Chapter Thirty-Two: After Effects

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I wake in a large bed in what appears to be a cabin. I smile as I remember what happened last night.

Beside me, Nik's soft snores fill my ears. I roll onto my side and look at him. He looks peaceful when he sleeps. Like all the stress he is under just disappears.

I reach out my hand and gently rub my thumb across his cheek. His face scrunches slightly before his eyes pop open. He turns his head slightly to the left and looks at me.

"Good morning Love. How do you feel? I didn't hurt you did I?"

I smile and move to lay my head on his bare chest. He pulls the sheet up to over my shoulders when I let out a small shiver.

"No, you didn't hurt me. I actually feel much better than I have the past few days.

"No more dire need to escape from all our supernatural allies?"

I chuckle and shake my head. Nik runs his hand through my hair.

"Your wolf is very beautiful Love. It's a very pretty silver fur with dark black specks through it. Can I assume you feel much more in tune with yourself now?"

"Ya it's like– I don't even know how to describe it. It almost feels like a weight has been taken off my shoulders." I explain.

Nik sits up bringing me with him. He kisses my neck before moving to my lips. I turn to straddle him. My phone rings from over on the desk in the room.

"Leave it," he says huskily.

It stops ringing only to start right back up. I peck Nik on the lips once more before getting up off the bed bringing the white sheet with me.

I look at the caller ID.

"Good morning Lijah," I say cheerily.

"Good morning sweetheart. Are you feeling better?" He asks.


I move back over to the bed and put the phone on speaker knowing Nik can hear it anyway.

"Elskling, I don't want to interrupt your time with my brother, but you really need to come back to our house."

"What? Elijah, what's happened?" Nik asks.

I bring the covers back over both of us as I sit down.

"Some of our Cold One guests have decided that the locals make a good source of food. Sheriff Forbes is getting suspicious."

I let out a sigh and fall against the pillows. Nik looks at me with a smirk. I throw a pillow at his head.

"Really Love?"

My response is to throw another one at him.

"Lijah, can you give the phone to either Jasper or Peter please. Preferably Peter."

I hear shuffling in the background.

"Ah, Lil' bit how were your adventures in wolfy sex? You used protection right?"

"Shut the hell up Peter! My sex life is none of your concern! Now, please tell me why the hell human drinking Cold Ones are eating the townspeople! You know the rules!"

I hear someone get hit and Peter groans. I grin knowing Char or Jasper slapped him

"Really woman that hurt."

"I told you to get rid of the ones that broke the rules! Why are they still here?" Char yells.

I smirk, "Thanks Char, saved me the trouble of having to do that when I get back."

"Sure thing sweets. I promise they will be gone by the time you get back. Oh and has any sort of mark appeared on your shoulder now that you shifted for the first time?"

I look at Nik who inspects my shoulder. He lets out a small gasp.

"Ya, it's there Charlotte. It's a crescent moon shaped mark." Nik states as he traces it.

"Keep that covered at all times. Peter said that's very important."

Nik continues to trace the mark with one of his fingers. I lean into his side.

"Any idea why that is babycakes?" I ask hoping it's not really bad.

"Nope, not yet Lil' bit," Peter says having taken the phone from Char.

"Great. Thanks, Pirate Pete!" I say in a sing-song voice.

Nik laughs and Peter growls.

"Please never call me that again!"

"Sure thing Pirate Pete," I say and hang up while giggling.

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