Chapter Eight: Feelings

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"Well let's just say I have a heart compared to the others, plus I knew that you weren't really dead

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"Well let's just say I have a heart compared to the others, plus I knew that you weren't really dead. Now, you need to feed and I'm the closest thing to a human at the moment," I explain offering my wrist.

"I'll be fine for now. I don't want to hurt you. I don't know why but I have this urge to hold you close and never let go."

"Elijah please, you need to feed. I promise I'll stop you if I'm in pain. You're the only one I trust to feed off me. Please, it will make me happy." I say using my knowledge to try and convince him. If he really is my mate, he will do it.

Elijah gets up slowly and comes over to me. He sits down next to me on the stairs.

"Where do you want me to feed from?" He asks looking at me.

"Wherever you want or feel comfortable. I don't care."

"May I feed from your neck?" I nod my head in response and lean my neck to the side to expose more of it.

He gently brushes the hair away from my neck and leans down. Before he bites me, he kisses the skin which causes my body to shiver with pleasure. He lets his teeth sink into the skin. I have to hold back a moan of pleasure from him drinking from me.

Vampires sharing their blood among others is extremely intimate. So with me sharing my blood with Elijah, it will cause both of us immense pleasure.

Elijah removes his fangs from my neck and kisses it.

"Feeling better?" I ask huskily.

"Much better, thank you. You know I didn't catch your name."

"It's Isabel Petrova Salvatore," I respond quickly.

Elijah stares at my lips and we both start to lean in. Elijah's lips touch mine and it's like fireworks go off. The kiss is filled with a sort of hunger. We break the kiss and Elijah rest his forehead against mine.

"Wow, that was amazing. Kind of a spur of the moment, but amazing."

He smiles and pulls me into his embrace. I'm positive I'm his mate now. It will probably be a while before I tell him though. If he doesn't figure it out himself. He probably just thinks it's from him feeding on me.

"Come on, let's get out of here. I'm sure that your friends are probably wondering where you are," Elijah says helping me stand up.

"Will I see you again?"

"You will be seeing me soon enough. But if you really want to stay in contact, give me your phone and I will put my number in it," I hand him my phone. He quickly puts the number in.

We walk out of the door and to his 2010 Lincoln MKZ. What I know a good car when I see one. He opens my door before returning to the driver's seat. As soon as he gets in the car, I grab the hand he's not using to drive and hold it playing with his long fingers, needing to feel the skin to skin contact.

Every once in a while I can feel him looking at me. I feel his gaze cast upon me again. I look at him this time and see him smiling at me.

"What?" I ask blushing slightly.

"Nothing. Actually no I don't know why I know, I only just met you, but I feel like I'm already falling for you. I can see that you feel the same way."

I let a small smile make it on my face. I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean into Elijah.

"Yes I do feel the same, but I want to take things slow. Elijah, I do know one thing though, these feeling we have will only grow and will lead to a pull being formed and we will never want to be apart. Well, that's what the ancestors have been saying to me." I lie slightly about the ancestors.

He pulls the car off the road and into a parking lot. He moves me onto his lap so I'm straddling him. I rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"So what you're saying is that you're my soulmate?" He asks smoothing my hair down.

I nod my head not removing it from his neck. I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"I wasn't positive till you kissed me. That's when I first noticed the bond start to form. I was scared to say anything in case you didn't feel the same way."

"Sweetheart, never be afraid to tell me what you feel or what you're thinking. I'm here for you," Elijah says lifting my chin to look at him.

I stare into his eyes and kiss him. Elijah licks my lips asking for entrance. I let him and our tongues battle for dominance. Things get heated and I pull back catching my breath.

"I should go. I'll see you later. Please try not to kill any of my friends unless absolutely necessary," I say getting off Elijah's lap and getting out of the car.

"Of course Sweetheart, be careful."

I walk away from the car and head towards the apartment we are renting.

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