Chapter 13: Week of Ten Roses

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[Avi's and Emere's room]

"AVICHAYIL!!"shrieked Emere.
"Whaat?!"yelled Avichayil falling out of bed.
"Where did you get this gorgeus rose Avi?"gushed Emere staring at the blue.
Avichayil got up then smiled when she saw the rose and Rumor's name in sliver scrawled in cursive along the stem.
"A fan gave it to me,"lied Avichayil not yet ready to tell Emere about Rumor.
"Well I'm jealous cause this boy must wanna take you too Ten Rose dance,"guessed Emere while getting.
'Maybe so,'thought Avichayil as she too got dressed.
Then they both grabbed their bags while on their way out and Avichayil was suprised to see Goodfellow across from her leaning against the wall.
"Uhh...morning Goodfellow,"greeted Avichayil stepping up to him.
"Morning to you too Avi,"greeted Goodfellow with a smile.
"Were you waiting for me?"asked Avichayil.
Goodfellow nodded then handed her a light purple rose.
"T-Thank...y-you...G-Goodfellow,"stammered Avichayil as she took the rose.
Out of curiousity,Avichayil looked down along the stem for a name.
"Whats wrong Avi?"asked Goodfellow watching Avichayil.
"This might sound stupid but....can you put your name on the stem?"asked Avichayil feeling her face flush.
"Not at all,"replied Goodfellow taking the rose then pulled out a pen with sparkly cobalt blue ink.
In one fluid motion,Goodfellow wrote his name in cursive along the stem before handing the rose back.
Avichayil took the rose,smiled at it then looped her arm through Goodfellow's.
Smiling,Goodfellow moved away from the wall as Emere gushed all over the rose.
"Stop Emere...come on lets eat breakfast,"suggested Avichayil.
"I agree with that,"agreed Goodfellow.
"Okay! Lets get going!"exclaimed Emere hurrying ahead.
Both Goodfellow and Avichayil followed behind as the three of them soon entered the cafeteria.
"I'll go find us a table okay?"suggested Emere bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"Go ahead Emmere,"replied Avichayil.
"I'll go with her,"said Goodfellow looking slightly sad.
Avichayil touched his arm and he smiled at her before leaving with Emere.
Sighing,Avichayil got in line when a note fell into her hand:
'Morning Avichayil.'
Smiling,Avi turned to see Rumor grinning at her.
"Oh morning Rumor,"murmured Avi as her face flushed.
Rumor's grin widened til he saw the rose in Avi's hand,making the note in her other hand turn to dust.
Another note took its place infront of Avichayil:
'Who gave you a rose?'
"My good friend Goodfellow gave it to me,"'explained Avichayil hestiantly.
'Goodfellow huh?'thought Rumor before returning his attention to Avichayil.
The note flipped over as new words appeared:
'Hope you ready for another suprise later on today.'
"Ready as I ever be,"promised Avichayil as she moved up in the line to get breakfast.
Rumor followed while his left fist instinctively clenched before relaxing itself.
"Well later Rumor,"said Avichayil as she left the line with her tray of food.
'Later,'thought Rumor when he sees Decker waving him over.
'Blast it....this is not gonna be easy,'groaned Rumor to himself while walking over to his friends.

[Outside cafeteria]

"Okay dude spill it,"instructed Decker once he and Rumor stepped out of the cafeteria.
Ouickly a note of what had happen just now not last not appeared before Decker.
"Dude you are so lucky!"praised Decker as the note disspated into dust.
Rumor shrugged while keeping a close eye on Avichayil and pink haired Goodfellow.
"Are you gonna do the Ten Roses?"asked Decker.
Rumor sent a note over to his friend:
'Planning on it buddy.'
"Better hurry seems like someone else is planning the same thing,"suggested Decker nodding over to where Avichayil sat.
Rumor watched until the bell rang then he started heading to his first hour class
"Ready to go Avi?"asked Goodfellow standing up.
"Sure,"said Avichayil getting up as well.
The two them left the cafeteria together while Japhet and Luthais followed them to first period History.
When they entered the classroom however,Avichayil stopped in suprise when she saw Rumor note talking to the teacher.
Goodfellow made a coughing noise making Rumor jump in suprise.
Turning around,Rumor saw Avichayil plus Goodfellow standing in the doorway.
'Hes a student now?'thought Goodfellow.
'He has History?'thought Rumor.
Both Japhet and Luthais moved pass Goodfellow plus Avichayil to their desks to see what will happen.
Avichayil gave Rumor a small smile before taking her seat.
"Who are you?"asked Goodfellow.
Instead of answering Rumor headed to an empty seat right beside Avichayil,who was smiling.
Goodfellow clenched his fist but relaxed as he sat next to Avichayil.
Soon the teacher got up to take roll call then went right into the incoming topics they'll be talking about for the next several weeks.
Avichayil busily wrote down notes in yearbook when a folded up note appeared.
Smiling,Avi ufolded it to read:
'Whats up Avichayil?'
Laughing quietly,Avi wrote her reply on the note that then quickly disappeared.
From the corner of her eye,Avi watched Rumor hold back as the note disappeard once more.
Grinning,Avichayil quickly unfolded it to read:
'Haha thats a good one.'
That was when the teacher called on a student to answer a question,who got it incorrect.
Teacher called on the next student which was Rumor,calmly showed the teacher the answer on a piece of paper.
"That guy...hes mysterious,'thought Goodfellow as he watched Rumor.


