Chapter 10: Mysterious New Teen

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[Inside Sanctum]

'Who is he?'thought Avichayil when she saw a note floating infront of her saying:
'Are you okay?'
"Yeah I'm okay so are my friends,"said Avichayil.
To her shock the words disappeared as new ones took their place:
'Good I'll introduce myself later.'
Avichayil felt her face flush just as the last note landed in her hand folded up.
The Dragnir rippled one more time before it became solid.
That was all Rumor needed was he rushed forward then slid right under it to the backside.
Smiling,Rumor quickly sliced Dragnir in half and watch it explode.
'Hes quick!'thought Avichayil.
Letting his sword drop back into its puddle,Rumor went over to Goodfellow to help him stand.
'This guy sure is mysterious,'thought Goodfellow.
Rumor then patted Goodfellow before flashing a crooked smile at Avichayil.
Stepping back from the group,Rumor summoned a puddle of ink and was sucked inside it.
"Who...was....that?"asked Kasmira in awe.
[Inside Sanctum]

"Okay who was that just now?"asked Luthais.
"No idea,"replied Jathniel.
"Me neither but he sure looked cool killing that Dragnir thing,"agreed Japhet.
Avichayil still held the folded up note in her hand and quickly tucked it in her pocket.
That...guy...he makes me jealous. Thought Goodfellow while clenching his fist.
"That guy was totally mysterious!!"gushed both Emere and Lisette.
He sure was. Thought Avichayil with a smile.
Goodfellow caught the smile on Avichayil before saying,"Lets get going you guys."
Quickly they all left the white room and back into the dimly lit passage way.

[Outside Sanctum- empty hallway]

Rumor teleported back into the empty hallway,looked around quickly then sprinted back to the office.
Shadowy Rumor vanishes back into the real one,who took his place beside Decker.
"You okay Rumor?"whispered Decker.
Rumor nodded then wiped off his forehead before Thaddius can worry.
"So which ones want to be in the same class,"continued Miss Asryn while typing away on her computer.
"Me and my buddy Rumor,"answered Thaddius motioning for Rumor to come forward.
Rumor took a deep breath then walked up to the desk with a note already in his hand.
""asked Miss Asryn looking at Rumor.
Rumor held up his note that read: 'I am Rumor Claythe.'
Miss Asryn clicked her tounge then continued typing.
"Okay the only class I can put both you guys in is first hour English,"suggested Miss Asryn looking directly at Rumor.
'What? Shes not thinking....yeah she is. Blast it,'thought Rumor with a clenched fist.
"Miss Asryn you don't understand,"urged Thaddius.
"Of course I understand...your friend can't speak,'commented Miss Asryn.
Unable to control himself,Rumor headed to a wall then hit his head against it while his shoulders slump in defeat.
"Of course he can speak! He just uses a different way to do it,"explained Thaddius.
"Oh?"wondered Miss Asryn.
"He dpeaks through notes like that note with his name on it,"finished Thaddius as Decker,Quinn and Wicked check on Rumor.
"....Now that makes alot of sense I'll put you guys in first hour History okay?"asked Miss Asryn.
"Thats fine,"answered Thaddius.
"Good here are your classes and your room number...sorry about that,"said Miss Asryn picking up some papers off the printer then handed em to Thaddius.
"Thank you Miss Asryn,"greeted Thaddius with the papers in his hands before turning to his friends. "Come on you guys,"he said.
Rumor removed himself from the wall before he followed Thaddius with Decker,Wicked and Quinn right behind him.

[Inside Sanctum]

The group soon arrived to another white vast room this time with eight blue mirrors instead of two.
"Oh great more Dragnirs?"mocked Japhet.
"We are not Dragnirs...we are Wingnirs,"whispered voices coming from the mirrors
" Wingnirs?"laughed Luthais.
"Laugh all you like,but we are more than capable in defeating you all,"whispered the Wingnirs.
"Team battle is it? Alright team lets do it,"instructed Avichayil.
"Ready,"said Goodfellow pulling out Trickster.
"Ready,"said Emere pulling out a pair of twin daggers.
"Ready,"said Luthais pulling out a sword like Goodfellow's.
"Ready,"said Kasmira with a bow and an arrow nocked aimed right at the mirrors.
"Ready,"said Japhet while his sickle swords appeared in his hands.
Lisette and Jathniel nodded their heads with their weapons: a sword and a scythe drawn at the ready.
Avichayil smiled at her friends until she realized she didn't have a weapon herself.
[Outside office]

Rumor walked ahead of his friends to try and calm himself from the encounter with Miss Asryn.
"Okay what was up with that back there?"asked Quinn quietly.
"I have no idea but Miss Asryn sure made Rumor unhappy,"replied Thaddius.
"Well we are new students here after all,"commented Wicked.
"Yeah and that means the teachers won't know what to expect,"agreed Decker.
"I guess your right....lets go cheer up Rumor,"suggested Thaddius.
The others nodded and the four of them hurried after Rumor,who had entered the cafeteria.
Rumor grabbed a tray then got in line while Decker,Quinn,Thaddius and Wicked grabbed a tray themselves.
"Did you hear about the 10 Rose dance,"babbled a girl infront of Rumor.
"Oh yeah its coming up soon right?"asked the girl's friend.
"Yep starting next week,"gushed the girl excitedly.
'10 Rose dance? Hmm...,'thought Rumor while piling some food onto his tray.
"I wonder who will give me ten roses,"wondered the girl before heading off with her friend to find a table.
Rumor grabbed some more food before setting off to find a table by the windows.
"Lets eat Rumor!"cheered Decker sitting on the opposite side of Rumor.
Rumor grinned at Decker,took out his fork then dug right into his food.
Decker laugh then dug in as well just as Thaddius,Quinn and Wicked sat down with their trays of food.
Once done both Rumor and Decker sat back rubbing their tummies.
The others shook their heads just as Laurie and her followers came to the table.
"Hi I am Laurie are you all new students,"she asked without taking her eyes off Rumor.
'No way shes not as pretty as the girl I found in that white room,'thought Rumor.
"Yeah we are just arrived,"answered Thaddius.
"Awesome hope you guys stick around,"said Laurie with a little wave to Rumor before leaving with her followers.
"Whats up Rumor?"asked Decker seeing Rumor's
A note instantly appeared infront of Decker reading:
'That girl Laurie is not as pretty as the other girl I saw.'
"Other girl?"questioned Decker
The first reply disappear as a second one took its place:
'I'll tell you later.'
"You better I'm curious,"lightly laughed Decker earning weird stares from the others.

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