Return the Favor (Levi Ackerman x Reader)

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Written by -novas

"Why are they making me stay back on another mission? I didn't join the Survey Corps to become a maid." You grumble to yourself as you scrub a window. You hated this. The Survey Corps were going on yet another mission outside the walls today, and you had been commanded to stay back.

You didn't get it. You were the only one who stayed back. Were you truly that much of a burden?  You refused to believe you held them back because you graduated rank six. If they didn't need you that much, the least they could do is use you as Titan bait.

"Maybe it's because you don't even shut up and clean, brat." Corporal Levi hisses at you. You flinch and return to the window.

"Eren does the same thing and he gets to go on plenty of missions." You pout as Levi stops and looks at you with annoyance.

"Well maybe that's because some people actually care about you." Levi murmurs under his breath, catching your attention.

You look up. "What?"

Levi's eyes widen. "Nothing. Fine, you can come on today's mission." Levi announce as you grin widely.

"Really! Thank you thank you corporal!" You exclaim, hugging Levi. Levi just mumbles and walks off.


You were in formation with Levi's squad. Levi rode in front of you, while Eren was to your left.

"Glad to have you with us, Y/N." Eren smiles at you when you smile back. Levi just mumbles to himself.

The squad rode on for a few moments of silence, focusing on the surroundings. A loud crunching noise came from the front side, and it turned out to be a Titan. The horses slide to a stop as the Titan blocks your path.

"Oi, you're in my path." Levi shouts as he jumps off his horse. He swiftly maneuvers around the Titan's body and slices its neck. It falls to the ground and slowly vanishes.

Levi was so majestic in his Titan killing, and you wanted to be just like him. He never seemed to be afraid of anything. He looked so unaffected by everything around him.

Suddenly, more Titans rush out and surround you. The fear from the others around you was rubbing off, and it only made yours worse.

"Split up!" Levi begins in a shout, "There's no other way!"

The team nods, and splits up. You head for the right. However a Titan decides to follow you and knocks your horse from out under you. You go flying and hit the ground hard. You groan and get up as you see the Titan charging towards you.

You attach your wire to the Titan and fly towards it. It tries grabbing the wire, but misses. You swipe your blade across its nape and land softly to the ground. You grin as you watch the Titan evaporate.    

"Y/N!" Someone's voice calls out, but it's too late. A Titan tries smashing you, and hits your right leg. You yell in pain, and struggle to move.

A small figure charges towards the Titan and kill it with rage. You recognize it by the raven hair and poised movements. It was Levi.     

Levi breathes a sigh of relief and annoyance as he rushes towards you. "Tch, you're filthy." He murmurs as he unbuttons his cape and wraps it on your bleeding leg.

You smile weakly. "I'm sorry Corporal, I should've listened to you."

He just grunts. "No, it was my fault. I knew this would happen."

You felt dreariness fall upon you as your eyes began to shut. Levi panicked.

"No! Y/N. Stay awake, brat!" He shouts at you.

It was no use. You felt peaceful.


You were not dead. No, you had just fallen unconscious because Levi could still feel your heartbeat.

He sat next to you in the infirmary. You woke up as if you just escaped from a terrible nightmare.

"Levi? I'm alive?" You gasped with joy.

"No you idiot, you're dead." He snaps back and you smile.

"Levi, thank you for saving my life. I don't know if I can ever return the favor.   " You say, when Levi looks surprised. He gets up from the chair and stands beside you.

He smirks, for the first time in history. Levi leans down and kisses you. Your cheeks light up.

"You just did."

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