Chapter 20: Strange But Wonderful Dream

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[Nurse's office]

Avi woke up to see the academy's nurse smiling down at her warmly.
"Oh good your awake Avichayil," said the nurse.
"How-?"started Avi.
"Your friends brought you in," answered the nurse.
Avi smiled at that just as Rumor came in.
He was holding a present in one arm while holding some blue roses with black stems in the other.
Rumor rested the roses on a beside table before kissing Avi on the cheek.
'How you feeling?' thought asked Rumor.
'Better though my shoulder hurts,' thought replied Avi.
Rumor nodded while placing the present in Avi's lap with a note on top reading:
'I made it myself...hope you take good care of it - Rumor C.'
Avi blushed from reading the note before taking it off.
Rumor took it then placed by the roses.
Slowly Avi started to unwrap the present shen her fingers brush against something soft.
Tearing off the rest of the paper Avi suddenly went slack jawed.
There in her lap was a Rumor plushie hold a black stem blue rose in his two hands.
Avi hugged the plushie,placed it beside her then got out of the bed before tackling Rumor to the ground.
'THANK YOU!!' exclaimed thought Avi.
'I'm glad you like it Avi,' thought said Rumor running his fingers down the length of her back.
"Avi can you get back into the bed please," instructed the nurse.
Rumor groaned to himself while scooping up Avi into his arms.
Getting up,he placed Avi gently back into bed before giving her the Rumor plushie.
'Gotta go see you later,' thought said Rumor with a smile as he left the room.
Avi fell asleep again while hugging her Rumor plushie and to some medicine from the nurse.

This time the teen wearing the black and red stooding leaning calmly against the mirror.
"You came back,"said the teen straightening himself up.
Avi just nodded her head. She didn't know how to reply yet.
"Who are you?"she asked instead.
The other form of the teen with the windblown hair and wearing white appeared in the mirror then tapped the glass.
Teen wearing black sighed before stepping away.
"Thank you Mr. Keep-your-mirror self outta this!' growled the teen's mirror self.
"Sorry dude,"said thought the teen.
"Whatev...might as well introduce yourself to flower already,' muttered the mirror image.
Avi watched as the teen stared at his mirrorself as if it was crazy.
"Sorry seems my mirrorself wanted to see you again as well," commented the teen while looking at Avi.
"No harm I guess huh?" guessed Avi with a light laugh.
"Guess so...anyway Im Seprath Haex," introduced Seprath.
"And I'm Avichayil Rinas nice to meet you Seprath,"greeted Avi.
Suddenly she could hear a fist slamming against the mirror.
Seprath groaned but pointed to the mirror. "And this is Sephron Haex my mirrorself,"he introduced.
Sephron gave Avi a smile as he bowed to her.
"Happy now?" asked Seprath looking at the mirror.
"No thanks to you!" shouted Sephron from the mirror.
Avi fell back from the shock.
But she smiled as she watch.
Avi woke up again to the sound of her name.
She woke up to see Emere smiling at her.
"Morning sleepy head,"greeted Emere.
"Morning Emere," greeted Avi.
"Well come on now lets get going!" said Emere.
"And where are we going?"asked Avi slowly getting out bed with her Rumor plushie.
"Going dress shopping of course!" replied Emere when her eyes landed on the plushie.
"Where'd you get that Avi," she gushed.
"Rumor Claythe, he made it for me," answered Avi hugging the plushie close.
"Lucky him!" commented Emere for Avi's sake.
Avi nodded before grabbing the other little presents.
"Thank you nurse!" called out Avi when she and Emere finally left the room.
Suddenly the Rumor plushie was grabbed out of her hands was violently thrown to the ground before being stomped on.
Avi looked down at the plushie with tear filled eyes before looking up to see Laurie glaring at her.
"Where'd you get the plushie?"asked Laurie.
"Rumor made it for me," replied Avi.
"Well he wont be yours anymore,"taunted Laurie before turning then walking away.
'What she meant by Rumor not being mine?'thought Avi as she looked down at the remants of the plushie.
All that was left was the small black stem blue rose,it was lying ontop of all the stuffing.
Avi picked it up then handed it to Emere before picking up the mess and throwing it away.
Emere handed back the small rose when running footsteps was heard.
Avi looked just in time to see Rumor pulling her into a hug.
'Don't worry about what Laurie says Avi...I always be with you,' thought said Rumor.
'Thank you Rumor,' thought replied Avi when Emere tapped her on the shoulder.
Avi nodded then stepped back from Rumor and held out the small rose to him.
"I'm sorry Rumor," whispered Avi looking away.
Rumor took the rose,stepped behind Avi and started fiddling with the chain.
Moment later Rumor stepped back infront of Avi before touching her chin.
Avi looked up to see Rumor's warm smile.
Confused Avi looked down at her necklace to see the small plushie rose next to to note star.
Avi quickly hugged Rumor before Emere started dragging her away.
Rumor watched Avi leave when Goodfellow walked passed him.
'Time to go get ready,' thought Rumor following after Goodfellow.

[Outside the academy- finding a dress shop]

"Anyone see a dress shop yet?" asked Avi.
"No not yet," replied Kasmira.
"Same,"agreed Emere
Suddenly they walked passed one called: 'Dream Boutique' and Lisette stopped to stare at the window.
"Guys!!" she exclaimed a second later.
Avi, Emere plus Kasmira hurried back to Lisette as they to stare at the windinow.
Smiling at each other, the girls were about to go in when Emere stopped Avi.
"Whats wrong Emere?"asked Avi.
"Me and the others want to find your dress for you," explained Emere.
"Okay so what do I look for?"asked Avi.
"A pretty necklace!"put in Kasmira.
"And some earrings!" added Lisette.
Avi thought of this then nodded before heading into the boutique.
"Be right with you!" called out a sing-song voice.
Avi turned in time to see a young lady with flowing blond hair and caramel brown eyes.
"Welcome to Dream Boutique I am Mrs.Dream the owner," greeted Mrs.Dream while straightening her red jacket over her black top.
"Hello Mrs.Dream we're here to buy some dresses," greeted Avichayil.
"Well then feel free to look around and call for any help!"said Mrs.Dream before heading back to her office.
Emere and Lisette quickly started their search for Avi's dress while Kasmira searched in a different spot.
Avi drifted over to the necklace section when three of em caught her eye.
First one was a cobalt blue rose with little black leaves.
It reminded her of Rumor.
The second one had a small cluster of crystal flowers spread out along the chain.
It reminded her of Seprath.
The third was a dark purple rose dusted lightly with a touch of black.
Avi sighed as she took all three then layed them on the counter.
'I'll have to pick two," thought Avi before closing her eyes.
Using her fingers, they touched two of the three necklaces.
Opening her eyes up she gasped.
She pick the crystal flower and the dark purple rose.
'Sorry blue rose,' thought Avi as she took the two chosen necklaces to the checkout.
Emere, Kasmira and Lisette were already there with a covered garment in their hand except Emere, who carried two of em.
Avi bought her necklaces plus some earrings then met her friends outside the shop.
"That was fun!" gushed Kasmira.
"I agree lets go get ready!" agreed Lisette.
Laughing all of them ran back to the academy with the sunset behind them.

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