Chapter 30: Help Arrives

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[Old warehouse - Seprath/Sephron]

"Let me see if I can find him Seprath," said Sephron appearing in a cracked mirror.
"Go ahead Sephron," whispered Seprath until he heard voices.


"Its time you guys," said Cassiel in a low voice.
The other Immortals smiled as they all gsther their weapons.
Cassiel went out the warehouse first, flanked by both Shith plus Jacey.
Others follow with the door closing shut behind them.


"Seprath this way," said Sephron appearing in a mirror off to the right.
He moved to the next one so Seprath could follow him easily.
Several mirrors later, they soon stood infront of a small platform with a chained teen chain to it.
That teen was Rumor with lifeless eyes and a frail body.
"What happen to him?" whispered Seprath while getting up on the platform.
"I dont know,but let me check from the inside," said Sephron instantly disappearing from the mirror he was in.
Minutes later Sephron reappeared with a shaken look on his face.
"He has a mist dagger embedded in him," shakily explained Sephron.
"Mist dagger?" asked Seprath.
"No idea anyway thats not the scary thing Seprath!" exclaims Sephron.
"Yeah and whats that?" asked Seprath while walking around Rumor.
"His power....its missing," answered Sephron with a shudder.
'So that explains the frail body and lifeless eyes,' thought Seprath.

[Inside Rumor]

Sephron quickly pulled out the mist dagger then smashed it with his shoe.
"Rumor?" asked Sephron.
No answer.
'This is not good,' thought Sephron just as he disappeared.

[Outside Rumor]

"Seprath Rumor won't wake up!" exclaimed Sephron appearing back in the crack mirror.
"We need to locate his power then," wondered Seprath when a white box caught his attention.
He hurried over, then eased the top open.
Inside was the Fairoze while nestled next to it was a clear sphere filled with ink.
But a gnarl twisted hand closed the box with a snap.
"Show yourself!" demanded Seprath as Sephron appeared in a mirror behind him.
"I am a Kzasir here to protect Cassiel's treasures," whispered a voice in the shadows.
Seprath quickly pulled out his sword: 'Mirror Prince' and pointed it at the shadows.

"I'm not planning to fight you mirror knight," whispered the Kzasir.
"Why not?" demanded Seprath..
The Kzasir withdrew its gnarl twisted hand as it whispers,"We have something better plan for you."
Seprath drew his sword back into its holder then looked over at Rumor.
"If you pass our trap you'll get the Fairoze and the sphere for the Ink Prince," says the Kzasir.
Seprath nodded at Rumor then face the moving shadows. "Alright whats this trap of yours?" he asked.
The Kzasir stepped out of hiding and appeared before Seprath.
It then rushed forward to swipe a hand claw at Seprath's face.
Seprath ducked just as a mirror dagger appeared in his hand.
'Thanks Sephron,' thought Seprath as he rushed forward this time.
'No prob,thought you could use some help,' thought said Sephron with a grin.
Seprath manged to slashed the Kzasir across the chest, who then started backing away.
'Go Mirror teleport!' thought Seprath when a mirror appeared underneath him.
It disappeared the reappeared at the back of the Kzasir.
Grinning, Seprath moved forward and embedded the dagger right through the back.
Kzasir was about to say something, but dispated into dust instead.
"Sheesh was that thing ever annoying!" seethed Sephron from the mirror he was in.
"I agree," agreed Seprath.
Quickly he grabbed the box with the Fairoze plus the sphere then crouched beside Rumor.
Taking out the sphere from the box, Seprath placed it by Rumor's then watched as the sphere soon shatter and the ink flowed into Rumor.
'Time to wake up Ink Prince,' thought Seprath to himself.

[Inside Rumor]
Ink flowed over Rumor's body to heal all the cracks.

[Outside Rumor]

Then it flowed to the outside to return the color.
Quickly Seprath and Sephron removed the chains as Rumor slumped to his knees.
Ink fell from his hair to the ground as the color red melted back into the eyes.
Seconds later the eyes flash, then Rumor was suddenly standing.
"Ink Prince welcome back," greeted Seprath.
Rumor smiled and held up a note in his hand:
'Thank you Mirror Knight.'

[In the city]

A teen living in an apartment suddenly woke.
He quickly climbed out of bed to get dress.
Then he grbbed his army green jacket, slipped it on with the hood over his head.
Without a look back, the teen left the aparment and headed out into the night.
While shadows from the alleyways soon join him
He smiled.
Then his eyes flash.

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