Chapter Nine: Talking to my Father again

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I drive to the boarding house after seeing Angela wasn't in the apartment. I get to the boarding house and sneak in. Seeing Damon sat on the couch, Elena sat on Stefan's lap, and Angela sat in front of the fireplace.

Angela, Stefan, and Elena see me and I put a finger to my lips signaling them to be quiet. I cast a spell to make me silent and attack Damon off the couch and on the floor.

Everyone but Damon laugh. Damon gets the upper hand and flips me over and pins me against the floor.

"Isabel, what the hell? How did I not hear you come in the house? I could have killed you. Next time you plan a sneak attack, plan on me getting revenge." He says and wiggles his eyebrows.

"You can try, but I assure you no one has ever been able to scare me by attacking me. I always win. Just ask Ang," I say looking at her for support.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies. Isabel is easy to take down on a sneak attack. I've witnessed it several times," Angela states laughing at my pouting face.

I run to her and pull her into a hug.

"You better watch your back Angie, because you next on my hit list," she starts to shake from her silent laughter.

"Isabel, can I talk to you in private?" Damon asks.

I nod and he walks out the door and towards the back of the house. We walk till we get to a garden bench and sit down.

"So when we were trying to kill Katherine, I asked her about you..."

"And, what did she tell you?" I ask, already knowing the answer but needing to hear him say it.

"She told me all about how you are my daughter and that if I hurt you in any way she would kill me. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, but I was just going by the fact that Vampires and humans can't have children. Do you forgive me?" 

"Of course I forgive you Dad. Even though you were a complete asshole when we first met, I can't stay mad my only family other than Mom, if you can even call her family."

I hug him and he kisses my forehead.

"Now tell me about your life. What made you come and look for me?" Dad asks.

"Well, it's kind of a long story..." I trail off.

"I've got time. Please, Isa, tell me," Dad all but begs.

"Well, I compelled myself a father in Forks, Washington to keep up appearances. Keep in my mind, I was acting like a human. I met a group of people who were different than everyone else. They had gold eyes, pale rock hard skin, and they felt like they were made of ice. I fell in love with one. Edward Cullen, he's a Cold One that thought he was just playing with a human heart. He broke up with me in the woods and left me there. I was going to tell his family what I really was that day. Let's just say the next time they see me, they will be in for a surprise."

"So this Cold One left you in the woods that he specifically told you to stay out of when you were by yourself?" Dad asks with concern.

I nod my head. He growls before storming back to the boarding house. I follow him and we go into the living room.

"Stefan you up for killing a bastard Cold One?"

"Why are we killing Cold Ones? Damon, why would you want to kill alcohol?" Elena asks innocently.

His face scrunches up and she pushed her chestnut locks out of her face.

We all let out a laugh at how Elena was clueless about this.

"Elena, Cold One's are another species of Vampires. They are a lot different from us though. Cold ones are just like their name. They have ice cold, rock hard, sparkling bodies. Instead of having blood through them, they have venom," Stefan explains. Looking at Elena, Stefan asks Damon, "Now Damon, why are we killing a Cold One?"

"For breaking my daughter's heart and leaving her in the woods, even though he thought she was human."

Everyone looks at me except Angela. She sees that I'm about to break down or punch something or someone.

"Isa, you can cry, you know. I know how much you loved him. I can see you're trying to keep a brave face, but I know that on the inside, you're breaking to pieces," Angela states.

I look over at her and nod. I walk towards the door, before I leave the house I shout, "I'm going for a walk. I will be fine, Angela I will see you at the apartment later. Please don't worry, I'm not going to do anything rash."

With that, I walk out the door and go to my car.

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