Join Me (Rin Okumura x Reader)

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(Written by -novas)

Warning this probably will be a bit creepy/gory

You were walking back from school with Rin to his dorm. Ultimately you needed help on your homework, and Rin promised that Yukio could help you on it.

Rin raises his eyebrows as he glances around in confusion. There was nothing there, at least. You shrug it off.

"Rin... Are you alright?" You pause in between, as Rin snaps out of whatever trance he was in. He grins to hide his worry.

"I'm fine, but we should pick up the pace. Yukio will be mad at me if I'm late to come back."

You nod. Rin would always go somewhere after school, but he never said where. It was the strangest thing.

"Y/N, look out!" Rin yells at you, but you just stand in confusion. What was he talking about? Has he officially gone insane. There was nothing there.

You raise your eyebrow. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain. It felt as if someone was trying to take over you. No, but that's impossible.

Rin watches in horror as his hand moves to the thing on his back. You struggle as you feel yourself changing. What was going on?

"Aha I have found you at last, my prince." Some demonic voice spoke from you, as you yell.

"No!" You struggle to regain consciousness as the other thing fights you.

The other you laughs. "I see this one is strong, she's a good one." Rin screams as he draws his sword. Blue flames engulf him as he struggles to attack.

You fought the thing again. "No- Rin- stop- please." You plead as you give in, and the thing takes over you. Rin's eyes go wide. Rin hesitates as he shakes with his sword rests in his hand.

"Just come with me." The other voice tempts Rin as he realizes you were gone. Rin charges and attacks you. The demon fights back and knocks Rin to the ground.

Rin didn't want to hurt you, but he knew how dangerous this thing inside of you was. Rin swings his sword with tears on the brim of his eyes, and knocks you out, along with the demon inside of you. Rin puts his sword back into its case. He kneels down to your height, and dearly hopes that you were alive.

"Y/N?" He whispers. No response.


You groan as you wake up in an unfamiliar location. Upon gazing around, you remember that it was Rin and Yukio's dorm. But why were you here?

The last thing you remembered was walking with Rin and that's where your memory ends. Your body aches all over as well.

"Y/N, I'm glad you're finally awake." Yukio's soft voice greets you as you sit up. He smiles as you look like a dead cat. Rin walks in behind Yukio, but avoids eye contact with you and focuses on the floor.

"W-what happened? I felt like I was in some bad dream." You explain, rubbing your forehead.

Rin looks up and hesitate. "You fainted, I think. I guess it was just some bad dream."

Yukio furrows his eyebrows but nods. "Good, I was worried. The weirdest thing happened at the end- I saw Rin catch on fire!"

Rin's eyes go wide and Yukio tries to hide his shock, by placing two fingers on his glasses. "I need to speak with my brother outside for a moment, if you don't mind." Yukio says with a smile. You nod.

The room fell silent as they left. You could only hear fragments of their conversations outside the door. Yukio and Rin enter again. "Everything alright?" You question with a sweet tone. Neither of them respond.

"I'm sorry Y/N." Rin apologizes as he hugs you. You wince from the pain. He gasps and releases you.

"Rin..." You trail off as he frowns.

"Y/N we lied. You didn't have a nightmare. I'm about to say something that sounds absolutely crazy, but I'm telling the truth. Y/N you were taken over by a demon. They're all trying to find me because- well I don't think you need to know that yet. I'm an exorcist, a person who can defeat these demons, who is supposed to prevent this from happening. You almost resisted a demon- Y/N, I'm surprised, Yukio is surprised. I know this is all rushed, but can you join me and become an exorcist? We need someone like you, y'know!" Rin explains, grinning at the end.

You still sit in confusion, trying to take all of this information in. It sounded fun- but to think you actually resisted a demon? You had heard of these "demons" and stuff before from your uncle who was a priest, but to think it was all real?

You pause. "I'll join you. But you can train me, right?" You ask with a slight grin.

Rin blushes. "Heck yeah! Class is tomorrow! I can show you how to get there myself!" Rin exclaims excitedly.

The last thing you expected to happen today was become a demon hunter with your crush

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