Chapter Fifteen Elijah and Klaus talk

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After Isabel falls asleep on my chest, I continue talking.

"Niklaus, this girl is special in every sense of the word. She was left by the closest thing to a family only a few short days ago. Her mother left her for dead, and she didn't know who her father was until recently. The dreams she's getting are more like visions of the future and it scares her; it scares her to the point where she didn't think and just flashed to my place because she needed to feel close to me. And I'm almost positive the reason that she just fell asleep is that she heard your voice and it calmed her down."

"Wait why would the people closest to her abandon her?" He asks with anger in his voice.

He is already starting to get protective of her before he even meets her. I brush my hand through Isabel's raven black hair. Trying to comfort her as she stirs.

"This family is a group of Cold Ones. She didn't tell them what she was and acted like a weak human girl. She was dating one of the members of the family and on her "birthday", she got a paper cut and it caused one of them to attack her. Her boyfriend left her in the woods."

"Cold Ones, really, Of all the supernatural creatures that she could have met she went with the Cold Ones. I'm going to kill them if I ever find them!" He yells angry.

Isabel lets out a scream and starts thrashing around. I put the phone back on speaker, and hold Isabel tighter while rocking her back and forth trying to get her to calm down. I whisper in her ear trying to get her to wake up.

"Brother, what's going on? I can hear Isabel screaming."

"I'm not positive, but if I had to guess I'm going to say she's having another nightmare. Though this one seems to be worse than the ones she's had before."

I shake her slightly, still trying to get her to wake up. Deciding that it's not going to work, I go and fill the tub with cold water and ask Jonas for ice. Hopefully, I can shock her out of what she's experiencing.

"Nik try talking to her. I'm going to set her in a tub of ice water and hope I can shock her out of this nightmare," I say while picking up Isa.

"Isabel Love, listen to the sound of my voice and try to come towards it. Please, Love, we need you to wake up," I hear Nik say.

I gently place Isabel in the ice water and her eyes snap open. She looks up at me with huge eyes before standing up and wrapping her arms around me. I stroke her raven hair lightly. Isabel starts to cry and I just hold her.

"Love, are you okay? Calm down please I don't like hearing you like this. I'm on my way to the states now. Just please don't leave Elijah's side till I get there."

I hang up the phone and take Isabel back into the bedroom. I go over to my closet and get her something dry to put on. Isabel just sits on the bed staring off into space. I can see the mixture of emotions swirling around in her eyes. I can't pinpoint what emotions she's feeling though.

I see that she grabs her phone out of her pocket and texts someone. She looks down at it as if she thinks it's going to disappear.

"Sweetheart, why don't you change and call Damon to let him know where you're at. I know he thinks I'm dead, but he should be here too. I don't want you to feel like you're all alone.

"You're right, I need to have a family meeting ASAP. What I saw needs to be seen by everyone, not just me. So I need Niklaus here too. I need to go make a few phone calls to other people too. I need to get everyone that was involved in the last two dreams here except for the Volturi. I'll be back within the hour and everyone will need to be here within three." She states walking out the into the living room.

She goes and sits on the couch in front of Jonas.

"Jonas, I'm going to need to share power with you later so that I can show my dream to everyone that will be here. I'm only asking this of you because this really needs to be seen by just more than me."

"Of course I'll help you with this. I know that you are a powerful witch on your own, even more so than the Bennett witch and your friend Angela combined. It's a hard spell to do," he says casually not really caring.

"Alright, then it's settled I'll be having the meeting in one of the council rooms. My dad has access to them. Now I have phone calls to make and it starts in three hours. Don't be late," that is the last thing she says before going out the door.

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