Chapter 6: The Legend

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After breakfast Avichayil,Goodfellow and Japhet went to their first class.

"Morning,"said the teacher nodding to them.

"Morning teacher,"the three of them said in unison.

The teacher waited til the rest of the class got in then wrote on the board: 'History'

"Class today we'll be learning a bit about one our most prized treasure,"began the teacher while turning to face the class.

This got the class's attention as they all lean forward with notebooks at the ready.

"Whats the treasure teacher?"asked Japhet.

"Simple it is the Fairoze,"replied the teacher before writing it on the board.

The Fairoze? thought Avichayi. What is that?

"The Fairoze is a crystal flower that is extremely powerful....or so we thought,"began the teacher.

"What do you mean by that teacher?"wondered a student across from Avichayil's row.

"A hundred years ago us the Achates Academy had a group known as the Souls....have any of you heard of em?"questioned the teacher.

The class all shook their heads. Quickly Avichayil wrote down The Fairoze and The Souls in her notebook.

"Well in anycase the Souls were incharge to protect the Fairoze from another group known as the Immortals,"continued the teacher.

"Now I won't tell you the whole story but lets just say the Souls were disbanded and the Immortals got angrier when the Fairoze crumbled to dust,"finished the teacher.

Next to the Souls Avichayil put down disbanded then put grew angrier next to the Immortals. She watched Goodfellow doing the samething in his notebook.

"For this project all of the students are involed but only eight students will be chosen,"spoke the teacher leaning calmly against the desk.

"Whats the project teacher?"asked Luthais.

"To reform the Souls,"answered the teacher.

[Unknown location]

"Leader is it time?"whispered a voice.

"Almost,"whispered a 2nd voice.

"Soon we'll be reformed correct?"whispered a third voice.

"Correct then we'll take the Fairoze yet again,"whispered the 2nd voice.

The first voice and the third snickered softly at that.

"Lets just hope the Souls stay weak,"whispered a fourth voice.

"Oh yeah that would totally be in our advantage,"snickered the first voice.

"Advantage indeed,"agreed the third voice.

This time all the voices join in on the snickering.

"Leader its time,"whispered a fifth voice.

"Good gather the others,"whispered the 2nd voice.

"Right away,"replied the fifth voice.

"Let the hunt begin,"whispered the fourth voice.

"Wrong saying,"interjected the third voice.

"Oh now I remember its,"started the fourth voice.

"Let the games begin,"whispered all the voices in unison.

Then quiet laughter started up afterwards.

[Achates Academy]

The teacher allowed the class to talk about the project til the bell rung.

"Sounds exciting huh?"wondered Goodfellow.

"Totally,"agreed Avichayil.

"Hey we should be a team!"interrupted Japheth.

"Now that would be really cool Japhet,"agreed Luthais.

Avichayil turn to a blank page and wrote down her name then handed it to Goodfellow.

Goodfellow took the notebook then wrote down his name followed by Japhet and Luthais.

"How many?"asked Luthais.

"So far four so we need four more,"replied Goodfellow looking over the notebook.

Soon the bell rung as all the students headed out into the hallways

Avichayil held her notebook close while heading over to her locker.

She was about to one of her books out when the door slammed into her hand.

Avichayil felt tears rolling down her cheeks while trying to get her hand out.

A mocking laugh was soon heard as Avichayil looked just in time to see Laurie laughing with the group of her friends.

Dropping the notebook,Avichayil removed her injured hand and cradling it to her chest.

"Avichayil!"said Goodfellow running up. "What happen?"he asked.

"Laurie slammed the locker door into my hand,"explained Avichayil.

Goodfellow nodded, lightly took the injured hand and kissed the knuckles causing Avichayil to blush.

Goodfellow kissed the fingers next before lowering it back to Avichayil's side then quickly picked up the fallen notebook from the ground.

"Umm...thank you Goodfellow,"murmured Avichayil still blushing.

"Anytime,"murmured back Goodfellow smiling warmly.

The Fairoze: Rise of the Souls (book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora