Pranks (Mello x Reader x Matt)

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(Written by -novas)

Today was the first of April, or better yet known as April Fools Day. This was the day in which you truly shined the most, and you loved that. Your boyfriend Mello, on the other hand, hated today. He'd make sure to avoid you at all costs. Mello despised pranks.

You took pranks last year a bit too far- and it didn't end well for anyone. You swore to Mello that you would never prank again on April Fools Day. And for the most part, you've kept your end of the deal.

Mello opens the door to the apartment in which he shared with you and Matt. You give him a slight wave as you lazily stretch yourself out on the couch. He chuckles to himself at the sight of you and heads towards the kitchen. Thankfully Mello wasn't suspicious of your recent doings, or if you even had done anything at all.

You feel your eyes flutter close as you relax in the quiet room. You snuggle yourself into your soft couch and bury your head into the pillow.

Your E/C eyes jolt open as you hear an high pitched scream from the kitchen. You didn't think anyone (except for you,) had the ability to make this sound.

Mello comes charging out, his face practically in flames. He curses as he clenches his fists tightly. "Y/N," Mello begins in a very harsh tone, clenching his teeth as he speaks. "Care to explain what happened to all of my chocolate bars?" He accuses you of stealing them, now obviously remembering today's date.

You scoff as you sit up and readjust your posture. "You're serious about accusing me? You know personally that I promised not to mess with you anymore for April Fools. Besides if I ate that many chocolate bars in this time frame I'm pretty sure Is get diabetes." You add, and Mello groans.

Mello's hands relax and his expression softens. "Alright, alright, I believe you. Do you know where they are though? I'm worried." You could see the concern for his tasty confection in Mello's eyes. He frowns as he situates himself beside you.

You shrug. "Look, I have as much of a clue as you do. You should go ask Matt, I bet he would know." You suggest as Mello nods. He sighs and heads towards Matt's room.

You grin to yourself as you observe the blond's hurried movements and stiff posture as he ventures to his comrade's room. Little did he know everything he would see in Matt's room. You quietly sneak from the couch and watch Mello from a distance.

Mello bursts through the door as he discovers the sleeping Matt. What made Mello even angrier was the mountain of chocolate bars that rest on Matt's chest. Mello slaps Matt and tackles him off the side of the bed.

"Mello?! Get off of me!" Matt yells back, shoving Mello. Mello growls and rips Matt's glasses off of his head.

"You stole my chocolate bars, you imbecile!" Mello screeches as confusion spreads throughout Matt's face.

"What are you talking about? I didn't touch them!"

Mello hesitates to respond. "Oh so they're just magically in here? Guess all of your video games just "magically" ended up in my room." Mello argues as Matt's eyes go wide.

All of a sudden they both glance at you. You were holding in your laughter and your face was turning red. Apparently your hiding spot hadn't been that well thought out.

Mello releases Matt. He chuckles and cocks his tongue as he strolls towards you. Your heart beat rapidly increases as he approaches you like a hawk approaches prey.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, what am I ever going to do with you?" Under his 'cool' expression, he was furious. You panic.

"Have fun in there you two!" You shout to them as you slam and lock the door. Mello and Matt curse in unison as you lock the door. Mello bangs twice on the door then stops.

As well as this prank went today, you could probably never be justified for it. You sigh as you walk towards your room.

You extend your left arm to the door knob, and turn the door handle. As you pull your hand off- well it doesn't come off actually. That darn Mello put glue on the door handle!

You curse under your breath and try pulling it off. You trip yourself and fall on a wire, which pours a bucket of ice cold water onto your head. You yell as chills go up your spine.

A note flutters down from the ceiling as you die from the cold water. It reads;

Dearest Y/N,

Do you honestly think I would expect you to go an April Fools without pranking me? Clever, clever Y/N. Well this year I got you good, huh? Can't wait for next year.

Love,Your boyfriend that probably thinks you have a death wish.

That's what you get for pranking a Wammy boy, after all.

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