Memories (Steve Rogers X Reader)

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By MRomanoff

Key: Y/N = Your name H/C = Hair Color E/C = Eye Color F/C = Favorite Country

Y/FN = Your Full Name Y/SN = Your Sister's Name

(Set before the Avengers)

"Captain, I need to see you in my office, urgently." Fury's voice rang through Steve's phone as Steve nodded. Steve sighed. The new world was confusing, and very different. Worst of all, his two best friends were gone- dead- because he couldn't grab their hands. The thought killed him as he remembered meeting the one girl who appreciated him for who he was on the inside- had died because he just couldn't reach her.

Though he had met many new people and acquaintances, since he had joined the organization known as SHIELD. He met a woman named Natasha Romanoff, who helped him sort of the problems of this new and unusual world. Still, he pained for Y/N every day, he just wasn't sure what to do.

As Steve made his way up to Fury's office, he saw Natasha walk by his side.

"You alright?" Natasha caringly asks as she follows him onto the elevator.

"I'm alright. I was just thinking about some- things." Steve sighed as he glared out the window.

"Hey, it'll get better. Trust me." Natasha reassures.

Steve shows a faint smile to Natasha as he walks into Fury's office. Natasha silently follows him.

"Great, you two are here now. We have something very important to discuss. But first, Captain, do you recognize this face?" Fury questions as he clicks a button.

His screen flashes and it suddenly shows a picture of a girl with H/C hair, and E/C eyes. It was Y/N.

"Yeah- We used to be- we were just really close back in the day." Steve explains, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"I need to know everything you know about her." Fury commands, looking at Steve.

"Why?" Steve questions.

"Steve just do it, I'm sure he has a reason for it." Natasha comments beside him.

"I'll tell you why later. But first I need the information." Fury orders.

Steve gulps. "Her name was Y/FN. She was from F/C. She had an older sister whose name was Y/SN. She was on the 107th with my best friend, James Buchanan Barnes. She fell to her death on a train along with James." Steve explains, trying not to recall the gruesome memory.

"I need you to follow me, Captain." Fury requests, as he leads the way. Fury leads Natasha and Steve down the hallway to a room with a solid metal door. Nick punches in the passcode, and they both follow him silently.

"She's stable now, Director. You should be able to see her now." Phil Coulson explains.

Nick opens the door to reveal a girl whose arms were cuffed down to the chair. Steve watched in awestruck horror as he recognized who the girl was. It was Y/N.

"Who are you?" Y/N's soft voice speaks out as she looks afraid of her surroundings.

"I am Director Nick Fury of SHIELD, this is Captain Steve Rogers, and this is Natasha Romanoff." Fury says, introducing everyone.

"Y/N..." Steve softly says as he looks at her.

However, she looks lost. "Y/N? Who is Y/N?" She questions.

"Hydra must have wiped her memory clean." Natasha murmurs to Nick and Steve.

Steve's heart shattered into a million pieces, as his hatred for HYDRA increased.

"Is there any way to restore the memories?" Steve asks, pleading there be a way.

"There is Cap, but it may take a while. She can gain it back through anyone referencing something of her past. They will also come back naturally, but slowly." Nick explains.

Y/N shakes her head. "Wait did you say your name was Steve Rogers? The name feels familiar, I just don't know where from. And you look- familiar." She says as she squints at Steve.

"Don't worry Cap, she'll be okay." Natasha reassures.

"May I talk to her?" Steve pleads. Fury nods to Coulson, and Coulson releases the chains.

Steve sits down in the metal chair across from Y/N.

Nick leaves the room, but Natasha stays.

"Okay Y/N, I'm going to give you some names. Tell me what you remember from each." Steve explains as Y/N nods.

"Bucky Barnes."

Y/N suddenly looks tense as if she was seeing something.

"Hey Y/N!" A man with brown hair calls out to her.

"Hey, James- is it? You are a friend of Steve, am I right?" She smiles as she closes her locker.

"Yeah well about Steve- see he's too shy to admit this- but he likes you- like really likes you." Bucky laughs as Y/N blushes.

"Well, I think I like him too, like really like." Y/N teases back.

"And Steve was wondering if you'd be interested in meeting him tonight at that Diner two blocks from here, around eight?" Bucky grins.

"Well tell Steve I would be delighted to." Y/N's face goes red as she smiles.

Y/N suddenly becomes less tense.

"Are you alright?" Steve asks in a concerned way.

"You're Steve. You were too shy to ask me out- so you had your friend- James- or Bucky to ask me out for you. We went to that Diner two blocks from the school around eight." Y/N smiles as she remembers it all.

Steve smiled. Perhaps Y/N wouldn't be lost forever.

Should we do a part two or no?

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