Chapter 28: Practice Battle

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Once after the Souls and InkRebels finish their training, they decided to meet in the practice battle arena.
"So anybody wanna do a practice battle?" asked Japhet.
"Sure I'll do it..who wants to battle me?" ask Goodfellow.
Rumor stepped forward away from his InkRebels then held up a note:
'I'll battle you Goodfellow.'
Goodfellow looked shocked, but quickly shook it off and said, "Alright let's do it."
Avi quickly pulled Rumor into a hug then peck him on the cheek as she whispered, "Good luck."
Rumor smiled then headed to one side of the room as his InkRebels went over to the stands to watch.
Avi also gave Goodfellow a hug,but got a kiss on her cheek from him instead.
She felt her face flush as she and the other Souls headed to the stands.
Goodfellow took to the other side then whipped out IronTrickster with a flourish.
Rumor just smiled with his eyes closed as he took calming deep breaths.
'Alright now I'm ready,'thought Rumor opening his eyes.
He got into position then waited for the battle to start.

Goodfellow watch Rumor for a moment then rushed forward.
Rumor quickly held up his right arm as he thought:
'InkExchange- right arm.'
Soon ink transform the bone then settled in.
Goodfellow stabbed forward when he reached Rumor,but it simply slipped through with a ripple.
Shocked,Goodfellow pulled his sword free before jumping back a step.
'BoneReturn,' thought Rumor.
A second later the ink withdrew and the bones soon return to the arm.
This time Rumor rushed forward with InkPrince appearing in his hand.
He did a slice across Goodfellow's chest, but was soon blocked by Goodfellow's sword.
Making sure Rumor's sword was blocked, Goodfellow clenched his fist then pulled it back.

'InkExchange - face,' thought said Rumor when he saw Goodfellow pulling back his fist.
And just like that, Rumor could feel ink transforming the bones in his face.
Calmly he stood as the fist rocketed forward, hitting him dead on.
Goodfellow smiled while thinking, "Well that was quick.'
Rumor grinned as he held up a note to Goodfellow.
Goodfellow's smile faltered when he saw the note:
'I believe this battle is just getting started.'
Goodfellow quickly pulled his fist away as he watched Rumor's face.
Rumor closed his eyes when he felt the hit,but knew it would slip through.
'BoneReturn,'thought said Rumor as soon as Goodfellow pulled his fist back.
With bones reform, Rumor opened his eyes and let them flash red at Goodfellow.

Goodfellow rushed forward again and knocked Rumor hard to the ground.
Rumor felt his ink flowing through him, looking for injuries.
Goodfellow stood over Rumor then pressed his sword by the neck.
Rumor simply smiled before teleporting.
"What the?!" exclaimed Goodfellow looking around.
Rumor soon teleported from above with his sword coming down on Goodfellow's head.
Goodfellow heard the sound and brought his sword up to block it.
Rumor then landed away from Goodfellow before getting into a new position.
"Looks like Rumor got more surprises up his sleeves," muttered Thaddius to Decker.
Decker nodded and replied, "Yeah can't wait to see what this one is."
"I agree," agreed both Wicked and Quinn leaning in between Thaddius plus Decker.


Cassiel, Shith, Jacey and Rigg all stood silently outside the door of the practice arena.
They could see both the InkRebel's leader and Souls's 2nd in command battle eachother.
"Now leader?" whispered Shith to Cassiel.
Cassiel nodded and Shith went to the power panel on the back wall.
He opened it up the waited for Cassiel's signal.
Cassiel watched the battle some as Jacey plus Rigg slip inside the room.
With a nod to Shith,Cassiel slipped into the room when it suddenly went black.


"Leader where are you?!" exclaimed Thaddius.
There was no response.
Decker quickly found the back up switch and flipped it on.
The only thing missing was Rumor, which made the InkRebels very upset.
Including Avi, who kissed the top of her note star.
'We'll find you Rumor,' she thought knowing the InkRebels were thinking the same thing.

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