First four classes went by in a blur,as Avichayil hurried to her next class that was Art.
"Avichayil wait up!"said an out of breath Luthais.
"Oh hey Luthais whats up?"asked Avichayil.
Instead of replying,he simply hand her a blue-green rose before hurrying off.
Flushing slightly,Avichayil hurried to her art class with the rose clamped tightly in her hand.
"Glad you made it on time Avichayil,"said the art teacher just as Avichayil came into the classroom.
Avi quickly sat at her worktable and rested Luthais's rose on the table.
"Ooh pretty rose who gave it to you?"mocked Laurie,who was sitting at Avichayil's table.
"Luthais Enlit did,"replied Avi when seeing Luthais's name on the stem.
"Lucky you,"commented a girl named Vanilla.
"Which means....9 roses left right?"asked a boy named Blue.
Avichayil nodded when Rumor entered the room.
"May I help you?"asked the art teach stopping in the middle of putting notes on the board.
Rumor handed the teacher,who nodded then pointed to an empty chair at Avichayil's table.
Rumor smiled when he saw Avi,butt frown when he saw Laurie giving him a wink.
Avichayil felt her face flush while Rumor sat in the empty chair between her and Laurie.
"Hi cutie,"cooed Laurie touchibg his arm.
Ignoring her,Rumor flourished a note to Avi,who happily took it from him to read:
'Well here we are again.'
Avichayil laughed as she refolded the not when suddenly Rumor's hand was on top of hers.
Another feather sensation shot up her arm just when Rumor removed his hand.
Curious,Avichayil lifted her own hand up then let out a gasp. Even Vanilla and Laurie gasped as well.
There sittinng on the table was the note that was folded up into a star with Avichayil across in the center in light purple ink.
Avi quickly pulled out a piece of loose leaf paper from her,scrawled a quick note,folded it then flourished it to Rumor,who happily took it.
Meanwhile the art teacher droned on about incoming art projects as Avi lightly fingered her note star.
When art class was finally over,the students rushed out of the room while both Avichayil and Rumor packed their stuff up.
"Uhh...Rumor-,"started Avichayil but Rumor placed a finger on her lips again.
Then taking out a silver light purple ribbon from his bag,Rumor removed his finger so he could make a hole through the star.
When that was done,Rumor threaded the ribbon through the star just as Avi twisted her hair up.
Smiling,Rumor looped the neklace around Avi's neck before tying it into a double knot.
"Thank you Rumor,"finally said Avi turning to face Rumor.
Rumor's smile widened as he went back ti his seat to grab his bag.
With a wink at Avichayil,Rumor slung a bookbag strap over his shoulder then headed out the classroom.
Avi blushed deep red while grabbing her bag just as Lisette entered the room.
"Avi Goodfellow left this for you,"said Lisette before handing Avi a light pink rose with Goodfellow's scrawled along the stem.
"Thanks Lisette,"says Avi taking the rose.
"Your so lucky Avi!"squealed Lisette.
Both Avi and Lisette left the art room together just as Emere ran up to them.
"Guys are you free this period?"asked Emere.
"I am,"replied Avichayil.
"Me too,"agreed Lisette.
"Good lets head to the library on the 2nd floor,"suggested Emere turning to lead the way.
Quickly Avichayil and Lisette followed Emere up a set of stairs where a set of ornate wooden oak doors greeted them.
"Whats going on Emere?"asked Avichayil.
"And wheres Kasmira?"put in Lisette.
"Kasmira is inside the library and as for the first question...its about Laurie,"explained Emere slowly opening one of the ornate doors.
'I have a bad feeling about this...,"thought Avichayil gripping Goodfellow's rose in her hand.

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