Chapter 16: Battle Stage

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[Fairoze's shrine]

Avichayil felt power flow through her as twin scythes form in her hands.
One was red while the other was blue.
'Twin scythes? Haha....piece of cake,'thought Cassiel as he placed the box back on the podium.
"Time to battle Souls!"exclaimed Cassiel before running up a small staircase leading up to the ceiling of dark wood rungs.
Avichayil quickly followed after Cassiel as the other Souls and Immortals face off against one another.
"Too slow!"mocked Cassiel kicking Avi in the back.
Avi stumbled forward before falling onto a rung while Cassiel easily jumped over her to the other side.
"Come on so called leader!"teased Cassiel bouncing on the soles of his feet.
Avi quickly got to her feet then charged forward at Cassiel,who tripped her.
Luckily,Avi slashed him across the chest with her red scythe before teetering over the rung's edge
Then two strong arms locked around her body,then was slammed sideways on a rung.
Releasing her,Cassiel grabbed both Avichayil's scythe and twirled them around his fingers.
"Time to finish you off Avi of the Souls,"said Cassiel looking down at Avichayi with a twisted smile on his face.


Cassiel straddled two rungs as he stood right over Avi.
Which was all Avi needed as she slammed her knee into Cassiel's stomach.
Cassiel stumbled backwards while Avichayil slipped off the edge.
Grabing the edge, Avi hung for dear life just as Cassiel stood before her in cold fury.
"You'll pay for that,"snarled Cassiel as he raised his foot over Avi's hand.
'Noooo!!!' thought shouted Avi in her head.
Her note star grew warm before swallowing up Avichayil.
"What the?!"exclaimed Cassiel looking around quickly.
Avi smiled as she came down from above and kicked Cassiel hard in the face.
At the same time Cassiel used Avi's scythe to stab Avi in the chest.
Everything slowed as Avichayil teetered over the edge of a rung before falling over.
'RRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!' thought screamed Avichayil with the last of her energy.


Avichayil's voice hit Rumor hard.
'Hang on Avi!,' thought Rumor as he gathers his stuff before heading to the teacher's desk.
The teacher looked up just as Rumor held out a note:
'I'm not feeling too good. Can I go to the Nurse's office.'
The teacher nodded his head and quickly scribbled down a pass.
Rumor grabbed it then ran out the classroom quickly heading to his locker.
Piling his stuff inside, Rumor slammed the door shut while an ink puddle appeared around his feet.
'Take to me to where Avichayil is!' instructed thought Rumor.
Puddle quickly sucked him in then disappeared before anyone notices it.

[Fairoze's Shrine]

"AAAAVVVVIIII!!!"screamed Goodfellow as he tried to reach her.
Just then a puddle of ink appeared in the ground and a Rumor jumped out of it to catch Avi in mid flight.
Landing on the soles of his feet by the podium,Rumor cradled the unmoving Avi to his chest.
Slowly the podium with the Fairoze grind back from the center as a stone slab bed rose up in its place.
Rumor saw the stone bed beside him as he carefully laid Avi on it.
Cassiel watched the unknown figure lay his rival on a stone bed. He was furious.
Still holding Avichayil's other scythe, Cassiel twirled one then threw it at Rumor.
Rumor's eyes flashed red just when another puddle of ink appeared.
Only this time two shadow Rumors appeared with a sword and note stars at the ready.
The first shadow Rumor blocked the scythe while the 2nd one literally jumped up to grab a rung.
Flipping up the 2nd shadow Rumor soon faced Cassiel, who was waiting for him.

"I don't know who you are but your going down!"said Cassiel rushing forward with sword above his head.
Shadow Rumor blocked single handly then slashed Cassiel across the chest with a note star.
Cassiel stumbled back then rushed in again.
The 1st shadow Rumor soon appeared on the rung behind Cassiel as the 2nd one blocked again and nodded to the 1st one.
Nodding back,1st shadow Rumor flung two note stars that embedded themselves in Cassiel's back.
Cassiel faltered in his footing, but was soon able to try to shake off the note stars.
Nothing happen.
Fustrated,Cassiel calmed himself before beckoning the two shadow Rumors forward.

[On the ground]

Rumor looked down at the unmoving Avi with the scythe sticking out of her chest.
He felt tears roll down his cheeks as he pulled the scythe free.
When he did, it dispated back into Avi's note star.
'Avi?'thought asked Rumor.
No answer.
Rumor softly touched the wound with his fingers as ink pooled over it.
'Avi?' thought asked Rumor again.
Still no answer.
Sighing,Rumor rested his forehead on Avi's while taking her hand in his and watch his ink try to heal the wound.
Around him he could feel the other Souls fight with new energy against the Immortals.

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