Dating Advice (L x Reader)

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You sigh to yourself as you stare blankly at the monitor screen. You didn't get why L put you on this job rather than Matsuda or himself even. You respected his decisions though, and guessed it was for the best.

Actually, truth was you were crushing on the insomniac detective.

But no, you never wanted him to know that. L was never one interested in romance or having and maintaining a love life. He's too focused on more important things like the Kira case, and having a significant other would certainly distract him.

You found yourself aimlessly spinning around in the chair, from complete boredom. Why even bother watching the computer screen anyways? Nothing was bound to happen if nothing had happened in the past four, or what felt like four million, hours. L wouldn't mind right? 

Hours pass, and your sanity is pretty much nonexistent. You were laying in the chair, one leg hanging off the side, fast asleep. Most of the investigation team members were gathered around you, a few snickers. L was not amused.

Matsuda chuckles as he has to cover his mouth to hold himself from an outburst of laughter. L huffs and bites his lip. "Matsuda, I'd like you to take over Miss L/N's position for the night. I feel she may need some rest." L instructs, eyes focused on you. Matsuda went wide eyed but just nodded with a 'yes sir,' as he made his way over to the desk, head hanging low.

Without word L motions for Light to come over. Light nods and raises his eyebrows, but L holds up a finger to his lips to silence him. L wraps his arms around your shoulders, lifting you up, while Light holds your legs to support L. The two shift you over to the couch, where they both release their ends, as you flop onto the couch. The detective then bows in thanks to Light, still trying to ensure your sleeping.

Light exits the room, while L observes you sleeping. He took an interest in you, yet you never realized it. He admired your smarts, and how you did things differently than he did. L had always felt this way, but never knew how to tell you. Not to mention that Light was getting closer to you and L was getting very jealous of that. But, whose to say that the genius didn't have a plan?

"L?" Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the illuminations in the room. L gasps quietly to himself and looks away with a sheepish tint painted on his cheeks. 

He looks back with narrowed eyes. "I'm sorry. How did I wake you? I made sure to take all the necessary precautions-."

"You were breathing on me." You laugh as L's eyes widen.

"Oh. Sorry." 

You readjust your posture on the couch, rubbing your eyes. You stop midway in your yawn as you notice L. He was sitting in his same classic fashion; wrapping his arms around his legs. Something about him just seemed- different. It was strange.

He was fiddling with his hands as he gulps. His large eyes meet yours. "Can I ask you something? I've heard you give good dating advice, is this true?" L asks, eyes gleaming.

You nod slowly in question. "I guess..." You trail off. Why in the world was L asking about dating advice? Have the end times truly come?

He shows a slight smile. "That's good. So Y/N since you are good with dating related things, I would like to know how one asks another out? I know it may sound odd for me to be asking this but there's this girl I met who is absolutely stunning and not to mention single." L questions with a chuckle at the end as you respond with a fake smile. On the inside, what he just told you was like a bullet to your heart. Of course there had to be someone L loved, you were just being overly jealous. You just need to show him that you're happy for him and ditch the envy.

"Aww Ryuzaki~! That's great!" You exclaim, hugging him. He didn't respond but just sat there in shock. "I would suggest you be yourself and be straight out honest with her. If she doesn't appreciate that then she's not worthy." You smile.

L nods. "Got it. Might I practice it with you?" L raises his eyebrow with a pleading look. You sigh with a small nod. Practicing to hear L confess to his true love was the last thing you needed right now.

"Of course! Could you at least tell me her name? Don't worry, I'm not Kira." You chuckle awkwardly. L shakes his head. 

"Sorry, it's a secret for now. She'd be mad if I told you, anyways." L explains as you frown. So this girl had to be Misa, right?

"Anyways, let's practice. Be yourself and be as cheesy as you can be, got it? Make sure to overdue the romance." 

L nods. He shuffles closer to you and gazes into your eyes with a look of timidity. He grabs both of your hands. You could feel your cheeks turning red as you try to avoid his glare. 

"Y/N I loved you ever since I first saw. You are one of the smartest people I've ever met, and not to mention one of the most beautiful. Would you be willing to give this detective a hand and be my girlfriend?" 

As acting goes, you nod. He leans in and pulls you for a kiss. You release quickly, not wanting to be attached much longer to him considering he wasn't in love with you, rather some other girl.

He gasps. "How'd I do?"

"Excellent! I think I might've fallen for you too, Ryuzaki," You chuckle, flirting with him. "Now all that's left is to tell the girl herself." 

"Oh but Y/N, I just did."


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