Chapter Twenty Four: Decisions pt 2

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 Lijah, Nik, and I go to Mystic grill for lunch. Walking in I take stock of who is where and what they are doing. I find that the "gang" is here along with the Rose and Emmett.

Nik gets us a booth in the back of the place and I go up to the bar and talk to Matt.

"Hiya Matty!" I say with a smile.

He looks at me and smiles in return. He moves closer to where I'm standing.

"Hi Isa, what can I get you?"

"An Ice tea, two bourbons, and fries. I'm not here alone so don't question me."

"Got it, I will bring that over to you. So how are you? Elena said you were sick."

Oh shit. I forgot he didn't know about all the supernatural stuff.

"I'm doing much better now. I must have caught a bug or something."

He nods his head. I give him a smile as he hands me the drinks. I walk back over to the table and sit down next to Nik. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. Leaning into his side I kiss his cheek.

"I hate that the "save Elena group" is keeping that boy in the dark about everything. Something is going to happen to him if they don't," I say with a sigh.

"Speaking of them, what are we going to do about breaking my curse? We all know it would be for the best if I did."

Lijah looks at me and fiddles his hands.

"I have a plan for that. I had a witch make a potion for Katerina before she took matters into her own hands. It will bring her back after you complete the ritual," he says cautiously.

Nik looks at him and sighs. He pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head.

"Well, that could definitely be a possibility depending on how we all feel about her by the next full moon. I know she is related to you Love, so it will be up to you."

How am I supposed to answer him? Elena is my family but she is also the key to everything. Will the potion really work? I feel we need more information on everything. I have this feeling that not everything will go as planned.

"I think we need more information on everything before we make a decision. I know you trust your witch Lijah but I need to know that it works. I would rather figure out one myself before putting blind trust into someone else," I explain.

Lijah gives me a small smile and nods his head. I take a drink of my tea.

"What else needs to be planned out? How much time do we have before this whole thing goes down?" Nik asks.

"We have at least another two months. As for things that need to be planned that will involve everyone."

I shuffle away from Nik and out of the booth again. My boys follow me. I walk over to the gang. I sit down on my dad's lap.

"Well hello there Isa," he says with a chuckle.

I smile at him and address everyone else.

"I want everyone to meet at the boarding house in twenty minutes that means round up the Cullen's as well," I state without giving away what I'm thinking.

The teens look at each other and Caroline pouts. What is her issue?

"But tonight's my girl's night," she whines.

I look at her with a bitch face. She really needs to understand that there is danger lurking on the horizon.

"Barbie, please there is danger coming for all of us. I would like to be prepared so that my final vision doesn't come true!"

She sighs and nods. Matt comes over with my fries. I thank him and eat a few. Damon steals a few here and there. I finish them quickly and get up.

I fix my skirt and take my mates hands. "We leave now. I want to get all my ducks in a row."

Isabel PetrovaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum