Chapter 19: Invisible Dagger

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[Shrine Room]

"Guys I think Avi needs our strength,"said Goodfellow.
Rumor nodded his head in agreement.
"Lets do it then,"said Luthais,Japhet and Jathniel in unison.
Goodfellow held out a hand to Rumor,who took it.
The other Souls soon formed a circle around the stone bed as they all held hands.
Then they all close their eyes as their energies flow into Avi.


I could feel energy flowing around me and inside me.
I can hear the crack venom shattering along my skin.
The feather touch of Rumor's power spread all over my body in a warm embrace.
'my's back.'
'But the mist dagger is still embedded in my skin.'
'Rumor, Goodfellow and my other friends.....pull out the dagger.'

[Shrine room]

Everybody let go of their hands looking down at Avi.
"How can we pull out a dagger of which we can't see?" asked Jathniel.
"Yeah it's crazy!" agreed Japhet.
"But we need to save Avi though," murmured Emere.
Kasmira and Lisette couldn't help but agree with Emere.
Goodfellow felt along Avi's left shoulder when his fingers brushed against something.
"What the?" he asked himself as his fingers felt around the mysterious object.
His eyes went wide. He knew what it was.
"Rumor come see this," said Goodfellow to Rumor next to him.
Rumor moved closer to Goodfellow and felt where his fingers were.
He grinned.
'We found the invisible dagger also known as a mist dagger,' thought Rumor.
"Japhet,Luthais and Jathniel we might need your guys help,"suggested Goodfellow.
Rumor quickly took hold of the hilt just as Goodfellow placed his hand over his.
Japhet stood by Goodfellow then took hold of the hilt.
Luthais and Jathniel did the same as the girls watch from the foot of the bed.
"Okay on three we'll pull okay?" instructed Goodfellow.
The others quickly nodded their heads. They were ready.
All the guys pulled hard on the invisible dagger.
It didn't budge an inch.
"On three,"started Goodfellow.
They pulled harder than last time pouring more strength into it.
Slowly it started coming out while cracks of black formed along the edge of the wound.
"Pull!!" said Goodfellow.
Rumor pour more strength into it as he pulled on the dagger.
Japhet, Jathniel and Luthais pulled hard with all they have before falling on their backs.
But it was like the dagger was trying to stay in Avi.
Rumor and Groundfellow grounded their teeth, took a step back then yanked the dagger right out.
Avi moaned as cracks of black slowly started to grow down her arm.
"Heh...the crack venom seems to have left its mark," whispered a voice that came from the dagger.
"Okay who was that?" asked Kasmira.
"No idea but it sounded creepy!" replied Lisette.
"It came from the dagger," answered Goodfellow as he and Rumor loooked over it.
"Can we destroy it?" asked Japhet standing up.
"Not sure," replied Goodfellow.
"I have a question....who is Rumor?" asked Luthais also standing up.
Rumor gave Goodfellow the dagger then faced Luthais with a note already in his hand:
'I am Rumor.'

"WWWWWHHHHHAAAAAATTTTT?!?!"exclaimed the others except Goodfellow and Japhet.
Words quickly changed around on the note to read:
'I am Rumor Claythe leader of the InkRebels.'
"Leader of the InkRebels?!?!" exclaimed everyone including Japhet plus Goodfellow.
Rumor held up a note reading: 'I'll explain later.' Before turning back to Avi on the stone bed.
'Avi wake up,' thought Rumor urgently.
Eyelids fluttered open to reveal purple eyes with grey flecks underneath.
Avi looked to see her teammates' worry faces surrounding her.
With a slight turn to the left she could see Rumor's worry face.
Giving him a small smile,she slowly held up a hand as Rumor claped it in his with a small smile of his own.
Turning slightly to the right, she saw and equally worried Goodfellow.
She held out her right hand and Goodfellow gladly took it.
"Thank goodness your okay," murmured Goodfellow.
"Its thanks to you guys," whispered Avi nodding to Goodfellow and her teammates.
The other Souls all smiled back at her.
"Including you Rumor," whispered Avi to Rumor.
Rumor felt tears brimming his eyes as he nodded to Avi.
Then her note star grew warm as ink started flowing towards the wound.
Avi flinch when the ink hit the wound,but sighed as the ink flowing into the wound to heal it.
'So glad your back Avi,'whispered Rumor with his mind.
Avi felt shivers run down her body and knew it was from Rumor.

Avi soon fell asleep as the ink continue to heal the wound.
Rumor and Goodfellow still held her hands while the others sat down around the bed.
Avi watched as dream unfold before her,but this time it was different.
Avi found herself in a vast white room with a floor length mirror.
She eyed the mirror just as a shadow of a teen appeared.
With sliverly light blue hair and stunning sliver eyes that were dust soft light blue.
He wore a black button down collar t-shirt, that was open, with a tattered red t-shirt underneath plus blue jeans and black shoes.
Around his neck he wore a black collar with a silver design etch on it.
He gave Avi a warm smile as he started to change.
His hair was the smae color but looked wind blown in a cool way.
His eyes were still stunning as they fixed soley on Avi.
Instead of a black button down shirt, it was a white one in its place.
Underneath he wore a black tattered t-shirt, while a white collar that had a black etch rested around his neck.
The pants and shoes stayed the same as Avi slowly took a step forward.
The teen urged her forward with his hand.
Avi slowly reached the mirror before resting her hand against the cool glass.
To her suprise the teen rested his hand against hers, making her gasp.
Feeling her face flush, Avi lowered her head the whispered,"Who are you?"
The teen in the mirror lowered its hand before writing: 'We will meet soon my flower," across the surface.

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