Chapter Thirty-Seven: Thank You for Everything

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It's over. I'm safe, my family is safe. The threat has been dealt with and I'm safe. We're safe.

My brain keeps these thoughts running the entire way back to the mansion. My mates' grips are tight on my hands. The fear still running through all of us.

After Vladimir and Stefan left, everyone started to make their way back to the mansion. Everyone's silent not believing that the Volturi gave in so easily. Whatever Angela showed Aro must have really shaken him.

"I can't believe this is over. It's just..." I whisper knowing my boys will here me. "They have to be planning something else."

"I know, it seems almost to easy how they gave up." Lijah states.

We reach the mansion and see that the wolf pack and Cullen's are waiting outside. The Whitlock clan stands off to the side. Everyone else left after the battle.

"I want to thank all of you for protecting me and mine. I know it has been a stressful couple of months." I look at the group. "I'm sorry Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett. I wish that it didn't have to end the way it did, but I will not apologize for my involvement in it. He was the one at fault for all of this."

Carlisle and Esme move closer to me. Esme wraps me in her cold embrace, while Carlisle places a hand on my shoulder.

"Dear, you did what you had to. He may have been my first companion but he made his own bed when he went to the Volturi."

I nod and the two let go of me. I motion for all of them to come inside. "While some of you have extremely warm bodies and or don't feel temperature the same, I am freezing. Let's go inside."

We gather in the sitting room, I have a mug of hot cocoa and am sitting on Lijah's lap. The wolves are sitting on the floor, and the Cullen's occupy the other couches. Dad and Uncle Stefan stand by the fireplace.

"So what are you going to do now that this is over?" Dad asks.

"We're taking Isa on a nice long vacation. She needs time to relax. We will go anywhere Isa wants." Nik states coming in with a blanket.

He drapes the blanket over my legs and kisses my forehead. I smile and lean farther into Lijah taking a sip of my hot cocoa.

"I guess this will be goodbye then. As much as we would love to stay longer, I believe we have somethings to get in order for our relocation. We won't be able to go back to Forks now."

I look at Carlisle and the rest of the Cullen's. My smile stays on my face. "This isn't goodbye, it's until we see each other again. Carlisle, promise me that all of you will keep in contact. I can't lose you all over again."

Rosalie is the one to answer this time. "We will and I better get an invitation to the wedding," she says with a playful glare.

I giggle and get up off of Lijah hugging her. I do the same to the remainder of our guest as they make their ways back home.

"Whitlock's, before you all take off, I will text you all my location after we decide where we're going. I expect you all to come and visit." I say with a stern look on my face and my hands on my hips.

"Yes, Ma'am. We'll miss seeing you face ev'ry day L[[il' bit."

"Can't say the same for you, Captain Pete." A sly grin makes its way onto my face as Peter glares at me.

"Love you too Lil' bit. Love you too."

I pull him into a hug. He pulls away, only for me to be suffocated by Char's little frame.

"Don't be a stranger Sweetpea. You'll always be welcome at the Whitlock residents."

The two of them walk out of the house leaving me with Jasper, Nik, and Lijah. I run up to Jasper and give him a bone crushing hug.

"I love you, Jasper. I'll call you as soon as we make a decision. You take care of them okay? It's time you all have your happiness."

"I will Isa. I love you too. Don't forget about me okay?"

I nod my head and give Jasper one last hug.

"See you soon Darling."

He walks out the door leaving just me and my mates.


"So love where do you want to go?"

"I think it's time you guys go home. The place you were the happiest, New Orleans."

~End Of Book One~

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