Chapter 17: 2 Shadows Rumors vs Cassiel

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The ink over Avi's wound slowly harden into a star as the color black changed to a light silver.
That was when Avi's fingers started to twitch.
'Avi?' thought asked Rumor when he saw the twitching fingers.
No reponse.
Rumor lifted his head then kissed Avi's forehead.
'Avi....please wake up,' thought Rumor as he knelt by the stone bed still holding Avi's hand.


The 1st shadow Rumor rushed in at Cassiel to slash him upside the chest.
But Cassiel just smiled as he slashed back at the 1st shadow Rumor.
The 2nd shadow Rumor followed Cassiel before pushing him off the rung.
Luckily Cassiel managed to hang on while looking down to where unmoving Avi and the mysterious stranger were.
Smiling twistedly, Cassiel pulled out a dagger with his one hand then threw it at Rumor.


Avi's necklace grew warm just as a white star started drawing itself in the air above them.
Rumor's eyes flashed a second later when a small dagger bounced off the shield.
Still shocked, Rumor looked at Avi to see her eyes trying to open.
Quickly getting to his feet, Rumor planted a small kiss on each of her eye lids to help them open.
He then clenched Avi's hand a little tighter, wishing she would wake up soon.

Cassiel muttered under his breath as he pulled out another dagger.
He twirled it in his hand while the two shadow Rumors disappear back into the real Rumor.
"Time is now...bye bye Souls," whispered Cassiel to himself.
Quckly he stopped the twirling as he locked on Rumor's backside.
He aim.
Then threw it hard.


Avichayil's eyes flew open just as her twin scythes appeared in the air above her.
'Avi!' exclaimed thought Rumor when he saw Avi awake.
Avi tilted her head and smiled at Rumor.
Rumor smiled back,then kissed the top of her hand before letting it go.
Avi felt her face flush while springing to her feet on the stone bed.
She could see a dagger heading straight for Rumor so she quickly pulled him behind her on the otherside of the bed.
Rumor touched Avi's arm, sending a feathertouch from her shoulder to her fingers.
Quickly she flung out her arm, sending a note star to shatter the dagger, then three to Cassiel that dispated him instantly.
Avi watched the ceiling closely to see if Cassiel comes back.


Avi grabbed her scythes just as the dispated form of Cassiel formed back together.
He landed on the ground with a twisted smile on his face.
Then his two daggers formed back into his hands.
Avi's note star suddenly grew warm when Cassiel rushed at her.
A white star quickly drew itself infront of her that then slammed into Cassiel,sending him crashing into the rungs.
He soon dispated into dust that soon turned into a mist,which disappeared into Avi's body.

Goodfellow watched Avi's battle with Rumor against Cassiel.
He was impressed plus happy that she was alive.
"Hey forgetting somebody?" mocked a cunning voice that belonged to the masked teen Shith.
Gritting his teeth,Goodfellow turned to slash sideways at Shith,who jumped back
At that moment from the corner of his eye, Goodfellow watched as Avi slammed Cassiel into the ceiling causing him to dispate into dust.
Still watching,the dust changed into a mist then disappeared into Avi's body.
'Avi..hold strong!' thought Goodfellow before continuing his fight with Shith.

Avi felt her body collasped on itself as she fell over the stone bed with her scythes disappearing inside her.
Luckily Rumor caught her then place her back on the bed.
'Avi....hold strong and fight the mist!' thought Rumor clenching Avi's hand again.
Closing his eyes, he sent some of his power into her case she needs it.
Inside Avi's body]

'Okay I'm inside my what?' thought Avi.
She could hear twisted laughter bouncing off unknown walls that belonged to the mist.
"This time...this time your mine," whispered Cassiel's voice.
Avi shudder but felt the feather touch against her body and knew Rumor was here with her.
The mist transformed into mirror shards that soon surrounded Avi in a circle.
The touch of Rumor's power soon seeped into her until she felt her eyes flash.
Note stars soon appeared in her hands just as the mirror strike down.
Quickly she flung out two note stars from either arm,making the stars be able to make a circle before returning.
The mist swirled away from Avi as it transforms into the shadowy form of Cassiel.
"What are you?"asked Avi.
"Lets just say I am a MistDestroyer," whispered Cassiel.
"A MistDestroyer?"questioned Avi.
"You'll see soon enough,"answered Cassiel as he threw his mist daggers at Avi.
Avi felt her red scythe's handle rest in her, while the blade glowed with power.
The first dagger embedded itself in her left shoulder,but Avi payed no mind as she slashed through the other daggers.
Cassiel watched the dagger's crack venom spread slowly down her arm to her fingers.
'Soon...she'll be no more," thought Cassiel with a twisted smile.
Avi then felt it.
Slowly her right arm came to a rest at her side.
She turn to look at her left arm.
There a mist dagger embedded itself into her skin.
But it was spreading something.
Cracks of red spread down her arm to her fingers,then started spreading across her chest.
'It hurts so much,' thought Avi clenching her eyes shut.
Soon she could feel the feather touch of Rumor's power disappearing from her as well.
Cassiel's laugh started bouncing off unknown walls again.
"Rumor...Goodfellow help me," whispered Avi just before the cracks covered her face.

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