Chapter 21: Dancing Under A Firey Glow

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[Outside Academy]

Rumor smiled to himself as hr held his tuxedo in his hand.
Behind him Thaddius and Decker bicker to one another while both Wicked plus Quinn were lost in thought.
Rumor was walking pass a shope when something blue glinted from the window.
Curious,he looked into a window to see a necklace on a counter.
He quickly signaled Thaddius and Decker to come with him into the shop.
They nodded as the three of them entered the shop.
Rumor headed right over to the necklace section when he saw what had caught his attention.
There layed a cobalt blue rose with small black leaves on the sides.
Rumor smiled a lopsided smile.
'Avichayil would love this,'thought Rumor while picking up the necklace.
"Why hello there welcome to Dream Boutique!" said a sing-song voice.
Rumor looked up to see a young lady with long blond hair and soft caramel brown eyes.
"Oh hello our friend here wants to buy this necklace," said Thaddius appearing at Rumor's side.
"Excellent! And I'll gift wrap it for you too," said Mrs.Dream holding out a hand to Rumor.
Rumor handed the young lady the necklace,who took off the tag then placed it in a small white box before putting it in a bag.
Mrs.Dream came back with the bag and Rumor paid for it.
"Have a nice day!" sing-song Mrs.Dream with a wave as she watch the three boys leave.
"Now can we head back to the academy?" asked Wicked.
Rumor nodded when a note appeared before him reading:
'Wanna race?'
"YEAH!!!!" exclaimed everyone in unison.
Rumor grinned then sprinted off to Achates Academy.
His friends grinned too as they hurry after Rumor.

[Inside academy]

Emere,Lisette and Kasmira all followed Avi to her's plus Emere's room.
The three girls laid all the garment bags on one bed while the other would be use for acessories and makeup.
Avi finger her garment bag wondering what kind of dress was inside.
"Hey Avi mind if we look at your necklaces you found?" asked Lisette pointing to her little bag.
"No go right ahead," replied Avi looking out the room's bay window.
Lisette plus Kasmira excitedly took out the necklaces,oohing and ahhing at each one.

Rumor reached the room just as the others came around the corner.
"No fair Rumor!" complained Decker as he slowed down.
Rumor shrugged before going into the room.
Quickly setting his garment bag then Avi's present on the bed,he pulled out his other project from under the bed.
He sewed the last part in then wrapped it up as he thought called out Avi.
'Avi?' he thought asked.
'Hi Rumor!' came Avi's thought reply.
'Can you meet me by the window in a few?'continued thought Rumor.
'Sure heading there now!'came Avi's next thought reply.
Rumor grinned to himself as he too headed out the room to the window where he and Avi first met.

Avi leaned against the window when Rumor walked up.
"Hey Rumor," said Avi smiling at him.
Rumor returned it before handing her the present.
Startled Avi stared at the present then teared the paper right off.
And there was another Rumor plushie this time in a tuxedo carrying a small bouqet of black stem blue roses.
Avi squealed in delight as she hugged it tightly.
Rumor thought laugh when Avi kissed him on the cheek.
He felt his face flush beet red as he quickly looked away.
Avi laughed but smiled all the same at the blushing Rumor.

"Well thank you Rumor...I'll meet you at the dance okay?" asked Avi feeling her face flush.
Rumor turn to face her and offered her a lopsided grin.
'Can't wait Avichayil,'he thought reply before heading down the hall.
Avi watched Rumor leave then she headed to her own when both Lisette plus Kasmira pulled her in.
"Come on Avi we need to get you ready!"said Lisette while she and Kasmira postioned her infront of the full length mirror.
"Alright lets do this,"said Avi bracing herself.
"First get undress," instructed Emere.
Avi hurried to the bathroom to take off her clothes then Emere enterd with the garment bag.
Lisette entered too as she and Emere help Avi into the dress.
"Close your eyes Avi," said Emere zipping up the back.
Avi quickly closed her eyes as Lisette pulled her back into the bedroom.
Kasmira sat Avi down on the 2nd bed to start on the makeup.
Emere picked up the necklace with the crystal flowers and looped it around Avi's neck.
Avi took off her notestar then gave to Emere,who laid it on the nighttable by the Rumor plushie.
Lisette went behind Avi to start brushing her hair into soft curls.
Then she did a little pile up on her head,leaving the rest down as a few bangs framed Avi's beautiful face.
"Okay may open your eyes," said Emere as she,Kasmira and Lisette backed away.
Avi opened her eyes slowly.
She gasped at her reflection.
She was in a dark purple gown dusted off with black,while a black skirt glinted off from the light.
On top piece were black glittery branches that had flowers were branched off in several directions.
Over her shoulders was a sheer black shawl tht covered the silver star wound.
Avi felt magical thanks to her friends.

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