Freedom (Haru Nanase x Reader)

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  Prepare for this cheesiness (Written by -novas)

The year was ending sooner than you realized. You had little to no free time as the teachers piled your work load of homework. Not to mention, you were graduating this year and have no idea of what you're going to do.

You were taking a relaxing walk at night to clear your mind when you Haru, a good friend of yours, sitting by the Iwatobi pool. He was just glaring at his reflection in the waters as he pulls his chin to his knees.

You slip in the gate so quietly that Haru doesn't notice you.

"Y/N?" So maybe Haru had noticed you. However, he didn't turn his head. He must really be stressed.

"May I sit?" You ask Haru, and he responds with a small nod.

You situate yourself next to Haru and he turns to face you. He turns back to the water.

You could see why he wanted to come out here; it was absolutely beautiful. The moonlight shimmered across the pool, making the water twinkle. Some leaves were floating on the top of the pool, outlining it.

"Haru are you thinking about what you want to do after graduation?" You question him, when Haru's eyes go wide.

Haru sighs. "Yeah. No offense, but if you've come to give me advice I don't need any."

You smile. "If anyone needs advice, it's me. I don't know what to Haru." You explain, resting your head on Haru's shoulder. His cheeks go red.

"Be free." Is all he says. He didn't budge at all.

You chuckle. "That seems like something you would say, Haru. I'm really gonna miss you." You feel your eyes watering up as Haru wraps his arms around you.

"Maybe we can be free together, Y/N. Over the past couple of days I've realized how different I am without you." He responds with a slight smile.

"Really?" Your eyes gleam as Haru nods.

Haru sighs. "Yes. But as much as I'd like to do that I don't know if our paths will stay together. I don't want you to waste all of your life following a guy like me who has no idea what he's doing." Haru admits. You laugh.

"Well we would go along good together considering I have no idea what I'm doing either." You point out as Haru makes a weird noise. He actually laughed!

He lifts your chin close to his. You blush as he leans forwards. Haru kisses you and you hug him.After he releases, he smiles.

The two of you sat under the moon's embrace, making this stressful night turn into something wonderful.

"You have no idea how much I love you, Y/N L/N."

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