "Anna, how is this going to help me with protecting Isa and her mates?"

The angel looks at me with annoyance.

Well, I'm sorry that not everyone knows everything about Angels.

"The blade kills all supernatural creatures. All protectors receive one. They are only called angel blades because we are the only ones who can make them. It's time we learn to fight yes?"

I nod my head and she leads me into the middle of the field.


I look at all the dead angels on the ground around me, there is smoke and outlines of wings scorched into the once green grass.

I look at Anna with pain on my face. I never wanted to be a killer. I'm a Witch and we are supposed to protect nature not destroy it.

"I didn't want to do this! Why would you make me do this?" I say breaking down from the guilt.

I fall on my knees with tears staining my cheeks.

She doesn't answer me. I'm flashed back into the living room of the boarding house. I look around for Anna but she's not here.

I let out an aggravated sigh. Stefan walks into the room and jumps.

"When did you get back Angela and why are you here and not at your own house?"

My only response is to launch myself into his arms. He pulls me into his chest stroking my hair.

"Sh... calm down. What happened while you were with Anna?"

He pulls me over to sit on the couch. I sit beside him looking at the ground.

"She taught me how to fight and protect. I killed about two dozen angels for my training. It was awful. I'm not a killer Stefan," I cry.

He lifts my chin to look at him. I cast my eyes downward and he squeezes my jaw lightly. I look him in the eyes. He pulls the necklace off my neck and throws it.

"Angela listen to me. The guilt that's eating you isn't there. You will remember nothing but that you now have the skills you need to protect your charges." He compels me.

"I remember nothing but that I now have the skills to protect Isa and her mates."

He looks me in the eyes once more.

"Now sleep." 

Isabel PetrovaWhere stories live. Discover now