Falling For Ice (Toshiro x Reader)

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Written by m_y_s_t
More Fluff. Do not read if this is your first Toshiro fanfic. I love you too.

You were awoken from your nap by the sound of lightning. Opening your small house door, you poked your head out in the whistling cold. You make herbal tea, and lounge on your suede sofa. You hear a creak of a door, a slightly hunched over figure. The darkness of the hallway veiled half of the mans face, but by the paleness of his skin, and the shimmering ice blue streaks of hair, you couldn't have guessed anyone else. "Hello, (Y/N) (L/N)." He says in a monotone voice. The eyes shift towards the pot of tea, and then back at your (E/C) eyes.

"Tōshirō Hitsugaya." You murmur.

"Yes, It's Tōshirō." He replies in a slightly annoyed way.

He comes forward out of the darkness, showing his spiky blue hair. You let out a small sigh, rubbing your cheek. "It's raining out." You respond. Tōshirō's face was usually dull, and cold, but it was almost as if he was holding back a simple fact from you.

"Yes, (Y/N), I know. I came to visit anyways." He shows a sullen expression in his face, and settles in the same stark grey couch as you. "You didn't have to come here." You frown, and shuffle away a bit from the icy teen.

Tōshirō lightly blushed, instantly returning back to his monotone face. His piercing azure eyes drift, and he places a frigid hand on your cheek. You gasp, jerking your head away from his icy touch.

His face was covered in stupor and embarrassment. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He quietly says. You glumly reply with a "it's okay" before walking to your dimly lit kitchen. The rain still pouring, the rumble of the thunder roaring.

Tōshirō went after you, and clutched your small hand. "Tōshirō, it's fine." Why was he acting like this? You thought. He never got annoyed about things like this. He understands that we're friends.

You just smile, and opened the brisk fridge. Grabbing the cardboard box from last nights pizza, you took two out. He touched you on the shoulder, his hand lukewarm. You spin around, facing him. Tōshirō still had a blank face, and you just sigh.

You turned back to the pizza, and grabbed a scarlet ceramic plate. Popping the plate into the microwave for a minute, you saw that Tōshirō took a place at the dinner table.

You served the greasy pizza, and smiled at him. He's acted strange. Usually he'd talk about planning, or working on cases, but today felt like his mouth was taped shut. Sure, he did touch you on the cheek, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. He was always a discreet and shy person.


You look up from your lunch, and once again, met those silvery-blue eyes. "Yes Tōshirō?"

"You have a bit of pizza sauce on your chin."

You giggle, and wiped it off with a spare napkin. He sprang from his seat at the table, and wrapped his arms around you for only a few seconds before releasing his tight grip. You blush. Tōshirō was never expected for affection, though maybe it was his first hug.

You look up at him, your (E/C) eyes looking at him. He leaned in, and so did you. His left hand touched your rosy cheek. You ran your fingers through his hair once, just to see how it felt. It was marvelously soft, and silky. Tōshirō pulled away, dumbfounded.

"(Y/N)", he faintly whispered in your ear.

"Yes?" You question, and smiled. It was unlikely to see Tōshirō this way, and it was almost too unusual. You got out of your table seat. Your arms wrapped around his neck like vines, and you regret making that move. This could all just be an accident. You sigh. Boys can be so complicated.

"I might actually fall for someone like you." You guessed it was a compliment, but it sounded like a sentence of doubt.

"What is that suppose to mean, Tōshirō? Someone like me?" Your voice sounded annoyed, and you didn't want to let him down.

"I know you can do so much better than me, and that you might love someone else and-"

You couldn't take it anymore.

You leaned in, and pressed your lips to his. He reacted slowly, and then all at once.

"I think I might love you."

"Same here." You just grin.

I literally stayed up until 2 AM. This was a slow chapter.

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