Chapter Twelve: Witchy Power

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I wake with a start. I sit up and run my hand through my raven black hair. What the actual hell did that dream mean? It had to of been one of my witchy dreams that my ancestors showed to warn me.

Noticing the absence of my body heat, Elijah wakes up.

"You okay Sweetheart?"

"I'm not sure, this dream was different from my normal dreams. I think my ancestors are trying to warn me. Dear god, this can not be good. I need a piece of paper and a pen," I state in a slight panic.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Slow down there tiger. What exactly did you see in your dream? Who was there? What was going on? Describe it to me. Then you can get paper," Elijah says trying to get me to calm down before I send myself into a panic attack.

I take a deep breath and go over to Elijah and straddle him. He places his hands on my hips.

I run him through the dream, explaining things to him to the best of my abilities. Throughout the story, Elijah would kiss the top of my head or rub his thumb across bare my hip bone.

"Now I need to get paper and sketch out pictures of the people and scenes," I get off of Elijah and go into the foyer.

I feel a set of eyes on me and turn to the couch.

"Morning Jonas, do you happen to have an empty sketchbook?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

I look down at myself and see I'm still in Lijah's clothes.

"Get over it Joans. It's not like you have never seen legs before. Now about that sketchbook."

"Second shelf on the bookcase. Pencils are on the desk."

I walk over to the desk, grab pencils and charcoal, then get a sketchbook.

"Thank you, Dr. Martin."

Walking back to the bedroom, I walk over to the bed and sit with Elijah. I open the sketchbook and start sketching the scene.

I sketch the Volturi first. Then I sketch the person beside Elijah and me.

"That's my brother. Why would he be helping us?"

"Wait, your brother? From the dream, I was both of your mates. How is it even possible for me to have two mates?" I question.

"I don't know, but my brother is not the kindest person in the world. I know that he is going to fight with me but I'm sure we will work it out."

"Where is your brother? No one ever can find him. There were more people in the scene. They are the Cullen's. I won't draw them because I already have pictures of them. They're in a file at my place."

I say leaning into Elijah. He kisses the top of my head.

"My brother, he isn't really hard to find if you know him well. I'm sure you could probably feel the connection to him if you tried hard enough."

I look at him like he's gone crazy. You can't feel the mate bond if you don't meet the person. Shouldn't he already know that?

I voice my conclusion. "Lijah, you can't feel the mate bond until you meet the person."

"But we are a special case. You shouldn't have two mates, yet you do. Just try."

I let a sigh and start concentrating on my surroundings. I decide to use a little magic too and try to do a locating spell off of Elijah since he is Klaus' half-brother.

As the magic starts working I feel a slight pull. I'm trying to envision where it is on a map.

"He's in England somewhere."

"England? You sure? I only thought you would be able to feel the bond not locate him."

"I used some magic to do a locating spell off of you. That's how I located him after feeling the bond," I explain.

He looks down at me and shakes his head. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Hey, you didn't say I couldn't use magic. How are we getting your brother here?"

"He will come once he gets news of a Petrova doppelganger around. That's when you will show yourself to him. I have something for Elena, a potion I was going to give your mother before she decided to off herself and turn into a Vampire. It will keep her human and alive after the ritual," Lijah states with a sort of hooded expression.

I get up off the bed and stretch and stretch like a cat, my joints making soft popping sounds.

"I need to get back to my place. I will see you later," I say hugging him.

He walks me to the door and out of the apartment.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?"

"Ya, I'm sure. I'm just going to flash there anyway," I let my power flow and disappear into thin air.

 I'm just going to flash there anyway," I let my power flow and disappear into thin air

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