Chapter 24: Miss CrazyKitty

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"What are we gonna do with the yarn teacher?" asked Laurie.
"Simple: we are gonna be kitties today!" said Miss CrazyKitty.
"What do you mean?" asked Lisette.
"Meow!" answered a voice beside her.
Startled,  Lisette looked to see Kasmira lying down her hand pawing at a ball of yarn.
"Like that," continued Miss CrazyKitty.
'Ohh.....blast it,' muttered thought Lisette.
Kasmira looked up with hand posed over the yarn and saw her friend's shock faces.
"Meow!" said Vanilla while playing with two balls of yarn.
"Meow!" this time from Avi as she got on her stomach and pawed her red yarn back n forth.
"Leader!!" exclaimed Emere, Lisette plus Kasmira in unison.
"Meow meow meow," said Avi when she covered her mouth in suprise.
'What the?' thought Avi as she lowered her hand.
"Mew!" quickly said Avi before covering her mouth again.
'Rumor! Goofellow! Seprath help!!" thought exclaimed Avichayil.

(Mr. Madhouse Cookie's Room)

Mr.Madhouse Cookie soon left the classroom as Rumor and the other students struggle to their feet.
'Rumor! Goofellow! Help!!' came Avi's voice.
Both Goodfellow and Rumor looked at eachother then nodded their heads.
"Come on Souls!" said Goodfellow heading out the door.
"Coming!" said Japhet, Luthais and Jathaniel as they hurry after Goodfellow.
'InkRebels lets go!' thought said Rumor hurrying out the door as well.
"Coming leader," said the other InkRebels forming quickly behind Rumor.
The other students decided to follow the two groups when they soon stopped at a classroom door.
Rumor and Goodfellow peered in then their eyes grew wide.
"Sheesh thats alot of yarn," muttered Goodfellow.
Rumor nodded in agreement before nodding to Thaddius and Decker.
The two boys grinnned as Rumor puled Goodfellow back with him.
Then with a scream both Thaddius and Decker kicked down the door into the classroom.

(Miss CrazyKitty's Room)

'Wicked...Quinn secure the teacher,' thought Instructed Rumor.
Wicked and Quinn easily tackled Miss CrazyKitty to the ground.
Goodfellow then motion for the other students to help the girls.
The other Souls nodded their heads as they carried Avi, Emere, Kasmira plus Lisette out the room.
Rumor then saw that Avi wasn't wearing her note star.
Eyes flashing quickly, Rumor signaled both Thaddius and Decker over.
"What is it leader?" asked Decker.
Rumor held up a note:
'I need you to find Avi's note star necklace.'
Decker plus Thaddius nodded before running out the room.
That was when Miss CrazyKitty broke free from Wicked and Quinn then threw a ball of yarn at Rumor.
It hit him square in the head as Rumor fell to the ground on his back.
As that was happening two hands shot out of a mirror on the front wall to grab the teacher around the waist.
Slowly the hands pulled her in just as Rumor sat up to rub his face.

[Inside mirror]

"Seprath please?" asked Sephron when he dragged Miss CrazyKitty into the mirror.
"Fine let's do it before she escapes," said Seprath.
'Immerge!" exclaimed Seprath a second later.
Sephron stepped into Seprath as their powers combined.
'Yay it worked!' thought said Sephron.
Seprath happily agreed as he watched the teacher try to escape.
"oh no you don't," whispered Seprath just as Sephron spoke up.
"Mirror whirlwind?" he suggested.
"Let's do it Sephron,"said Seprath with a smile.
"Mirror Whirlwind!" called both Seprath and Sephron in unison.
Mirror around them crack into shards as a strange wind picked them up while heading for the teacher.
Shard after shard pinned the teacher to the ground as the wind slowly died down.
Sephron and Seprath soon separated while they both kneel on either side of the teacher.
But they were soon shocked when they realized there was no blood coming from the wounds.
"Seprath something is going on here," said Sephron.
"We need to contact the other MirrorKnights," agreed Seprath getting up.
He pulled out his cell and started making some calls.

[Inside old factory]

"What of my leader's guards?" asked a voice.
"One of em is down the other is still up commander Meave," explained another voice.
"Thank you Makel," said Meave with a smile
Meave pushed her dark hair behind her ears as Makel with his orange hair and eyes showed her how the process was done.
Meave watched with fascination from the first step to the very last one when the new project steps out of the machine.
"So Makel do these projects...bleed from...wounds perhaps?" asked Meave.
"No they can't bleed thanks to the special clay," explained Makel.
Meave smiled.
She knows her leader Cassiel will be pleased.


I watched Goodfellow take care of Avi when a shudder racked through his body.
'Oh no its not time,' I thought while crossing my arms over my stomach.
Another shudder escaped just as Thaddius and Decker returned.
They saw the pain look on my face then appeared at my side a second later.
"You okay leader?" asked Thaddius.
I held up a note:
'Give Avi her necklace and make sure shes okay.'
Both Thaddius and Decker nodded as I slowly walked away from them.
I headed to the window that me and Avi first met then collasped on its seating ledge.
I pulled my legs up to my chest as I leaned against the left side window panel.
A third shudder hit him hard in the chest as tears started rolling down his cheeks.
'I hope I can survive this,' I thought while resting my forehead on my knees.
Slowly the memories started of how he became the Ink Prince in its ugly way.

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