Chapter 27: Souls vs Immortals

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[Unknown Location]

Cassiel smiled as he stared at the Fairoze before him.
He and the other Immortals were back at their secret location in the meeting room.
"We finally have it," murmured Cassiel while picking up the Fairoze.
"Thanks to your plan leader," commented Shith.
"Yeah and those Souls wouldn't know what hit them," added Jacey.
"Whatever the reason we the Immortals have the Fairoze," countered Cassiel.
"So what do we do leader?" asked Rigg.
"We start training," said Cassiel putting Fairoze back into its box.
The other Immortals smiled at each other before they all nodded their heads.
Then they all headed to one of the larger training rooms equiped with some serious stuff except Cassiel.
He went into a seperate training room and started practicing on his mist daggers.

[Achates Academy - training rooms]

Thaddius plus the other InkRebels went into one training room while Rumor went into the other.
Rumor thought explain that he wanted to test something then headed into the room.
His friends, though confused, understood then headed into the other room to practice their attacks.
Rumor made his way to the center of the room then closed his eyes.
Taking several deep calming breaths, Runor opened his eyes just as they flash and flung his arm out sideways,sending note stars to the right wall.
They bounced off then headed back to Rumor, who smiled.
'InkExchange!' thought said Rumor.
And ink soon started flowing over the right arm,covering it almost instantly.
Insteaded of hitting dead on, it simply slipped right through with a ripple through the ink.
'Now BoneReturn!' thought called out Rumor.
And slowly the ink withdrew so his arm could reform.
While that happen, Rumor quickly caught the note stars with his left hand.
A single note floated down infront of Rumor that read:
'It worked.'
Then it dispated just as Rumor headed out the room to the other one and see if his friends wanted to try.

"You want us to do what?!"exclaims Decker.
Rumor held up a note to his friends:
'Attack me.'
"No way we are not doing it leader," said Thaddius.
Words quickly change on the note:
'I won't get hurt...come on you guys!'
"If you say you can't get hurt...lets do it," said Thaddius with nods from Decker,Wicked and Quinn.
Rumor quickly headed to the center of the room and closed his eyes.
His friends spread out around him with weapons ready.
Thaddius got his bow ready with an arrow pulled back then waited.
'Thaddius and Decker...go!' thought instructed Rumor.
Decker rushed forward,his sickle swords at his sides while Thaddius fire a dozen of arrows at Rumor's left side.

"InkExchange my left side and my middle," thought called Rumor.
Soon ink covered all of his left side,including his chest and stomach.
Arrows embedded themselves through the skin with a ripple then litter the floor by Rumor's feet.
Thadddius couldn't help but go slack jaw at Rumor.
Decker stopped a few feet away from Rumor then threw both his swords at him.
But they too slipped through the skin with a ripple before clattering to the ground.
'BoneReturn,' thought said Rumor.
The ink quickly redrew just as the bones started to regrow on the left side plus the middle in a matter of seconds.
When it was finish, Rumor bent down to pick up the arrows plus the swords then handed them back to his friends who were still in shock.

[Training room - Goodfellow]

I stood in an empty training room with IronTrickster drawn by my side.
Around me in a circle were dummies on solid wood staffs.
I smiled before dashing forward to the first dummy.
It feint back on its moving track as if to dodge it.
Luckily I sliced it before it could feint back again
I then turn about halfway to slash another dummy in half.
Rest of the dummies soon advance on me as I got into position.
They almost reached my face when I sliced them down to size.
I smiled then put my sword back into its holder.
'I wonder what Rumor and his friends got plan for the battle,' I thought to myself.
Then I watch as the dummies fix themselves to form back into their circle.
I grinned at this then rushed forward while pulling out IronTrickster at the same time.
This is gonna be fun.

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