Forty Nine

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"Sir?" The room was dark, not a drop of light filtered in through the windows. The light from the playroom behind me wasn't really enough to help me make out anything more than shapes.

"Get OUT!" he snarled and I froze in place even though I'd been about to step forward.

The rustling or banging was louder now and once my eyes adjusted I saw him in the corner, wedged between his nightstand and the wall. He was rocking and either his shoulder or head was coming into contact with the wall as he returned upright before sliding forward again. "Can I help? Greg?"

"Help?" he asked. "Greg? Chris? Help me. Please help me."

"Tell me what to do. I don't know what you need."

"He doesn't like it, you can't see him... It's against the rules... You can't get up, you have to wait for me... He came early... He comes at 5 on Saturday... Five... Always... It's the schedule..." His voice was so strained and so miserable that I could barely stand to listen to him. "Why is it all wrong? He's... you're... help me. Please. Make it stop."

"How?" I stand in the doorway, afraid to get too close. He's bigger than me and I know his power and he is completely losing it.

"I'm imploding."

I don't know what that means.

"Washcloth wet, cold." Every word sounds like it's pushed from his chest, like he's fighting against the weight of the world to speak.

That I can do. I run back through the den and into the bathroom and return with the requested item. I don't want to toss it at him so I practically tip-toe closer. "I have your washcloth" I whisper.

He throws a hand back over his shoulder and as soon as the material touches his fingertips he pulls it forward at alarming speed. "Help me" and he's sobbing again, louder this time and I am utterly terrified. His phone is laying on his bed and I decide that I really have nothing left to lose. It doesn't even have a password; he's so damn arrogant. I swipe it open and search for the only person I can think of who wouldn't be scared of him, even like this. "Kevin?"

"Who is this? Chris? Why are you on Greg's phone?"

"Yes. Greg needs help and I don't know what to do."

"Is he having a meltdown?"

The simple question makes me feel a hundred times better. He knows, someone knows what's going on. He can fix this. "Yes." I hear him yell to someone, Ollie I assume, to get dressed.

"I'm on my way. Where is he?"


"Chris, WHERE?"

"He's in his bedroom, in the corner near his bed."

"Is he sitting or standing?"

"Sitting, rocking."

"Get him a cold washcloth so he doesn't bite himself. Then grab his desk chair and turn it on its side. Push the back against him, making a small cage. Put a pillow against it and you sit against it to hold it in place. Do you understand?"

"I did the washcloth and I'll do the chair... I think I know what you mean."

"And don't say anything to him. Just be quiet unless he asks you a direct question. I'm already in the car. Don't worry Chris, you're doing fine. I know maybe this isn't what you were expecting and it's scarier in person but just do what the paperwork said. You read it, right?"

"What paperwork? No, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Just do the chair, I'll be there in a minute." He hung up then and I stood frozen in place a moment.

The chair. It's wooden and heavy and it makes a loud thud as I turn it on its side. I push it forward but am afraid to touch Greg so I leave it a good six inches from his back. I grab two pillows from the bed and place them along the open slats, then sit back against it and duck my head. I'm not sure that I've ever been more scared. Only the fact that Kevin is on his way makes this tolerable.

"Closer. Push."

I say a silent prayer and put pressure on my feet, scooting myself backwards and pushing the chair. I feel him bang against it a few times and then it stops and the room is silent except for his heavy breathing and sobs. I sit there for what feels like an eternity.

"I've got him now Chris" Kevin says, walking right in. "I'm here Greg, it's okay. I know it's too much, just let it out. Go through it. Take your time." I have never been so happy to see someone. I stand and he grabs the pillows and moves the chair, then sits just as I was except that his strong back is pressing against Greg's and he's not afraid to push. The space Greg is occupying shrinks even further and I worry for a moment but I know that he knows what he's doing. The look on his face says that he's done this before. "Ollie, you know what to do."

"Chris? Come with me please" Ollie says and I follow without even looking back.

Doctor's New Boy [1] ( Manxman bdsm) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now