Chapter Twenty-five: Angels are real and so is the Dangers ahead

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My mates and I pull up to the boarding house. I enter the house holding a notebook filled with things I've seen in my visions and information Anna gave me.

I walk into the main room and see Dad has a woman pinned against the wall and everyone else is just watching.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Uncle Stefan looks up from where he's watching Elena.

"This person 'flashed' into the room and now..." he says while waving his arm towards my very stupid father.

Seriously can he not try to kill everyone he doesn't know?

I look closer at the woman and realize it's Anna.


She looks over at me and gives a smile. Dad pushes her against the bookshelf. Books go flying off and Anna winces, not in pain, but shock.

"Dad let go of her. She isn't going to hurt anyone. I know her, er... well kinda know her."

He lets go of her and she runs over to me and pulls me into her arms. I feel feathers wrap around me like a cocoon.

"I told you I would be seeing you outside of your dreams. I finally got permission to meet you in person!"

I look at her and smile. I look around the room. Everyone but Lijah and Nik have questioning looks on their faces.

"Oh, Cullen's, Scooby Gang, this is Anna. She's a Guardian Angel."

Carlisle looks at me and frowns. He scrunches his eyebrows like he does when he's thinking.

"Umm, I hate to break this to both of you but Angels aren't real," Emmett says looking at us like we're crazy.

She looks at him then as if an invisible cloak is lifted her huge feathery white wings appear from her back.

Lijah pulls me into his side. He looks at Anna with curiosity.

"I thought I felt feathers when you hugged me," I state.

She giggles and I realize she is just like everyone else and not the straight to the point Angel she was in my dreams.

"I'm here to help Isa adapt to her new life and help explain everything to you," she says going back to being the badass angel.

I go and take a seat on the floor and both of my mates sit around me. Nik, being cautious and seeping authority. Jasper looks at us and smiles.

"I want to talk to you later," I tell him mentally.

He nods his head and I start to explain everything.

"Okay, so all of you saw my vision, er... well some of it. I would like to explain everything in more detail. Edward has gone to the Volturi and told them he does not wish to live without me. What he doesn't know is I'm the Pureblood. So the Volturi are coming to kill me and the Cullen's for exposing and breaking the number one law," I explain.

The Cullen's tense hearing this and the Denali's look like they don't want to be apart of this.

Anna picks up where I left off. "Now from what I've shown Isa, it will end up being a bloodbath no matter what we do. So the only thing I can think of is that we need to gather more of the Cold Ones, Originals, normal Vampires, Witches, Wolves or Shifters, and I'll gather more Angels. We may be able to show them that Isa is not a threat."

I look at Nik and Lijah and motion for them to add some of the other information they have learned.

"I don't want this to come to a fight but we have one thing we don't have to worry about. Isa cannot be killed unless Niklaus and myself are staked with white oak. All of which has been burned. This takes care of one of the dreams Isa had before we mated. She had seen everyone but Niklaus and I die. She then saw us mourning her. Now that we are mated she is unable to die," Lijah explains much better than I could.

Anna moves to the middle of the room. We all wait patiently while she looks around everyone. The Cullen's and Denali's faces show interest. While the Whitlock coven shows fierce protectiveness.

"This battle isn't just about saving Isa and her family, no this battle is one that will protect the whole supernatural world. The Volturi have too much power and need to be stopped," Anna explains nonchalantly.

There's a round of agreement and Jasper and his venom brother and sister move and stand behind my mates and I. Jasper rests a hand on my back and pushes waves of comfort into me. Lijah and Nik look at him. He gives a slight nod showing that it was him, who was controlling my emotions and in turn theirs.

"Not many of you know this but the Volturi have been slowly taking Witch children from their families along with the Children of the moon. They have found a way with the help of the Witch children to control the Wolves. They want to be the kings of all the supernatural not just Cold Ones. If this continues humans could be next," Jasper says.

"Uh oh, the Major has come out to play!" Emmett yells.

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