Chapter Six: Lockwood Masquerade Party

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All of the "Gang" and Angela are at the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan is explaining to us what has been going on.

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that we have to go to this founders festival masquerade thingy? I hate dances and parties," Angela states annoyed.

"Come on Angela don't be a stick in the mud. This will be a good way to introduce yourselves to the town. Plus there will be a ton of hot guys!" Caroline exclaims.

I laugh at Angela's expression. She looks at me so I decided to explain.

"Angela's not into guys, she's a lesbian. Please keep all problems with that to yourself. Now, I need to get an outfit for tonight and so does Ang, so we will meet you at the party," I say and get up pulling Angela with me.

We walk out of the common room and to the door. Just as I was about to open it, Damon walks through it.

"What are you doing here?"

"We were just leaving. We'll see you later. Oh and Damon, make sure you talk to Katherine. I'm sure she will only be too glad to tell you the truth," Angela says.

We continue out the door and to my car. We get in and head to the dress shop.

~ ~ ~

Angela and I found our dresses and are back at the apartment getting ready. Angela's dress is a black sleeveless with a choppy bottom. She wears a pair of black elbow length gloves along with black heels and a black clutch. Instead of buying a mask, she uses eyeliner to make an intricate design on her face.

My outfit is a strapless corset style dress with a solid black bottom and a black lace bodice. I accessorize it with white mini gloves, white heels, and a silver clutch.

"Ang, will you draw a design on my face please?"

"Ya hold on, just let me finish doing my hair."

After she's done with her hair, she comes and draws a pretty black and blue mask on my face. We fix last minute things and head to the Lockwood Estate.

Once there, I find Stefan waiting for us. We walk up to him.

"You look lovely girls. Come on I already had Mrs.Lockwood invite you in."

We walk into the house to see tons of people. One person catches my eyes almost immediately. I look over to Angela, I see her staring at a girl across the room.

"Angie, go introduce yourself. Mingle, have fun. I'll be fine. I promise," I say and walk over to the brunette.

"Hello, mother, fancy meeting you here," I say with sarcasm.

"Isabel, I'm so glad to see you. Look how big you are. Wait what are you doing here? Last I checked you were still in Forks going by Isabella Swan."

How the how the hell does she know that?

"So you're telling me that you never really left and that you always would check up on me?"

I stare at her in disbelief. That can't be true.

"I could never just leave you like I had to with your sister Nadia. I love you, believe it or not. Now, no matter what happens tonight I want you to know I never wanted to leave you. I love you and that everything I've done has been to protect you," she says and walks off.

I walk outside feeling claustrophobic. I've never been one who likes big groups of people. I sit down against the wall of the mansion. I hear Elena scream. Wait, Elena? She's not supposed to be here. I run towards the back and find Elena, Bonnie, and Jeremy standing by a table.

"Elena, are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine, I just felt like I got stabbed and then I was bleeding."

"She's linked to someone. Tell me who you could possibly be linked to."

"Katherine must have had a witch link Elena to her," Bonnie states blandly.

"Okay let me see if I can unlink you. Someone go tell Damon and Stefan to stop trying to kill my mother!"

Jeremy leaves to tell them while I concentrate on trying to unlink Elena. The spell's extremely strong. The Witch that cast it is definitely from the Bennett line.

"I can't break the spell. Bonnie go find the Witch and let me take Elena home. Tell everyone where we went will you?"

"Sure, just get her home."

I take Elena's arm and drag her towards my car. The next thing I know I feel a pinch in my neck. "Elena!" I call out and pass out. 

Angela's Mask:

Angela's Mask:

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Isabel's Mask

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Isabel's Mask

Isabel PetrovaWhere stories live. Discover now