Chapter 11: The Immortals

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Unknown location]

"Cassiel? Cassiel....Leader!"exclaimed a voice.
"What is it Shith?"grumbled a boy sleepily with burgandy red hair with blond highlights on the ends and bright blue eyes.
Another boy with dark green hair had on a mask with a purple lightning bolt.
"I was worried you wouldn't wake up leader,"was Shith's reponse.
"Well now you gave me a headache,"muttered Cassiel rubbing his throbbing head.
"Yeah thank you Shith for giving our leader a headache,"mocked Jacy with his fire amber hair and brown eyes.
"Whatever,"countered Shith as he sat on his bed watching Cassiel.
"Alright let me get dress then we head out,"instructed Cassiel while getting out of bed.
Cassiel quickly got out some clothes,headed into the bathroom,got dressed then came back into the room.
"Where are the others Shith?"he asked his masked friend.
"Waiting for us,"was Shith's reply.
"Jacy?"asked Cassiel without looking at him.
Jacy smiled then smacked Shith upside the head.
"Oww!!"exclaimed Shith.
"Thats for waking up Cassiel's bad side,"countered Jacy before following Cassiel out the room.
"Yeah but I didn't mean to!"protested Shith hurrying after his leader and Jacy.
"Oh-oh I think this has Shith written all over this problem,"said a voice.
A boy with silver hair and red eyes appeared from around the corner approaching Cassiel.
"Your right Rigg,Shith woke me up on the wrong side of the bed,"explained Cassiel.
"I didn't mean to leader!"said Shith.
Cassiel ignored him as he took in the hallway.
"Rigg where are the others?"asked Cassiel.
"At the meeting room waiting,"replied Rigg.
"Right lets get going,"said Cassiel leading the way.
Shith,Jacy and Rigg soon followed as they all headed out of the hallway then entered a dimly lit classroom.
Rigg quickly opened the door then ushered everyone inside.
"Leader!!"exclaimed two voices.
"Hey Akshay and Logan whats up?"greeted Cassiel.
"Nothing much leader,"greeted Akshay with his silver blond and cool blue-grey eyes,who was smiling.
"So leader is it time?"asked Shith.
"Almost,"whispered Cassiel taking a seat at a round brown table.
"Soon we'll be formed once more correct leader?"whispered Jacy sitting in a chair beside Cassiel.
"Well we already are formed up except two more of us are running late,"complained black haired Logan with purple eyes.
"Then we can start with our team motto ehh leader,"suggested Shith.
"Shith is right lets all...whisper our motto,"instructed Cassiel with a spark in his eyes.
"Let the games begin....Are you ready?"whispered everyone in unison.
"Leader,leader,leader....leader!!"exclaimed a voice entering the room.
"Whats wrong Ram?"asked Rigg.
"We have a problem!"answered Ram with his aqua green blue hair and eyes was busy trying to get Cassiel's attention.
"Explain Ram,"urged Cassiel looking a little ticked off at the moment.
"Uhh...well the reformed Souls are getting close to the Fairoze,"hurriedly explained Ram.
"Whaat?!"exclaimed Shith,Jacy and Rigg in unison.
"They must be battling the Wingnirs,"guessed Cassiel sending a mental picture to his friends.
It made them all shudder from it.
"Wheres Phrixus?"asked Cassiel.
Ram quickly sent a message to Phrixus with his mind before answering,"Hes coming."
"Good lets get going then,"said Cassiel getting up.
"Where are we going leader?"asked Shith getting up with Jacy.
"Achates Academy,"was Cassiel's reply as he headed out the room.
Shith,Jacy,Rigg,Akshay and Logan all grinned at eachother before following Cassiel.
Ram left the room last and shut the door then tried catching up to the others,who were moving quickly out the small hallway.

[Achates Academy]

"Ready?.....CHARGE!!"yelled Avichayil running forward.
"CHARGE!!!"yelled her teammates running alongside Avichayil.
Blue shapes burst from the mirrors and struck forward onto the moving team.
"!"said Goodfellow.
Avichayil ducked as Goodfellow sliced a Wingnir right in half,which then exploded.
Another Wingnir attacked from the side when a scythe instantly appeared in Avichayil's hands.
"Whoa!"exclaimed Avi staring wide eyed at the scythe but quickly swung it horizontally at the Wingnir,destroying it instantly.
The rest of the team quickly destroyed their own Wingnirs just as a section of the white walll lowered down to a lantern lit passageway.
Slowly they all walked pass blue mirrors lining the walls, then entered the passageway as the wall went up behind them.
They followed it till the end,which opened up to a mirror cavern roomwith a gold podium in the middle.
On the podium was a large silver box with the word 'Fairoze' inscribed on the front.
Avichayil walked up to the podium then lifted up the box,which causes the back wall to open outward.
"Yeah we got the Fairoze!"cheered Japhet.
"Yeah!!"agreed both Luthais and Jathniel
"Hey guys I think thats the exit,"suggested Kasmira pointing to the back wall.
"If it is then lets get going,"said Goodfellow looking where Kasmira is pointing.
As a group they gathered around Avichayil like a shield,then made their way into the opening that lead back to main room.

The Fairoze: Rise of the Souls (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now