Ice Cream (Rin Matsuoka x Reader)

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Written by m_y_s_t
From Free!
I love Rin so much.

"Hey, I'll pay for ice cream today." Your best friend Rin says.

You blush, and nod slightly, taking his hand in yours. You've always had this big crush on him ever since you guys were kids. As you and him enter the ice cream parlor, you get a chilling blast of air. You could smell the warm milk chocolate, the Carmel drizzling on bright green apples, and the buzz of a fan. It was always special when Rin bought ice cream for you. It meant he was in a good mood, and gave you a small bit of hope for your relationship with him.

After he moved to Australia, you barely had that many friends. It was usually Rins friends Haru, Nagisa, and Makoto that would come to your house. Sometimes his sister Gou would arrive randomly. You always enjoyed their company. But none of them could substitute for you and Rins friendship. When you heard Rin was coming back here, you almost didn't believe it. Until he came in your room as a surprise. You always thought you were lucky to have a friend like him. Maybe you even wanted more.

As you approached the pink glossy counter, Rin squeezes your soft hand. He was wearing his Samezuka jacket, along with jeans and a black top. "I'll have strawberry in a waffle cone please," you stated, "And I'm guessing Rin will have mint chocolate chip?"

Rin chuckled, "you know me so well (Y/N)."

The worker nodded, scrapping the ice cream into two different cones. As you and Rin grab the ice cream, you sit in a red leather booth. The ice cream parlor was fairly crowded, though you and Rin managed to get one of the last seats inside. Rin smiles at you, and you blush. STOP RIGHT THERE Y/N! NO BLUSHING. This may look like its a date but it's just friendly notions, just face it. "Can I try some of yours?" You ask, smirking at the green mustache on Rins face. "Sure, only if I try yours first." You giggle. The best idea came to you.

You brought the cone under his chin. As Rin brought his mouth to the rose colored ice cream, you shoved it in his face, leaving him in shock. "(Y/N)!" You laugh, as Rin tries to clean his ice cream colored nose with a single napkin. He almost hurls the cone at you, making a blob of green on your forehead. "RIN!" You gasp, grabbing your ice cream and splattering it all on his chest with a crunch. "Oh (Y/N.."

He gets up from his seat, what's left of his ice cream in hand. You get up from you seat too, making a dash for the door. Rin catches up to you, and grabs your arm. He holds you close, and you already feel your cheeks heating up. Ahh help me.

"R-Rin?" You shiver under his touch. He smirks, and you feel a cold substance roll down your back. He laughs, "I win, (Y/N)."

You roll your eyes, "you won nothing, Rin." You say, taunting him. Rin smiles, and he holds you closer, his strong arms wrapping around you. He leans in so close, he could kiss you.

And he does. It was gentle, but it made you melt inside. His lips were so soft, and it was hard for you to react. It reminded you of red velvet, no, more like lava cake.

He held you there for a while, brushing your hair with his hands. You wrapped your arms around his neck, which was almost a bit difficult because of how short you were compared to him. "I told you I'd win." Rin picks a piece of your hair and twirls it on his finger. "Okay, okay, you win." You frown in defeat. A steady hand cups your chin, and Rins soft lips meet yours once again.

"You taste like ice cream."

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