Chapter 8: The Last Member

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Mrs.Daphins smiled a twisted smile before stepping back into the shadows of the two trees.
Rumor glanced to left to Thaddius and gave him a small nod.
Thaddius nodded back as he plus the others stepped back as well behind the trees.
Then a chain shot out at Rumor's head,but he slashed the chain in half with his sword.
Second chain shot out to knock the sword out of Rumor's grasp.
Rumor jumped back to catch his sword in his right hand just as the chains shot out again.
Only this time they locked around his ankles then pulled him to the ground.
"Well your no fun Rumor,"purred Mrs.Daphins appearing from the trees.
Rumor didn't answer,but focus on a puddle forming beneath Mrs.Daphins.
"Time to put you to an end Rumor,"sneered Mrs.Daphins as both her chains reformed.
Rumor's eyes glowed for an instant while ink like chains sprang up from the puddle and locked around Mrs.Daphins's body.
This caused the chains to crumble to dust as Rumor sprang to his feet then dashed forward to the trapped teacher.

[Achates Academy]

Japhet got up from the table then hurried over to where Jathniel stood.
"Hey Jathniel,"said Japhet when he reached him
"Oh hey Japhet,"said Jathniel turning to face Japhet.
"Have you joined a team yet?"wondered Japhet.
"Not yet,"replied Jathniel.
"Would you like to join our team? We need one more person,"explained Japhet.
"Sure I'm in,"agreed Jathniel taking his tray then leaving the line .
Japhet grinned before leading Jathniel over to his friends.
Avichayil stood up,held out a hand just as she said,"Hi Jathniel I am Avichayil Rinas."
"Pleasure to meet you Avichayil,"greeted Jathniel with a grin.
That was when the loudspeaker came on and a female voice started to speak,"Okay for those who have form a team head to the Sanctum at once...that is all." Then the loudspeaker went off as students bustling around to find their last bit of members.
Goodfellow wrote down Jathniel's name before shutting it then gave to Avichayil,who puts it in her bookbag
They all then left the table before making their way to the Sanctum.

Rumor rushed forward at the ink chain trapped teacher and slice her right in half.
Slowly the teacher started to dispate into dust just as the ink chains unlocked then retreated into the puddle.
Rumor's sword went back to its puddle while his eyes glowed to dull redbefore collasping onto one knee.
"Rumor!!"exclaimed both Thaddius and Decker in unison.
But Rumor shakily got to his feet before heading back to his friends.
"You okay buddy?"asked a very worried Thaddius
Rumor nodded his head then pointed to a lighted up building some distances away.
"That looks like the Achates Academy,"wonders Quinn looking at the building.
"Lets get going then!"cheered Wicked.
Rumor's eyes return to their regular color just as he started towards the academy.
Thaddius and Decker soon followed with Quinn plus Wicked behind them.
Suddenly Rumor was grabbed by the throat and was slammed face first into a tree.
"RUMOR!!"shouted all his friends.
"Your mine Claythe,"purred a young male teacher stepping towards Rumor.
Rumor clenched his fists,but kept his gaze locked on the male teacher.
The teacher smiled as he pulled out a sharp dagger and pressed it to Rumor's jawline.

[Achates Academy]
Avichayil and her friends soon enter a large round circular room with four doors along one wall.
"Welcome my fellow students to the Sanctum,"greeted the prinicpal.
"So what exactly is the Sanctum?"asked Laurie.
"See the doors behind me? They are for you all,"replied the prinicpal.
"But there are only four doors though,"put in Kasmira.
"Cause its one team for a door...if that team fails another team enters and so on,"explained the assistant prinicpal calmly.
"How do we know when a team fails?"asked Jathniel.
Principal pointed to the lights above the door that were all green and said,"Once a team enters the lights turn red if fail they turn green for the next team."
"So before we get started,each team should pick a leader to lead them through the doors,"suggested the assistant prinicpal.
"Hmm...who should we choose?"asked Japhet.
"I vote for Avichayil!"said Emere.
"Emere...I-,"started Avichayil.
"I vote for her too,"put in Goodfellow with a smile.
Avichayil felt her cheeks flush and quickly looked away.
"We vote for Avichayil too!!"added both Lisette and Jathniel.
"Add my vote too!"cheered Kasmira.
"Alright Avichayil you are our new leader!"said Japhet grinning.
Avichayil nodded then looked at all her teammates.
"Everybody form a line behind me,"she instructed.
Goodfellow,Emere,Luthais followed by the others quickly formed up behind her.
"Okay now its time for the first four groups to enter the Sanctum,"instructed the prinicpal.
"First up Laurie's group,Second Triyte's,3rd Arien's and lastly....Avichayil's group,"called out the assistant prinicpal.
The four named groups hestiantly headed to the four doors the waited for the next instructions.

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