Chapter 2: The Dormitory

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 "Come on Goodfellow and hurry up!!"snapped Japhet as he hurried down the hall to their dormitory.Both Goodfellow and Japhet headed inside,they went straight to the office to get their room number now they were gonna check it out. "I'm coming I'm coming!,"said Goodfellow while trying to keep up with Japhet.They finally reached their respected room number and were breathing hard when the sound of talking reached their ears.Curious,Goodfellow plus Japhet turn to see two girls walking towards them.The first girl had long snow white hair and light blue eyes,she was busy talking to the 2nd girl,who was smiling.She had long black hair plus grey eyes that had purple specks in em.Goodfellow soon went jaw slacked from staring at the beautiful long black haired girl.'She must be the new student,'thought Goodfellow to himself while watching the two girls walked pass him then Japhet. "Who were they?"they asked in unison before bursting out laughing."No Japhet I think that black haired girl is the new student,"guessed Goodfellow with the picture of the girl still fresh in his mind."I think your right Goodfellow,"agreed Japhet."Hey Goodfellow,Japhet whats up pals?"said a voice from a few feet away. Goodfellow looked back down the hall to see his and Japhet's teal hair plus eyes friend waving his hand high."Oh hey Luthais we're just about to go check out our room,"explained Japhet when Luthais reached them."Glad to here it,"said Luthais pushing up his black halfway wrap around glasses to his nose."What you mean?"questioned Japhet."I'm also in your room,"complied Luthais taking out his room number key that was indeed the same number.Goodfellow sighed inwardly. 'I just hope things will be different,'he thought quickly as Luthais looked his way.

   Avichayil unpacked her things while waiting for Emere to come back.When finish unpacking,she took out the two strange notes from her pocket to give them a once over.The first one that read: 'Let the games begin' totally disappeared while the second one remained as it was.'What does Be careful mean?'she asked herself just as Emere stepped into the room."Avi ready for your first class?"Emere asked excitedly.Acting quickly,Avi stuffed the 2nd note back into pocket before replying,"Yeah I'm ready..I guess,"said Avichayil. "Come on then!"said Emere grabbing Avichayil's arm then dragging her out the room.Avichayil managed to grab her cross over backpack as she left the room.Meanwhile Goodfellow,Japhet and Luthais headed to their first class that was with Mrs.Astrea.They each took a seat at a desk as other students filed in.Lastly Mrs.Astrea appears with bunches of folders in her hands."Good morning class,"said Mrs.Astrea while setting down her folders on her desk."Morning Mrs.Astrea,"responded the class."Good,today we have a new student joining our class,"continued Mrs.Astrea while motioning for the person at the door to come in.Goodfellow was busily doodling in his notebook,but looked up just in time to see the girl he saw earlier enter the classroom. He glanced behind him to see Luthais go slack jawed and then Japhet who was grinning.Goodfellow grinned back at his friend before facing the teacher,who was asking the girl her name."My name is Avichayil Rinas,"said Avichayil."Okay Avichayil I would like for you to sit by Goodfellow Lalit...Goodfellow?"suggested Mrs.Astrea. "Here!"called Goodfellow raising his hand high.Avichayil looked to where the voice had come from and sees a very cute pinked haired teen with cobalt blue eyes.Feeling her face flush,Avichayil slowly made her way over when a girl stuck out her foot causing her to trip."Ahh!!"exclaimed Avichayil as she started to fall.Suddenly a small pool of ink appeared to cushion her landing.Just as it appeared it disappeared without anyone noticing as Avichayil slowly sat up."Hey are you okay?"asked a voice.Avichayil looked up to see Goodfellow standing infront of her with a worry expression on his face."I think so,"said Avichayil feeling her face flush again."Here let me help you up,"said Goodfellow holding out a hand.Avichayil took the hand in hers just as Goodfellow pulls her to her feet.

"Umm...thank you Goodfellow,"mumbled Avichayil looking down at her feet."Anytime,"whispered Goodfellow smiling at her.Avichayil looked up at him to return the smile when she saw Mrs.Astrea tapping her foot.Goodfellow notice too then lead Avichayil to her desk that was right next to his.Mrs.Astrea smiled as she started writing stuff on the dry erase board.Achayil quickly took out her notebook,grabbed a pen and started jotting down the notes.When she was finish,she closed her notebook just as the other students started writing their notes,including Goodfellow.Seeing Mrs.Asrea watching her,Avichayil started doodling on the 2nd to last sheet of her notebook when another folded note appeared.She nearly dropped her pen,but quickly set it down in her notebook before unfolding the note.It said only one word: 'Soon' this time in purple ink.

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