Chapter 18: The MistDestroyer

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Outside Avi's body]

Goodfellow stood shock still when he heard Avi's voice.
He clenched the hilt of his sword Trickster as tight as he can.
He has to help Avi. He has too.
Rushing forward,he caught Shith off guard and quickly sliced him in half before making a move.
Then he hurried over to the stone bed where Rumor and Avi were.

Rumor looked up.
He saw a panting Goodfellow infront of him looking worriedly at Avi.
Rumor heard her voice as made his heart clench.
A note appeared in his hand a second later and showed it to Goodfellow:
'We need to go inside her.'
Goodfellow nodded but asked,"How?"
The words on the note twisted around to read:
'My ink'
Goodfellow looked at Rumor a second more before moving over to his side.
Rumor stood up as well when a puddle of ink surrounded them.
'Inside Avi body,'instructed Rumor.
The puddle sucked them in before vanishing from sight.

[Inside Avi's body]

Cassiel continue to laugh when he was suddenly slammed into an unknown wall.
He looked up to see the mysterious teen and a pink haired appeared infront of Avi.
Grumbling,Cassiel tried to get up but Goodfellow punched him hard in the face.
"Thats for hurting Avi," snapped Goodfellow.
"Oh? I did more than just hurt her idoit," came Cassiel's reply.
Goodfellow stabbed Trickster into Cassiel's chest before pulling it out.
Cassiel smiled a bloody smile as he slowly turned back into his mist form.
But two note stars embedded themselves in Cassiel's wounded chest,stopping him from transforming.
Goodfellow couldn't help but grin at Rumor,who returned the grin.
The mist quickly formed into daggers...aimed at both Gooodfellow and Rumor.
Rumor summoned InkPrince from his ink then started slashing down the daggers.
Goodfellow watched Rumor before turning to look at Avi.
He gasped.
Cracks of red covered every inch of her skin including her face.
His eyes roamed all over til they fell on the dagger.
The dagger that had cracks forming from it.
Rumor soon joined him.
He went slack-jawed instead.
His eyes flash when he saw the dagger while a shadow Rumor started taking shape.
Rumor glanced over at Goodfellow, who glanced at him.
They nodded their heads.
'Let the games begin,' they thought in unison.

[Inside Avi's body]

Quickly the Shadow Rumor rushed forward then tackled Cassiel to the ground.
A second later a puddle of ink surrounded them as ink chains locked around Cassiel's body.
Shadow Rumor stood up then disappeared back into Rumor himself.
Both him and Goodfellow walked over to the chained up Cassiel and crouched down beside him.
"Time to go back,"said Goodfellow giving Rumor a quick nod.
Rumor returned it as he thought,'Take Cassiel out of Avi's body.'
The puddle around Cassiel sucked him in before disappearing itself.
Another puddle appeared under both Rumor plus Goofellow and was soon sucked into it.

[Outside Av's body- shrine room]

Rumor appeared on one side, Goodfellow on the otherside of Cassiel.
Goodfellow saw something glint in Cassiel's hand.
"Rumor I think this idoit just took Avi's necklace you gave her," said Goodfellow opening Cassiel's hand
In it laid Avi's note star that was glowing with energy.
Rumor snatched the necklace before stepping back to the stone bed.
Goofellow joined him a moment later just as puddle of ink appeared under all the Immortal members.
'Take these Immortals back to where they came,' instructed thought Rumor
And just like that all the memmbers of the Immortals disappeared as the puddles vanish from sight.
Rumor let out a breath then turned back to Avi to place the neck over her head to come to a rest on her chest.
"What now?"asked Goodfellow.
A note soon appeared infront of him:
'Not Sure.'
They both looked down at Avi while the other members of Souls hurried over.
"What happen to Avi?" asked Luthais when he reached the stone bed.
"Theres a crack venom dagger embedded in her from the inside," answered Goodfellow.
"WWWWWWHHHHHAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!" exclaimed all the Souls at once.


Slowly the cracks started to break.
But each time it breaks it reforms.
Or the breaks will shatter with no reforms.
Break Break.
Break break
'Come on hurts'
Break. Break.
'It hurts so much.'
Break. Break. Break.
Break. Break.
Break. Break.
Break. Break.
'Stupid mist dagger and whatever mist is inside me.'
Break. Break. Break.
' me.'
The cracks breaks around her fingers just enough for me to flex em before more cracks come to reform.
' please.'

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