Chapter 26: An Old Rival

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[Kasix -abandon old school]

Jess's eyes snapped open.
They were electric green and were somehow burning coldly with an unknown light.
'He must be alive then," muttered Jess to himself.
"You alright leader?" asked his first 2nd in command named Zeith
With dark red hair and purple eyes, Zeith is ready for anything.
Jess waved him off. "It seems our old playmate is alive," said Jess.
He and one of his second in command were in a meeting room with a row of windows on one wall.
"Our old-?" started Zeith when it hit him.
"You mean Jack leader?" he asked.
Jess nodded his head as sunlight glinted of his brown hair.
"Zeith we need to start planning," said Jess.
"I agree leader,"said Zeith with a smile.
"Where is Keayn by the way?" continued Jess looking at Zeith from the corner of his eye.
"Right here leader," answered a voice.
A teen with navy blue hair and blue eyes entered the room while a sly smile appeared on his face.
"Where were you Keayn?" asked Jess while facing him.
"Looking up stuff on the Fairoze leader," answered Keayn holding a big leather bound book in his hands.
"Good work Keayen," commented Jess.

[Back door of Achates Academy]

The Immortals all stood around at the back of the academy as Shith tries to unlock it.
It clicked on the fifth try and the door quietly swung inward.
Cassiel went in first then motion for the others to follow.
Shith went next.
Then Jacey.
And so on.
They reached the shrine as the podium with the Fairoze stood alone in the room.
Cassiel crept up to the podium with both Jacey plus Rigg flanking him.
"Careful leader," whispered Jacey while watching Cassiel pick up the box.
When he did,he quickly opened it then peeked in before shutting it.
"Alright Shith the decoy," instructed Cassiel as he handed the box to Rigg.
Shith pulled out the decoy then they all slip out of the door way into the forest.
Cassiel smiled to himself. 'That was too easy,' he thought with a laugh.
"Soon my other part will come into play," whispered Cassiel.
All the other Immortals smiled when they heard Cassiel.
'Soon,' thought the Immortals minus Cassiel in unison.

[Avi & Emere's room]

Avi woke up.
She realized something didn't feel right.
Getting up,she put on her rober and slipped on her black kitty with red eyes slippers.
Carefully she padfooted out of the room to the main lobby.
From there she crept up to the door to the Sanctum.
Opening it she found the door to the shrine then tested the knob.
Avi took a calming breath before entering with door softly closing behind her.
Entering the main room,she soon spotted the podium with the Fairoze.
Avi sighed with relief but halted.
Avi touched the box then slowly opened it.
She gasp.
'SOULS COME QUICK!!' thought screamed Avi backing away from the podium.
She could soon see the words: 'Come and get us Souls' scrawled horizontly on the box.
She collasped to floor in shock.


Goodfellow woke up with a start when he heard Avi's voice.
He quickly woke up Japhet and the others then slipped on some jeans.
Quickly they ran to the Sanctum then into the shrine.
Goodfellow reached Avi first and kneel beside her.
Emere, Kasmira, and Lisette soon join them with robes on.
"What's wrong Avi?"asked Goodfellow.
Avi didn't answer but simply pointed at the box.
Goodfellow nodded to Japhet and Luthais, who both went to check it out.
"Goofellow the Fairoze is missing!" exclaimed Japhet.
Goodfellow ground his teeth but notice Avi was still pointing.
Seeing where she was pointing, he could see the words: 'Come and get us Souls' scrawled in black.
Goodfellow clenched his fist, but sighed as he pulled Avi into his arms against his chest.
"We'll get them Avi," he whispered into her ear while he watch the other Souls inspect the decoy.

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