Chapter 12: Meet At Last

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[Outside Sanctum]

The fourth door's lights soon lit up as it opened for Avichayil holding the box and the rest of her team.
"No way,"said one group.
"Sheesh,"muttered another.
Then the other doors opened up and confused groups headed out towards the now standing up groups.
"Well it looks like Avichayil and her team are the new Souls!"annouced the principal.
"Woohoo!!!!"cheered three groups together,while the rest glared at them.
Assistant principal soon stepped forward then lifted up the box from Avichayil's hands.
"The Fairoze will be kept in our school's shrine til the time is right to use it's power,"explained principal with a wave at the four doors.
They all disappeared while a lone door painted silver like the box took its place instead.
Assistant turned towards the door,which opened inward and quietly stepped through.
Few minutes later assistant principal imerged from the doorway thats closes silently shut.
"Now its time for a the cafeteria!!"instructed the principal before leaving with assistant principal.
Avichayil's group followed from behind just as the rest formed up in a line behind the reformed Souls.


Rumor was finishing his drink when he saw her entering the caferteria with the grinning pink haired boy and their friends.
Poking Decker,Rumor pointed to the girl before she disappears.
"Whoa your right she is pretty than that girl Laurie,"whistled Decker before turning back to his own drink.
'Soon we will meet,'thought Rumor while watching the girl talking to three other girls in her group.
Avichayil laughed at what Lisette said as she set out to find a table when she saw him looking at her.
Feeling her face flush,Avichayil quickly sat down at a random table and started to eat.
Her teammates soon joined her with their own trays then started digging in.
"You guys are totally awesome!!"commented one of the groups that were cheering.
"Thank you...who are you guys?"asked Jathniel.
"We go by GalaxyWolfs I'm Crowther,"introduced Crowther.
"Nice to you GalaxyWolfs we're the Souls,,"introduced Avichayil.
"Which is totally awesome!!"gushed a GalaxyWolf excitedly.
"I agree,even the IronTricksters and DeadlyGames agree too,"said another GalaxyWolf.
"Who?"asked both Jathniel and Japhet.
"Us,IronTricksters and DeadlyGames want to help you guys in anyway,"explained Crowther.
"Excellent idea Crowther,"agreed Avichayil.
"I agree,"agreed Goodfellow with a smile at Avichayil.
Again Avichayil's face flushed as she tried hiding her face while eating.
'Blast it....that pink haired boy....he makes me jealous,'thought Rumor clenching his fist semi tightly.
"Oh-oh looks like you have yourself a rival,"murmured Decker who was also watching.
Rumor noded his head while watching the beautiful from where he was sitting.

[Cafeteria-around nighttime]

"Yawn...I'm gonna hit the bed soon,"yawned Emere.
"I agree,"stretched Lisette.
"Sounds good you guys,"commented Kasmira as she dumped her tray into the trash bin.
Lisette and Emere dumped theirs as well before facing Avichayil.
"You coming Avi?"asked Emere.
"I'll be there in a few,"replied Avichayil sipping her drink.
Emere nodded then headed to the domitories with Kasmira and Lisette.
"I think we all need some z's,"suggested Jathniel leaning back in his chair.
"Lets get going then buddy,"agreed Japhet already standing up.
"Wait for me....night Avichayil,"said Luthais with a smile.
"Night Luthais,"said Avichayil returning the smile.
Luthais,Japhet and Jathniel all left the cafeteria together leaving Avichayil plus Goodfellow alone.
"You were awesome today Avi,"commented Goodfellow.
"You were too Goodfellow,"agreed Avichayil.
Goodfellow smiled at that while scooting back from the table before moving over to Avi's side.
"Have a pleasant night,"he whispered then lightly kissed Avichayil on the cheek.
Goodfellow was about to turn to leave when Avichayil pulled on his arm.
"What is it?"he asked looking at her.
"Have a pleasant night yourself,"whispered Avichayil as she kissed Goodfellow on the cheek before stepping back. Goodfellow smiled a dazzling smile then turn and headed out the cafeteria.
Avichayil sighed as she dumped her drink in the trash bin on her way out the cafeteria.
Rumor quickly followed her down the hallway til they came to a high arch window with the moon shining through.
Calming himself,Rumor sent a note floating towards Avichayil,who stopped to read it:
'Excuse me.'
Turning around,Avichayil gasped then stumbled back a step.
Rumor quickly flexed his fingers,making the words change:
'Sorry about that you okay?'
"Who are you?"asked Avichayil stepping closer to Rumor.
Again the words changed with a flick of the fingers:
'I am Rumor Claythe.'
This note folded up and landed in Avichayil's suprised hand.
'Rumor Claythe....what a beautiful name,'thought Avichayil feeling her face flush again.
Smiling,Rumor sent another note:
'May I ask what your name might be?'
"My name is Avichayil Rinas,"answered Avichayil.
Another flick:
'What a lovely name Avichayil.'
"Thank where you the one who sent me these notes?"asked Avichayil holding out the 'Be careful' and 'Soon' notes.
Rumor nodded his head as his note read:
'Yeah it was me.'
"Can you speak?"asked Avichayil quietly.
The note flipped over as words switched around:
'No I speak through notes....are you upset?'
"No I find speaking through notes is really cool,"confessed Avichayil smiling up at Rumor.
Rumor smiled in return then closed the distance between him and Avichayil.
Avichayil looked up in suprise when Rumor placed a hand over the one holding the note.
A feather sensation shot up her arm as Rumor opened her hand to see a black stem blue rose resting there.
"Rumor? What happen to the-?"started Avichayil when Rumor's finger lightly touched her lips.
then a note appeared in his other hand:
'The note is the rose...check the stem.'
Avichayil looked down at the rose's stem and gasped.
There in silver ink was Rumor's name in cursive.
"Thank you Rumor,"thanked Avichayil through Rumor's finger.
Rumor removed his finger before taking a step back.
"Are you a student here now?"quickly asked Avichayil.
Another note appeared:
'Yes I am..have a wonderful night Avichayil.'
And with that Rumor headed back to the opposite hall for the other domitories.
'Same to you...Rumor,"thought Avichayil as she made her way to her's and Emere's room when she almost tripped.
Startled,Avichayil looked down on the ground to find a small glass vase for the rose.
Picking it up,Avichayil placed the rose in it before heading straight to her room and quickly changed into pjs.
Sleep came to Avichayil instantly,who couldn't help but dream of Rumor and Goodfellow.

The Fairoze: Rise of the Souls (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now