Chapter 14: Untold Rivals

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Emere led Avi and Lisette to a table in the back where Kasmira was sitting.
"Hey guys,"greeted Kasmira.
"Hey Kasmira,"greeted Avichayi.
"Hi hi whats this about Laurie?"greeted Lisette before getting serious.
"Well...I'm not sure but she was to kiss that new boy Jack when I was leaving,"explained Kasmira.
'Jack?....oh Rumor,' thought Avichayil.
Suddenly Avi's note warmed up against her chest making her shiver.
'Rumor?' thought Avi.
'.......Avichayil,' answered his voice in her mind.
'Are you okay?'asked Avi.
'Well except for Laurie trying to kiss me...I'm okay,'replied Rumor.
Avi felt tears beginning to form. 'Are you free this period?'thought Avi quickly before her friends could see.
'Yeah I'm free,' came Rumor's reply a second later.
'Good I'll come find you,'thought Avi as she kissed her note star.
Then she got up from the table,startling her friends.
"Avi whats wrong?"asked Emere.
"Sorry guys I have to go,"said Avi strapping on bookbag.
Before anyone could protest,Avi quickly headed out the library then down the stairs and soon saw Rumor appearing from a hallway.
Feeling tears rooling down her cheeks,Avi ran and flung her arms around Rumor's neck.
A single note floated from Rumor's hand to the ground reading:
'...Avichayil.' before dispating into dust.
Sighing Rumor wrapped his arms around Avichayil and hugged her.


Avicayil stepped back while trying to wipe her tears away.
A note appeared infront of Rumor saying:
'Are you okay?'
"I'm okay just glad that your okay Rumor," said Avi just as a few more tears rolled down her cheeks.
Rumor stepped close to Avi and wiped the tears away with his thumb.
While a light blue rose on a black stem scrawled with his name scrawled down the stem appeared in his other hand.
Smiling,Rumor showed Avi the rose,who was flushing furiously.
"So...whats with the Jack thing?"asked Avi staring at the rose.
Another note appeared:
'My friends suggested it they didn't want everybody know my real name just yet.'
"So me and your friends are the only ones who know you real name?"guessed Avi looking up at Rumor.
Rumor nodded then stepped back when Laurie appeared behind Avichayil.
"Jack there you are!"squealed Laurie.
Avi groaned to hersel before facing Laurie.
"Avichayil....well this is certainly a suprise isn't it?"asked Laurie in mock suprise.
"Not really,"said Avi now feeling both Goodfellow's and Rumor's roses in her hands.
But Luarie ignored her reply, stepped around and stood infront of Rumor.
Grounding his teeth, Rumor backed up several feet.
Avi watched as Laurie took one more step forward then stayed there with a secret smile on her face.
This made Avi's note star glow as a white started drew itself around Avichayil.
Unable to ask what is happening, Avi was suddenly sucked into the star,that disappears, then reappears in the spot right between both Rumor and Laurie.
"What the?!"exclaimed Laurie.
'That was awesome Avichayil,' thought Rumor with a grin.

Avichayil stopped short in mid air when she saw her art teacher heading towards Laurie.
Luckily the star swallowed her back in and she reappear behind Laurie,who tensed slightly.
"Hello teacher,"said Avi.
"Oh hello Avi and Laurie great job you two,"commented the art teacher passing them then continuing down the hallway.
"Thanks teacher,"said Laurie to the teacher's retreating back before facing Avichayil.
"I don't know what just happen, but this isn't over,"whispered Laurie.
Swinging around she gave Rumor a wink then stormed off to who knows where.
As soon as it came, Avi fell to the floor in a heap.
'Avichayil!!' thought Rumor hurrying over to her.
Rumor quickly checked her pulse before picking her up when a voice exclaimed,"Avichayil?"
Curious,Rumor turn to see pink hair Goodfellow with a purple haired dude following running towards him.
"What happen?"asked Goodfellow.
Rumor summoned a note about what happen and handed it to Goodfellow.
Goodfellow grabbed it to begin reading it just as Rumor hurried off with Avichayil down the hall.
"Goodfellow that new dude got away with Avichayil!!"exclaimed japhet watching Rumor's disappearing form.
"Yeah I know,"said Goodfellow while tearing up the note.
That was when he saw his pink rose plus a light blue rose on a black stem lying on the ground.
Picking them both up,Goodfellow could see his own name on the pink rose then could see the dude's name- Jack scrawled down on the black stem.
'Hmm....seems like this Jack dude likes Avichayil as well,'thought Goodfellow with a frown.

Goodfellow still had the roses in his hands when Emere came running up.
"W-Where is A-Avichayil?"panted Emere.
"She fell but that new dude Jack is taking her there,"explained Goodfellow.
"Well I hope she is alright,"said Emere just as she saw the roses in Goodfellow's hand.
"Are those for-?"satarted Emere staring wide eyed.
"Yeah,"answered Goodfellow.
"I'll put them in the vase..I was on my way to the room,"suggested Emere.
"Thanks,"said Goodfellow handing Emere the roses.
Emere took the roses then sprinted off to the domitorys.
"Lets go Japhet,"instructed Goodfellow heading in the direction Rumor went.
"Coming Goodfellow,"said Japhet while following Goodfellow.
Soon they reached the nurse's when a pair of students came out.
They nodded at Goodfellow before continuing on their way.
Japhet looked confused,but followed Goodfellow into the room where the academy's nurse busily took care of Avichayil,who was lying on a table.
Next to her sat Rumor busily reading an old worn tattered book.
Rumor's eyes flashed,making him look up to see Goodfellow.
Goodfellow return the gaze then headed over to the dude.
'This should be interesting,'thought Japhet with a grin.

[Nurse's office]

"Who are you?"asked Goodfellow stoping near inches from Rumor.
Rumor flipped a note upwards to Goodfellow to read:
'Guess its time to stop playing around.'
"Huh?"asked Goodfellow as more words appeared:
'Name is Rumor Claythe.'
"So its not Jack?"questioned Goodfellow looking at Rumor.
Rumor shook his head no before closing his book then standing up.
Goodfellow watched as Rumor handed the tattered book back to the nurse before grabbing his bag.
While that happen,the first note dispated into dust as a new one took its place to read:
'Its a race to see who can give Avi ten roses.'
Goodfellow nodded and Rumor left the room.
'Hope your ready Rumor,'thought Goodfellow with a smile.
'Its on Goodfellow,'thought Rumor while looking for his friends.

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