Chapter 23: Mr. Madhouse Cookie

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Soon the dance came to an end as the students started heading back.
"That was fun!" said Kasmira with an arm wrapped around Japhet's.
"I agree!" agreed Emere all the while smiling.
"Lets head back you guys!" suggested Lisette while holding Jathniel's hand.
The others nodded and started heading out leaving Avi, Rumor and Goodfellow.
"Aww Goodfellow we didn't get to dance!" exclaimed Avi.
Goodfellow looked crestfallen as he headed for the doors when Avi hugged him tightly from behind.
Smiling,Goodfellow turn to face Avi then swept her off her feet into his arms.
Avi felt her face flush but stayed calm as Goodfellow headed out the door.
Rumor followed them out before taking one last look at the ballroom.

[Several minutes later]

Goodfellow set Avi down infront of her room then took her hand.
"One day we'll have our dance,"he said as he kissed the top of the hand.
Smiling one last time at Avi, Goodfellow turn and started down the hall to his room.
'Have a pleasant night Avi,'thought said Rumor with a grin.
'Same to you Rumor...night,'mumbled thought Avi letting out a yawn.
Rumor quickly opened the door for Avi, who switched on her night lamp.
Then shrugging off the shawl, Avi started on the zipper when it soon got stuck.
"Rumor can you help?" asked Avi quietly.
Rumor nodded his head as he worked on the zipper.
When he finally got it unstuck,he quickly left the room but left a folded up note for Avi.
Avi got out of her dress then slipped into some comfy pjs.
Hanging up the dress,she notice the note,picked it up before unfolding it.
It read:
'Your my rose Avichayil.'
Blushing, Avi set it by her Rumor plushie while undoing her hair at the same time.
Then she slipped under the covers of her bed and fell right to sleep.

[Next day]

Rumor, Goodfellow plus the other guys from InkRebels and Souls found themselves in a classroom with several other students.
They all quickly sat down when a man with crazy brown hair and black glasses came stumbling in.
"Morning class I am Mr.Madhouse Cookie," introduced Madhouse Cookie.
'Mr.-,' thought Goodfellow.
'Madhouse-,' thought Rumor.
'Cookie?!' thought both Goodfellow and Rumor.
Slowly the class started taking out their notebooks.
"No notebooks are needed today class," said Mr.Madhouse while opening his briefcase.
The class sighed with relief as they sat back in their desks.
Mr.Madhouse quickly pulled out a medium size bucket before turning to his class.
"Alright I want everyone in groups of four," instructed Mr. Madhouse.
Rumor and Goodfellow nodded to eachother then gestured for Thaddius plus Japhet to join.
The rest soon were in groups except for Decker,who was looking around.
Rumor motioned him over and Decker happily pulled his desk into the group.
"Today we'll be playing a game as I hand each group the 'it' for the game," continued Mr.Madhouse while taking out something tiny from the bucket then placed it on the desk.
He did this for each group before heading back to his desk.
Rumor stared at the object before holding a note infront of Goodfellow:
'Is that a-?'
"A mallet? Yes," answerd Goodfellow.
Words arranged themselves to read:
'Its TINY!!'
"Very tiny if you ask me," agreed Decker.
Thadddius tried picking it up but it was too tiny.
Japhet tried it next before hitting his head on the desk.
"I give up!" exclaimed Decker slumping in his seat
Rumor tried a pair of tweezers and easily picked it up then placed it in his hand.
"Excellent now for phase two!" said Mr. Madhouse with a clap of his hands.
There was a groan as a large heavy raised platform with holes appeared from below.
"Okay now for game time!" continued Mr.Madhouse grinning a toothy smile.
"Whats the game?" asked a student.
"It is called....Wack - A - Me!" finished Mr.Madhouse.
The class stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
'Whats Wack - A - Me?' thought Rumor.
"Wack-A-Me is very simple: use that tiny mallet you are holding to try and hit the mini versions of you that appear out of  the holes," explained the teacher.
"Your kidding right?" asked a student.
"Not in the least," started Mr.Madhouse, "Now who wants to start first?"
"I'll try it," said Goodfellow standing up.
Rumor handed the mallet to Goodfellow, grinned then headed to the platform.
He crouched down on one knee as Mr.Madhouse rings a small bell.
And the first mini Goodfellow appeared on his left catching Goodfellow off guard.
Frowning, he watched the holes just as another mini appeared from his right side.
Goodfellow wacked the mini hard with his tiny mallet...but nothing happen.
Instead the mini wacked Goodfellow upside the head before disappearing in its hole.
"WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!" exclaimed the class except Rumor and Goodfellow,who was rubbing his head.
"Oh right thats another part of the game: if you can't wack the mini you like really'll just wack you right back," said Mr.Madhouse grinning.
'Now you tell us...,' muttered thought the class.
" that hurt," muttered Goodfellow.
'You can do it Goodfellow!' cheered thought Rumor.
Goodfellow looked behind him to see Rumor giving him a thumbs up and a grin.
Goodfellow nodded his head. He can do this.
He faced the platform once more just as the bell rung. Then he waited.
The first mini appeared a few rows ahead, but Goodfellow was ready as he wacked the min back down into the hole.
He hit a few more when other mins tackle him to the ground.
Rumor stood up then appeared beside Goodfellow a second later.
He took the tiny mallet from his friend then started wacking the minis on the head with it.
The minis ran back to their holes as the class erupted into cheers.

Twenty minutes later Rumor laid knockout next to Goodfellow as more students try the game.
But they were all knocked out as well
The rest of the class decided to use a giant mallet to destroy the platform.
Which they did and several groups of minis,but the rest of the minis knocked them out.
Smiling Mr.Madhouse Cookie pulled down a hidden lever that lowered the destroyed platform to the basement.
"Well now that was fun don't you think class?" wondered Mr.Madhouse.
"Uuugggghhhh...," groaned the class except Rumor, who thought groan.

[Girls' class]

Avichayil and her friends entered their classroom when they paused in utter shock.
Balls of yarn of all differnt sizes and colors litter the floor.
"Welcome girls you just made it!" said their teacher bouncinga ball in her hand.
"Uhh..where do we sit?" asked Kasmira.
"You must first pick four balls of yarn," replied the teacher.
Avi quickly found a red ball for Rumor and a cobalt blue for Goodfellow.
Kasmira happily found a pink, a lime green, a purple and a black ball of yarn.
Emere found four white balls then sat down and watched Avi.
Lisette found four balls as she sat between Emere and Kasmira.
Avi then found a pretty silvery light blue for Seprath then a pretty golden yellow ball.
She took her seat by Emere as their teacher balance her ball on her head.
"Alright I am Miss CrazyKitty," introduced Miss CrazyKitty.
'Miss CrazyKitty?!' thought Avi, Lisette, Emere and Kasmira in unison.

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