Chapter 25: Ugly Memories

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{Academy in forest-memory 1}


'I enter the academy witgh a smile on my face when I was grabbed by the scruff of my neck.
"Looks like we got a new kid," snarled Jess .
His companions laughed at me.
"Whats your name?" asked Jess.
I shakly held up a note:
'Its Rumor.'
Jess laughed then slammed me hard into the wall of lockers.
I spit out blood as I fell to the floor in a heap.
"What kind of name is Rumor? You should be called Jack instead,"mocked Jess while giving his friends a nod.
They all nodded back as one by one they kicked me in the stomach.
Laughing Jess and his crew left me on the floor while other students kept walking by.
By the time I got up the tardy bell had already rung.
I started for the nurse's office while clutching my stomach.

{Memory 2 Rumor}

The same thing happen to me the next day.
Except they tossed me into the dark basement.
I slowly moved my jaw. That only made it worse.
Blood spilled onto the floor from my mouth as I got to my knees.
"Hello? Anyone in here?" came a voice.
I could see a figure of a boy weaving a flashlight through the darkness when it landed on me.
"Your hurt!" exclaimed the boy quickly coming to my side.
Rumor held up a note to the boy: 'My name is Rumor.'
"And I'm Thaddius," greeted Thaddius with his blond hair and blue eyes.
Thaddius eased me into a sitting position as he checked for injuries.
Shaking his head, Thaddius pulled out his first aid and started on my bleeding jaw.
I wished this friendship would last but....

{Memory 3- Rumor}

It happen again the next day.
The crew found Thaddius and locked him in a supply closet.
For that they broke my jaw plus my two wrists.
I curled up on my side as my own blood started pooling around me.
But slowly it began to slow as ink flowed over the wounds to heal them.
I open my eyes to see rings of black on my wrists.
I lightly bend them.
I felt no aching pain.
I made me smile but then I realized my jaw was still broken.
Not anymore it wasn't
Later that day the crew took me to a broken down classroom then locked me inside.
With Jess the leader.
He soon kicked sideways at my chest,sending me flying.
I stayed there leaning lopsidely as Jess crouched infront of me.
"Your lucky Jack," he said before walking out and locking the door behind him
I laid down on my back beside the wall aa tears rolled down my cheeks.

{Memory 4- Rumor]

The next day Thaddius return with another boy.
He had silver hair and silver eyes.
His name was Decker.
First they helped me stand.
They made sure I had no serious injury then left the room
A note appeared in my hand a second later and watch as it started to fold itself.
I watch as the note soon transformed into a note star.
I picked it up just as another one appeared beside it.
I quickly looked around when my eyes spotted an old dummy in a dusty corner.
Crouching down to one knee,I then flung my arm out sideways and let the note stars fly.
They quickly slice down the dummy,spun around in a criss-cross fashion before returning to my hand.
I smiled while the stars disappeared into my hand.
Time for payback.

{Memory 5 - Rumor}

I stayed still as Jess and his crew entered the room.
I could feel my fingers twitch as note stars appear between them.
My eyes quickly flash just as my arm swung out sidways catching the whole group off guard.
I catch the note stars then quickly ran out the room.
"Get him!" commanded Jess angrily.
At the sound of his voice,the rest of the crew was up and out of the room with Jess at the rear.
I kept running as I grabbed a set of keys off a hook by one of the supply closets.
Pausing by the 2nd one I tried one of the keys into the lock then heard it click.
The door swung inward as a grinning Decker stepped out.
At that moment the crew appeared around the corner with bleeding cuts on their arms.
Giving eachother a look, me and Decker sprinted down the halls to the next closet.
We reached it as I tried the 2nd key in the lock.
It clicked.
Except this time it slammed me straight in the face when Thaddius stepped out.
"Rumor!"exclaimed Thaddius when he saw me.
I held out a hand to him and he pulled me to my feet.
"Stay where you are," said Jess appearing infront of his crewmates.
I crouched to one knee as my hand reloads with note stars.
Both Decker plus Thaddius flanked me on either side.
We were ready.

{Final memory- Rumor}

I flung my arm outsideways sending note stars to the startled group.
Jess easily knocked off some, which helped the group in a way.
I flung out another volley of note stars, some of which embedded themselves in the crews' arms.
Both Thaddius and Decker rushed forward to try to knock down the rest of the group.
Two other boys soon join Thaddius plus Decker to hold off the advancing crew.
I watch Jess move to the front of his group,while two of his members carried links of chains in their arms.
I lowered my arm to my side as I look at my new friends.
'Sorry guys,' thought said Rumor.
"Don't say that!" exclaimed Thaddius quickly coming to my side.
"Yeah you were awesome!" agreed Decker coming to my other side.
'Thanks you guys,' I thought said.
"You should be a leader," said one of the boys who came to help.
His name was Wicked.
'If I'm gonna be leader...we're gonna need a cool group nzme,' I thought suggested.
"How about the InkRebels?" asked the other boy, whose name was Quinn.
I grinned up at him when Jess was suddely looming over us.
I watch as my friends hold off their own against some of the members while Jess and his three buddies gathered around me.
Just then I felt a sword appearing in my hand before Jess realized what was happening.
Smiling I sliced down chains that the three members were carrying in a matter of seconds.
But I wasn't so lucky as Jess wrapped an iron chain several times around my middle.
"Guys I need some help here!" demanded Jess.
Rest of the crew came forward to drag me back to the broken down classroom.
Instead of leaving me on the floor, they chained me up against the wall.
The last thing I remeber was them taking my star key then burying it into the ground.
Once it left around my neck, I could feel my new power draining from me.
But that never stopped the teachers from keeping me.
As if that would happen.'

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