Chapter 22: Night To Remember

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[unknown location]

"Leader...," whispered a voice.
Closed eyes tried to blink open.
"Leader wake up," whispered another voice.
Slowly the eyes open to nothing but darkness.
"Leader?" whispered a third voice.
"Let the games begin," whispered the three voices in unison.
And power started flowing into the body with eyes open on a stone like bed.
Slowly the color in the eyes came to life in a brilliant shade of blue.
The person sat up to lower a black hood off his head to reveal red hair underneath.
Leader...welcome back," greeted the third voice.
"Cassiel...I mean leader what do we do now?" asked the first voice.
"We're gonna kidnap the leader of the InkRebels," said Cassiel standing.
"But shouldn't we wait for the others?" continued first voice.
"Yes Shith we wait,"answered Cassiel.
Shith smiled through his mask with light glinting off it from above.

[Achates Academy]

Goodfellow watched Rumor and Avi dance around the dance floor with narrow eyes.
Vanilla stood beside him while beaming up at him.
"Come on let's dance!" said Vanilla grabbing his arm again.
"No thanks," said Goodfellow pulling his arm free.
"pleeeeaaassssseeee?" begged Vanilla.
Goodfellow looked at Vanilla then thought really hard.
"Alri-," started Goodfellow when another student grabbed Vanilla's hand and spun her away.
Goodfellow watched in utter shock before hurrying down the stairs then heading to the punch bowl.
He grabbed two cups as he headed to one of the candle stands.
Leaning against it he could see Avichayil easily.
He smiled.
"Hey buddy you okay?" asked Japhet walking up.
"Never been better," answered Goodfellow with a grin.
"Glad to hear it.....waiting for your turn?" asked Japhet returning the grin before nodding in Avi's direction.
"Yep won't be much longer," murmured Goodfellow.
"Might as well keep you company," said Japhet leaning against the candle stand opposite Goodfellow's.
A few minutes later both Avi and Rumor left the dance floor as the ballrooom erupted into cheers.
Rumor smiled down at Avi but looked up to see Goodfellow.
"Hello Avi," greeted Goodfellow straightening up.
"Hello Goodfellow," greeted Avi feeling her face flush.
"Here got you something to drink," continued Goodfellow picking up one of the cups the handed it to Avi.
"Thank you Goodfellow!" thanked Avi while taking the cup then took a sip.
She sighed in happiness.
"Umm Avi may I...," started Goodfellow but Avi held up a hand.
"Maybe later okay? I wanna sit outside," said Avi finishing her drink.
"It's a promise then," agreed Goodfellow smiling warmly.
Just then Emere, Kasmira, Lisette, Jathniel and Luthais appeared and headed over.
Avi touched Rumor's arm lightly then headed outside.
Rumor watched Avi head outside then looked over at Emere and held out a hand.
Emere nodded and took the hand as other couples made their way onto the dance floor.
Japhet looked over at Kasmira then gestured to the floor.
Kasmira blushed then followed Japhet.
Jathniel looked over at Lisette before holding out a hand.
Lisette smiled while taking the hand and Jathniel swept her across the floor.
Avi found a seat outside just as the moon came out when she saw Laurie a few feet away.
Laurie looked from the corner of her eye, saw Avi then headed over.
"Avi my don't you look stunning!" squealed Laurie.
"You look nice too Laurie," commented Avi.
"Aww thanks!.....Anyway about Jack,"started Laurie.
'Now what?' thought Avi.
"Stay away from him," finished Laurie before flouncing off to her friends.
'I'm glad she doesn't know Rumor can't speak,' thought Avi with a smile.

'Hey Rumor?' thought ask Avi.
'Yeah Avi?'came Rumor's reply a second later.
'If Laurie wants to chit chat with can use 'it','continued Avi gazing up at the moon.
'....Good plan oh here she comes,' thought said Rumor.
'Have fun,' finished thought Avi while getting up then heading inside.
"JJJJJaaaacccckkkk!!!" squealed Laurie when she reached him.
A note appeared infront of Laurie a second later:
'Hi Laurie'
"Huh?!" exclaimed Laurie when she saw the note.
Rumor inwardly grin at Laurie's reaction.
"Whats with the notes Jack,"asked Laurie while watching as more words appeared on the note.
'My name is not Jack its Rumor and secondly I speak through notes.'
"Speak through notes?" asked Laurie mostly to herself as she started backing away.
A new note appeared as the old one dispated it read:
'And leave Avichayil alone too!'
This made Laurie sprint away as Rumor sighed when familar hands hugged him from behind.
Grinning, Rumor looked down to see Avi beaming up at him.
Twisting around, Rumor hugged Avi back.
"You did awesome Rumor," whispered Avi.
'Thank you,' replied thought Rumor.

The Fairoze: Rise of the Souls (book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora