Chapter Fourteen Nightmare

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After hanging out with my father all afternoon, he takes me up to one of the guest rooms of the boarding house. I put on one of his shirts and climb into bed. I close my eyes and let sleep take me.

I'm in the same field I was in last night. The Volturi advance on us. I stand my ground and wait for Aro to come towards me to try and read my mind. Once he reaches me, he grabs my hand and reads my mind of a vision I had earlier that day.

I show him the death and destruction that would come with his first decision. The only living survivors would be Elijah and Niklaus. Everyone else including the wolves are killed by the Guard and Kings themselves.

The scene changes into one of great loss as I see my mates grieving over the loss of me. The scene continues on repeat.

I wake up screaming in a cold sweat. I feel tears stream down my face as the dream continues to play on repeat.

Damon and Stefan come running into my room to see what's wrong. When they see the tears on my face, they both come over and wrap me in their arms.

"Isabel, Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Damon asks with concern.

I bury my face deeper into his chest trying to shake the nightmare out. I take a few deep breaths of his scent and slowly start to calm down. Stefan rubs slow lazy circles on my back.

"It was only a nightmare or in this case another one of my witchy dreams of the future. This one was different though, it showed the effects of what happens after I was out of the equation," I explain vaguely trying to avoid saying about my death and who exactly my mates are.

"So you have witchy premonitions? Have you talked to Angela or Bonnie about them?" Stefan asks with concern.

Dad grunts in annoyance.

"Really Stefan? That's the question you ask when your niece, my daughter says she saw the effects of something after her death and I'm guessing that the people who are grieving would be her loved ones," he states exasperated.

I guess he's just as perceptive as I am when it comes to talking in vague answers. I get up and walk out of the room yelling that I'm going for a walk to try and clear out the nightmare.

"I'll be at the same friends' house as I was last night. I should be home by tomorrow afternoon. I love you both."

Flashing into the Martin's apartment, I end up in the living room scaring the living hell out of Jonas.

"Isabel! A warning would be nice next time you flash into the apartment would be nice. You couldn't have flashed a note here first or you know texted Elijah?"

"Sorry Jonas, I didn't have the time to do that. I promise that next time I will. Is Elijah here right?"

"I'm here Sweetheart, are you okay? I thought you would have called before coming over."

I turn around to find Elijah in nothing but a pair of trousers leaning against the wall of the hallway to his bedroom. I give him a weak smile before answering.

"I'm not exactly sure what I feel at the moment. I mean I just had another dream, only this time it showed a battle where everyone was killed except you and your brother. Then it changed and I saw the both of you grieving over losing me. I think I just feel numb," tears stream down my face just thinking about it.

He pulls me into his arms trying to calm me down. I lean my head against his chest. He starts walking backward with me still in his embrace and leads us into his room.

"I have Niklaus' phone number. We can try and call him if it will make you feel better."

"I would like that. I think it's time for him to get his butt here so I can admire it," I say blushing because I didn't filter the words before saying them.

Elijah chuckles pulling out his phone. He dials a number and waits for Niklaus to pick up. He answers on the third ring.

"Hello Elijah, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I have someone with me that I think you might want to meet with me at the moment." He responds.

"Did you capture the one and only Katerina Petrova? Or have you found someone else."

I look over at Elijah and mouth put it on speaker. He nods and does.

"Hello Niklaus Mikaelson, you don't know me, but I know everything about you. You don't need to be afraid though, Love. I don't think I could ever hurt you."

"Who the hell are you? Why are you with my brother? I swear if you hurt him in any way I will hunt you down and torture you till you beg for death."

"My name is Isabel Petrova. Daughter of Katerina Petrova and Damon Salvatore. Mates to Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson. I'm the only Pureblood Vampire or should I say Pureblood Supernatural. I've got a little Witch in me, a little Vampire, and a little Wolf. So, I trust that is a good enough reason not to hunt me down and kill me," I state smugly looking over at Elijah.

He shakes his head at my smartass answer. I give him a small smile and lean up against him. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

"Wait, did you just say that you are the daughter of Katerina Petrova? Her daughter's name is Nadia, she is only a Vampire. And what do you mean that you are mine and Elijah's mates?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Really Niklaus you should just come to Mystic Falls. I have a Doppelganger here and she's all yours if you just come and see me in person. She's human and doesn't even know who you are or if you're real. There's also a Werewolf, and another Vampire waiting to be used in the sacrifice. I know things that even you don't know about your curse. So meet us at the main falls in Mystic Falls by sunup. The clocks ticking Nik," I say and Elijah takes over the phone call.

"Brother, I wouldn't mess with Isabel. She's been having visions and can't handle them on her own. She needs you just as much as she needs me right now. I know you don't understand what I mean-"

"Then explain it to me. Why does this girl believe that she is both of our mates? Since when is that possible?" Niklaus asks with concern.

Elijah takes a deep breath and lays back with me still wrapped in his arms. I snuggle in closer to his chest and slowly drift into the land of the dreams.

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