Chapter Eleven: Spending the Night with Elijah

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Calming down only slightly from sending my final messages to the Cullen's, I realize that I've been out in the woods for almost two hours.

Deciding that I want to wait until my bloodshot eyes go away before returning to the apartment, I sit by the falls as the rain pours down. I become soaked in a matter of seconds. My phone starts ringing, I grab it quickly hoping it was one of the Cullen's. Looking at the screen I see it's Elijah.

"Hi Elijah, what's up?" I ask with my voice cracking.

"Sweetheart, are you okay? You sound like you've been crying."

Was it really that obvious?

"I don't know. I was just taking care of loose ends from my past. It's just this loose end was the closest thing to a family I've had until recently."

"You want to talk about it? What happened that you would need to tie up loose ends?" He asks concerned.

"I would prefer not to tell you over the phone, but I feel it's the only possible thing at the moment. I'm sorta lying by the falls in the middle of the woods in the rain."

"Why are you in the woods? I'll come to you and then we can talk if you would like. Or I can come and get you and take you to my place for the evening."

I take a deep breathe and think about my options before answering. On the one hand, I can get out of the rain and stay with my mate for the night. On the other hand, I could talk to Elijah out in the middle of the woods and get soaked and have to go back to the apartment and explain to Angela why I left abruptly.

"I would love to go back to your place. It saves me some time to figure out how I'm going to explain all of this to my best friend. I'm located at one of the falls right outside of Mystic Falls. You should be able to find me pretty easy. I should probably call my friend before she sends a search party for me. I'll see you soon."

"I'll see you soon Sweetheart. Take care of the situation with your friend," Elijah says and hangs up.

I quickly call Angela and wait for her to pick up. She answers after the third ring.

"Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick! Do you have any idea what time it is?" She screams.

Always trying to be my mother. I love her but she's too much at times.

"Angie, calm down. I'm fine and I'm staying with a friend from my childhood tonight. Please just don't look for me till tomorrow. You know I can tell when you do magic."

"So you weren't kidnapped again? Okay well, I promise not to look for you. Please be careful. Love you, Isa. Bye," with that she hangs up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and feel my surroundings. I feel Elijah before I see him. He's still about a mile away.

I wipe my eyes and pull my hair up into a messy bun since it's soaked. After pulling my hair into a messy bun I step away from the falls and try to find a dry place to stand.

I walk a little while away from the falls and under a canopy of trees where the rain is not coming through. Standing there, I pull out my phone to check the time. Looking down at it, I see I have a message from an unknown number. I will check it later knowing it is probably a random person with the wrong number.

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